Bert - PJ6/PA3GIO/m or /p

DXpedition to the Caribbean - Saba Island

Total QSO count: 9500

7 - 14 March 2002: 6200 QSO's
IOTA: NA-145. Operating on 40-20-17-15-12-10M (only SSB). (Note: 20M band is in daylight very very crowded in this part of the world)
Equipment: Kenwood TS-50, 100W, 2X20M with open feeder line or Outbacker Perth.
QSL (preferable by the Bureau) to PA3GIO
Saba local time: UTC - 4 hours.

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PJ6/PA3GIO/p, 2x10M, direction East (EU)

A Winair Twin Otter STOL aircraft, flying on Saba airport.

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"Carpenter Cottage" - located in Windwardside, on the main road, with a view of the village, mountains, and ocean.
I operated from here as PJ6/PA3GIO/p with 2x10M.
The runway is 400 metres long, one of the smallest in the world. The road to Hell's Gate from the airport climbs a good two and a half kilometres and has twenty sharp curves! (Click the pictures to enlarge them.)
View from Little Rendez vous towards Windwardside. (Click to enlarge)
PJ6/PA3GIO/m at Saba Airport (click to enlarge)
We climbed to Mount Scenery (887m), the highest mountain in the kingdom of the Netherlands! (click to enlarge)

View from Mount Scenery towards Windwardside. Booby Hill on the right. (Click to enlarge)

PJ6/PA3GIO/m on Booby Hill top (on the right). (Click to enlarge)

Saba links:
Saba Tourist Office

Last update: 30 April 2002