
Monday, 3 March 2025

THIS IS BAD - Neil McCoy-Ward

Ukraine's 'Thank You' to American Taxpayers ................from Rico

 For those who may have thought Zelensky the famed Penis Pianist was "out over his skis" the other day, chew on this!


Ukraine started construction of the $1.4 billion dollar 2,965 acre Goro Mountain Ski Resort in the Lviv region near their border with Poland in October 2024.


The construction schedule is planned to take 15 years and will include 25 hotels, 5,500 rooms, 41 ski slopes, and 10 miles of ski spas, swimming pools, and restaurants.


Sounds like it will make a nice R&R spot for the NATO forces and EURO's just pledged to 'stand with Ukraine.'


One can hear Zelensky's high heels tapping as he does his happy dance!

NATO Poll.............

I have to say yes. It is time for America to stand with it's regional friends and allies. Those with countries with joint values and aims. Europe no longer fits in with those. Oddly enough I do think that the majority of the European population support Trump and what he is doing in the US. Sadly we have allowed the left/progressives and power mad unelected lunatics to get control. Until these pe0ple are removed from the equation Europe and by default the UK are finished. The solution will be bloody but inevitable

Should the US leave NATO immediately? free polls

Victor Davis Hanson: Trump’s Plan for ‘Lasting Peace’ in Ukraine, Russia

Thought for the Day............


EUropa: What part of 'this is a divorce' did you not get? ..................from Rico

 Trump clearly slapped the Penis Pianist with the "cornutto" ... but WTF were Queer Starmer and the rest of the EUrofags 'thinking' when they rushed to (virtue signal) support for the dwarf that likes to dance in high heels?


The stupid smart EUroweenie leadership didn't 'get' that the US and Ukraine were just divorced, forged a coalition of the retarded and promised money, boots on the ground and planes in the air?

- What money? What boots? What airplanes? Y'awl are broke, have no military or air farces, and no freaking clue that the US isn't going to bail your faggoty asses out of trouble a third time.


Good luck, you're on your own!

Churchill and Zelensky: ALLIES vs. FRIENDS - Bill Whittle

Two leaders of two nations facing extinction at the hands of a ruthless and brutal invader. One is a former comedian, the other a direct descendant of the legendary Duke of Marlborough. So why was the representative of the most powerful nation in the history of the world willing to come to the President of the United States of America as a polite, optimistic and gracious friend and supplicant, while the former vaudeville performer wasn’t?

Israel FREEZES Gaza Aid – Hamas REJECTS Hostage Deal | TBN Israel

Starmer Orders Police To ARREST Farmers - Tousi TV

“We Can’t Even Defend Kent Let Alone Kyiv ” David Starkey

The Logan Act ....................from Rico

 After all those years protected by the Fibbies and the Dept of inJustice carrying water for the traitor Obama does Team Obama still think they are above the law?

- Above the Logan Act?


I guess we'll see.


In other news Gitmo has expanded its facilities.

NC-TN: Priorities ................from Rico

 Providing ANY aid or comfort to Western NC or Eastern TN in the wake of last Summer's Hurricane damage was not only NOT a priority for the previous Obama-led regime [read: they don't vote for us anyway, so screw 'em] it was verboten, not allowed and proactively hindered/prevented!


Elections make a difference.


Now that the HAFA (Hate-America-First Assholes) have been ousted by team MAGA, priorities have changed and I 40 has reopened.

Long Memories ...................from Rico

 Never forgive, never forget?


           down the hall and to the Left


Russians have LONG memories, so does the Donald.

- Russians remember the Ukrainian-filled SS from WWII.

- Trump remembers all the years the 'Deep State' Globohomo's fucked with him through Team Obama and proxies.


                 in contrast


Americans largely have the memory of a guppy and have 'forgotten' that it was Team Obama (spear-headed by Icky Vicky Nuland of 'Fuck the EU' fame) that staged the Maidan coup in Ukraine which installed a Globalist-Soros puppet regime that was enabled/had permission to goad/provoke Russia into a war by killing massive numbers of Russian-speaking civilians until Putin said "that's enough!"


The 'cocaine cowboy' probably has no memory, or one approaching dementia Joe's anyway.


               where does this all go


In the end this is Trump's opportunity to dump the Ukraine albatro$$, then tell the dangerous-but-useless NATO (and by extension the worse Globalist "rules Based Order" [read: we order you to obey our rules]) aka the EU to fuck off.

Centrist Dad- Keep the war going! - Andrew Lawrence

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Pic Dump................

Zelensky: The Mouse That Sharted ....................from Rico

 This explains a LOT about (a) Friday's Oval Office meeting between George Soros' nephew Zelensky and Trump, and (b) reassures us that the Fake News complex is both still 'on the job' protecting us from truth-fact-reality while stuck in "Orange Man Bad' mode.


Zelensky received a conference call from Blinken-Rice-Nuland-Vindman* while in-flight enroute DC.

- They advised him to "stand strong" and "be tough" and "don't let Trump bully you." [Keeping their perfect record of being 100% wrong on everything they have an opinion on intact.]


With friends like that, who needs the Russian army for an enemy?

- If you're taking advice from these treasonous & seditious shitstains (a) you're a moron, and (b) it helps to be on drugs like our Ukrainian cocaine cowboy.


Emboldened, inspired, and instigated by  'the mouse that roared' advice from the likes of Blinken, Rice, Nuland, & Vindman

shit-for-brains Zelensky obviously expected he could get away with his usual BS but instead became 'the mouse that sharted.'


Of course it wasn't helpful (or tolerated) that he muttered under his breath in Ukrainian "fuck you bitch" [cyka] to VP Vance. 


*Team Obama: The ultimate LOSERS of our times writ large; Jake Sullivan, Nuland, Rice, Blinken, Vindman, ad nauseum are ALL Obama's proxies and foot soldiers.

- They ALL deserve tropical vacations at Gitmo, trials, and executions.

Could Israeli Annexation of Gaza STABILIZE Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? | TBN Israel

Butthurt? You ain't seen nothin' yet, gay coked-up dwarf-boy! .................from Rico

 Zelensky's butthurt has just begun.

- So has Ukraine's.*


If the mope LARPing the role of President of Ukraine thinks he was 'lit up' for his being a world-class dumbass in the Oval Office (did the coke wear-off too soon?), that's nothing compared to the ass-reaming he'll get from his Uncle George Soros for fucking everything up.


*Ukraine's map will look very much like the attached in 2027.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

De-worming America ...............from Rico

 America has a bad case of the "worms."


As the proverbial 'can of worms' is revealed bit-by-bit so does the de-worming of America progress.


America owes Team Trump and DOGE a yuge debt of gratitude... now note that the "worms" are the only ones complaining about it!

Is this perhaps a tell' ...............from Rico

 There's a sucker sitting at every poker table.

- If you don't know who it is, it is you.


Thinking about the 'delay' in releasing certain files, one wonders IF this is a "tell" that Team Trump is holding a winning hand but hasn't played it just yet?

"Victor Davis Hanson: It's Time to Tell You EVERYTHING!!"

White House Smackdown - Andrew Lawrence

Friday, 28 February 2025

Trump and Starmer in a nutshell..................

When I saw the Trump/Starmer presser for some reason this song sprung to mind.............

"These CHEMTRAILS are out of control and they're getting worse" w Dane Wigington | Redacted News (Reposted so you can watch it not look at code)

POLICE- Free speech update - Andrew Lawrence

David Starkey: Keir Starmer will break Britain

And in five more years? ...............from Rico

 The Deagel projection in 2020 (massive global population declines) was much like Sen Joe McCarthy's warnings about Communists infiltrating the USG...(a) too early, and (b) nobody paid any attention.


Five years later, in the context  of 'vaxx uptake' in 2025, things look a bit different.

- The rise in 'sudden' deaths and 'excess' mortality combined with declining fertility and 'birth rates' suggests there has been a delayed reaction/timeline to Deagel's projections more than it does they were wrong.


I now wonder what the situation will look like five years from now?

They were better .................from Rico

 They were better cars, and those were better days ...

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Bibas Murders: The One Thing No One is Talking About | Israel Undiplomatic

Council tax scam - Andrew Lawrence

Will Trump EXPOSE Starmer’s WEAKNESS on the World Stage?

John Kennedy Shares Blunt Message For Keir Starmer Hours Before His Visit To The U.S...............

Kennedy is bang on

NATO 'next' on the chopping block? ..................from Rico

 Few Americans remember the words of Hastings Ismay regarding NATO:


"NATO exists for three reasons. To keep the Russians OUT, the Americans IN, and the Germans DOWN."


While Trump and Team Trump are not historians, they are results-oriented and America first.

- In the context of today's realpolitik it makes absolutely no sense to continue this financially lop-sided arrangement. Consider that:

- EUrope has already committed suicide [Aloha Snackbar] under the thrall of Clown World. There's literally nothing there to defend anymore. It's doubtful Russia wants to drink from their now poisoned well.

America is determining that the juice of NATO is no longer worth the $queeze and sensibly wants out of a losing proposition.

Germany has neutered itself and will never be formidable again.

= Adios NATO!

Turkey’s Secret Plan for the Middle East - The Israel Guys

How Trump is Bringing Peace and Leadership to Ukraine - Heritage Foundation

BBC Plot With Hamxs ESCALATES - Tousi TV

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Keir Starmer is now "biggest danger to UK" for attacking Nigel Farage after Donald Trump endorsement

You think our PM is an Lameass the Foreign Office F**kwit


Giving it to .Gov DOGE-Y Style ................from Rico

 So far things are going better than I expected them to, and I'm having a howling good time watching the .gov fraudsters-scammers-thieves getting it DOGE-Y Style right up the keester!


Just desserts, and all that.


They have been screwing America for years, the years 2019-2025 being the most egregious with the metastasis of a bloated .gov ...


My guess is that 80% of could be fired with the only result being a more efficient and productive system. [read: GTF Outta Here!]