You need to hold and control your smartphone with your hands, which can be quite a hassle and sometimes irritating. Smartphones aren’t really smart, they’re clumsy, and impersonal.
So we present “Buddy” He helps you with anything and everything His personality is especially designed and shaped to fit you and he meets your personal goals and wishes. For example, navigating through a city, warns you for danger, is a psychologist, is a wing- man, searches for information on the internet, remembers things for you, acts as a shopping list, helps you to travel effectively and so on. But, most important, he provides the social aspect that a real buddy can give you.
“Buddy is cozy, handy and someone you can drink a beer with.” – Nu.nl
“He responds to your mood.” – Volkskrant
“She tells me a funny joke when I need one.” – Frank Watching
Buddy lives in it”s floating marble full of technology and hardware. He presents himself to the user as a hologram, but it”s appearance is based on personal preferences of the user.
The City
Buddy makes sure the city will be used many times more effectively. He knows the current state of the traffic and he will respond to that, which he communicates to the user.
For example:
He analyses the traffic and reroutes the user through the traffic with alternative routes. This is what all Buddy’s do, the system works with it”s users to establish a strong collaboration that has effectiveness as the main goal.
Buddy makes sure the elevator is at the ground floor when the user enters the building.
Buddy sends messages when the user is unsuspectedly late or sick.
Buddy makes sure there is enough food in the fridge and there is a fresh cold beer ready to be used. If necessary, Buddy can make a tasteful recipe with what’s at hand. This way less food is unnecessarily thrown away.
Buddy, as the name already implies, is a friend and adjusts to you, the user. Human contact is also very important, Buddy searches for nice people you can interact with and motivates you to take action in, for example, a bar. When the user and his friends leave, Buddy leaves with them, but is very passive.
Buddy is a floating marble who likes to talk to you and presents itself as a hologram that you can actually see. Furthermore, Buddy also communicates with his surroundings. Besides the standard marble, your Buddy can be customized, you can change the color or shape to make it look like a pokeball or something similar.
The interaction is entirely by voice, but your Buddy can also reshape itself into a monitor so all kinds of media may be watched.
The technologie to create holograms is still in its infancy, there is a lot of research going into it at the moment but it will still take a lot of time. Furthermore there needs to be a anti-gravity generator which can make the marble float in the air.
We estimate that Buddy will be fully developed and presented in 2200.