Having had positive experiences using natural healing remedies in the past, such as, essential oils, herbs and homeopathy, I decided to investigate an alternative means to help heal my bruise.
Many years ago, I read something about the healing ability of Calendula for skin care concerns, so I went to my local vitamin shop and purchased a tube of Calendula ointment from Boiron.
I applied the ointment 2-3 times a day, and within a week my bruise faded dramatically. Within two weeks, it was completely gone.
Afterwards, I began applying it not only on my bruise, but my entire face and neck as well. I wanted to see what it would do for my overall facial skin, and I have to be honest, my skin looked great.
The main thing I noticed was that the thin broken capillaries around the base of my nose began to fade over several days. I've tried many products over the years that claimed to help fade capillaries, but nothing worked quite as well as this Calendula ointment. It has now become a part of my nightly ritual, by applying a thin coat all over my face before going to bed.
I have also used this ointment for cuts, scrapes, minor burns, and chapping. I found it excellent as a lip balm and cuticle treatment during the colder winter months.
What is Calendula?

Calendula is an annual plant that thrives in almost any soil but can typically be found in Europe, Western Asia, and the United States. It belongs to the same family as daisies, chrysanthemums, and ragweed. Its branching stems grow to a height of 30 - 60 cm, and it blooms from early spring until frost. The orange-yellow petals of the flower heads are used medicinally.
Calendula is known by its botanical name as: Calendula officinalis. It belongs to the Asteraceae (Daisies) family and is known by common names such as: Garden marigold, Poet's marigold, Pot marigold and others.
Calendula is probably one of the most useful of all medicinal herbs. It has valuable medicinal properties and can be used as a culinary herb and for skin care and cosmetic purposes.
Calendula contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Beneficial applications include:
*Insect bites
*Bee stings
*Post-surgical scars
*Minor burns (including sunburn)
*Wound healing
Boiron Calendula Oinment also comes in a cream, lotion and gel form.
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