(urth) The significance of Apu Punchau
David Stockhoff
dstockhoff at verizon.net
Tue Dec 30 08:16:54 PST 2008
I'm skeptical that that means anything much, since if it is a painting
it can be assumed to be a copy of a copy of a copy. Its exact
composition is irrelevant. It doesn't need to come straight from 1980.
But it is a peculiar problem, isn't it? The Bean painting here is
clearly a version of the one Rudesind is cleaning (with an extra figure
Severian does not mention, which itself means nothing since he
misinterprets what he sees):
http://www.alanbeangallery.com/JFKvision-new.html It was painted
(copyrighted) in 2004. I think it's a stretch to conclude Wolfe meant
the painting to suggest an alternative path to the same destiny,
although it's easy to argue both that the constraints of physics would
yield the same technology (gold-foil surfaces, stiffened flags) and that
Wolfe, as an engineer, would embrace that argument. The actual history
of painting is full of such impossible contradictions, and the thin
distinction between imitation and forgery is a very Borgesian idea. But
I concede it's not as strong a piece of evidence as I thought. I think
the best interpretation of this painting would assert the purely
literary nature of the game Wolfe plays, over any rigid
universe-as-clockwork-mechanism sci-fi cliche. Still, there are
suggestions in the text that Urth is Urth many times over. We just beat
that theory to death a few weeks ago, but I'd like to hear more evidence
either way. ------------------------------ Message: 6 Date: Tue, 30 Dec
2008 00:29:53 -0600 From: Jeff Wilson <jwilson at io.com> Subject: Re:
(urth) The significance of Apu Punchau To: The Urth Mailing List
<urth at lists.urth.net> Message-ID: <4959BFE1.4060202 at io.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed David
Stockhoff wrote:
> > Well, that's one theory that has been raised---that Urth is in a "later"
> > universe than Earth. The idea of Urth being a subsequent "run" is
> > intriguing. But it's both unnecessary and unsupported.
> >
> > Perhaps the plainest problem with this is the existence of the lunar
> > module photograph.
We worked out earlier in 2008 that the composition of the picture
described does not match any of the publicized Apollo 11 photos. If it
is literally a painting, the artist took considerable liberties or it is
some other moon landing. Alan Bean does similar paintings, but did not
begin until 1982.
-- Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com < http://www.io.com/~jwilson >
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