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August 18, 2004
More from the Hampster

I see that John Kerry is complaining about Bush's plan to redeploy troops from bases in Europe and Asia.

Kerry said the redeployment would undermine relations with U.S. allies needed to help fight in Iraq and in the war on terror. It also would endanger national security as the United States is working to deter North Korea nuclear program, he said.

As far as I have heard we will be pulling the bulk of troops out of Germany. A country, to put it mildly, that has been a less than enthusiastic supporter of our efforts in Iraq. This is also from the guy who voted against the funding for our efforts in Iraq. I am interested in knowing how having all of those troops in Germany helps to protect the US. As for the troops that would be pulled from South Korea it seems to me that if North Korea does in fact have nukes it is prudent to reduce the number troops that would be first in line to be incinerated should the North Koreans decide to nuke the South Koreans. Given the South�s tendency to appease their Northern neighbors, and the hostility that is sometimes directed at the American military based there, it would make sense for them to shoulder more of the burden of their own defense. This also goes for the Germans.

Posted by Pete at August 18, 2004 12:26 PM | TrackBack

You've missed the obvious reason we've pulled out of Germany. It's because we had a faulty plan for peace and hundreds of US military personnel have been killed in Germany since the end of major hostilities... :-/

Posted by: Faith+1 at August 18, 2004 04:48 PM

The main point of having troops in South Korea was so that they'd be in the line of fire if North Korea attacked - which would give the U.S. a casus belli. (Interestingly, the number two Google hit on "casus belli" leads to an article on North Korea.)

That sort of technicality was important during the Cold War, but matters far less today. If the North Koreans invade the South, we'll blow the crap out of them whether our troops were in the line of fire or not.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at August 20, 2004 03:14 AM
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