Ronan the Accuser

Ronan the Accuser Villain

Real Name: Ronan (family name unknown).
Occupation: Supreme Public Accuser of the Kree Imperial Accuser Corps, former soldier.
Identity: Ronan's existence is public knowledge in the greater galaxy; his existence is unknown to the general populace of Earth.
Legal Status: Citizen of the Kree Empire.
Other Aliases: None.
Place of Birth: Imperial City, Hala, Pama system, Kree Empire, Greater Magellanic Cloud.
Marital Status: Unrevealed, presumably single.
Known Relatives: None.
Group Affiliation: Head of the Imperial Accuser Corps of the Kree Empire; formerly the Kree Imperial Army.
Base of Operations: Imperial City, Hala, Pama system, Kree Empire, Greater Magellanic Cloud.
First Post-Reboot Appearance: CAPTAIN MARVEL #1.
History: Ronan, although he grew up in an aristocratic family as one of the ruling Blue Kree, came from a family that suffered financially and politically by the Supreme Intelligence's policies expanding the rights and privileges of the White Kree majority. (Because of his position, he never uses his family surname, which remains unrevealed.) As he grew to adulthood, Ronan formed the opinion that the Kree Empire should be ruled by a Blue Kree, not a computer, even one composed of a melding of ancient Kree brain uploads.

As an adult, Ronan served a few tours in the military rising to the rank of Colonel before being recruited by the Accuser Corps, the Kree secret police. Over the years he rose through the ranks of the Accusers until he was promoted to the post of Supreme Public Accuser, whose power in the Empire was second only to the Prime Minister and the Supreme Intelligence itself. As the Supreme Public Accuser, Ronan is referred to as "the Accuser."

As the Supreme Public Accuser, Ronan worked closely with Prime Minister Zarek, who also shared Ronan's views toward the Supreme Intelligence. The two hatched a plot to discredit the Supreme Intelligence and its policies, a plot which included the manipulation and framing of a prominent White Kree, with the end goal of overthrowing the Intelligence and seizing power for themselves.

The selected Kree, Captain Mar-Vell of the Kree Imperial Army, was selected to serve as a spy on a backrocket world that had decades before driven off an invasion fleet by the Kree's ancient enemies, the Skrulls. Ronan kept close tabs on Mar-Vell's progress, occasionally relaying orders to Vell's commanding officer, Col. Yon-Rogg, in an effort to force Vell to disgrace himself by Kree law.

During this time, Ronan first came into conflict with the superhuman adventurers known as the Fantastic Four during the Four's first trip into Kree space. At that time, he warned the Four that Earth "is at a crossroads, and must decide who to join, before the choice is made for" them. It is unknown whether he was referring to any present invasion plans by either the Kree or Skrull Empires or just indicating a trend other systems have experienced.

When Mar-Vell was arrested for a court martial and then escaped his cell, Ronan was pleased as it meant his and Zarek's scheme was proceeding nicely, if a bit ahead of schedule. He did not expect Vell to escape, though he remarked to Zarek that the events could work in their favor in the long run. He was not pleased, however, with the Supreme Intelligence's command that he work with his Pursuer Corps counterpart, Korath, to chase down and apprehend Vell, as he felt Korath was too idealistic and the Pursuers superfluous.

When Korath gave him a set of coordinates but claimed business elsewhere, Ronan was immediately suspicious and assigned one of his own Accusers – ironically Mar-Vell's sister, Phyla-Vell – to shadow Korath. Based on Phyla-Vell's information, he arrived at the interstellar free port Port Nowhere moments after Mar and Phyla had talked. Ignoring Phyla's pleas on her brother's behalf, Ronan declared her a traitor and blasted her through the free port's walls and into the gas giant Port Nowhere sits in. He then threatened Korath with the same sentence if the latter ever gave him bad intel again. Despite that, he failed to apprehend Mar-Vell, as the latter quickly fled the station to search for his sister.

Ronan and Korath have continued their pursuit of Mar-Vell and his growing band of renegades. Whether he knows or cares about the pending invasion of Earth by Yon-Rogg is unknown.
Age: 43 (Earth equivalent).
Height: 7' 5".
Weight: 480 lbs.
Eyes: Blue.
Hair: Brown.
Skin: Blue.
Uniform: Metallic green chest armor with metallic gold arms and legs, metallic green faulds over the thighs and groin, metallic green gauntlets, metallic green boots, gold utility belt, green hood.
Strength Level: Due to biological enhancements given to him by the Accusers' physicians, Ronan possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) roughly 11 tons; his armor further enhances his strength enabling him to lift (press) roughly 80 tons.
Known Superhuman Powers: In addition to his superhuman strength, Ronan possesses a modicum of superhuman durability, granted to him by the Accuser Corps' resident physicians. This renders him impervious to most terrestrial conventional small-arms, though less resistant to the advanced energy weapons fielded by the interstellar powers.

As an Accuser, Ronan possesses a cybernetic implant which enables him to speak and read all known languages; this implant is also able to learn new languages that are encountered and not in its database (such as those of Earth).
Other Abilities: Ronan is a skilled melee combatant, soldier, and leader. He has also become a skilled politician.
Weapons and Paraphernalia: Ronan wears a suit of armor which renders him nearly impervious to harm; it does this through a combination of force field projectors and superior materials technology. This armor includes a strength-enhancing exoskeleton which enables him to boost his strength and a stealth system that can render him invisible. The armor includes gauntlets which produce a super-cold ice, which can place most beings in a state of suspended animation.

All Accusers carry weapons called "cosmic rods" (approximate English translation). As the Supreme Public Accuser, Ronan wields the most powerful and versatile of these cosmic rods. These cosmic rods can take the form of any melee weapon the wielder desires, but once the form is chosen, the form cannot be changed until it is attuned to a new user; Ronan's cosmic rod has taken the form of a giant hammer. Each cosmic rod uses cosmic energy in some as yet unknown manner to create a variety of effects controlled by the user's will. Among the capabilities displayed by Ronan's cosmic rod are the disintegration, rearrangement, and transmutation of matter, the projection of a variety of forms of energy, the absorption of energy, localized control over gravity, and the creation of force fields and temporal stasis fields. He can also call the cosmic rod to him at will.

3,516 points

ST: 30/120 [60*†] HP: 30 [0] Speed: 7.25 [0]
DX: 14 [80] Will: 20 [35] Move: 7 [0]
IQ: 13 [60] Per: 15 [10]  
HT: 15 [50] FP: 20 [0*] SM: 0

Dmg: 3d/5d+2 (13d/15d; 33d/35d) BL: 180 lbs (2,880 lbs/1.44 tons; 20,480 lbs/10 tons)
Dodge: 11 Parry: 12 DR: 40*
IT:DR: /3  

Languages: Kree (Native) (Native Language) [0].

Cultural Familiarities: Kree Empire (Native) [0].

Advantages: Administrative Rank 10 [50]; Appearance (Handsome) (Impressive, +0%) [12]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Damage Resistance 40 (Tough Skin, -40%; Passive Biological, -5%) [110]; Eidetic Memory [5]; Extra Attack 1 [25]; Hard to Kill 3 [6]; Hard to Subdue 3 [6]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Indomitable [15]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction /3) (Passive Biological, -5%) [71]; Intuitive Statesman 3 [30]; Natural Copper 3 [30]; Security Clearance (Kree Accusers; Free Access on Broad Range of Secrets) [15]; Signature Gear (Cosmic Rod) [100]; Social Regard (Feared) 3 [15]; Status 10 [20‡]; Super ST +10/+100 (Passive Biological, -5%) [395]; Very Fit [15]; Wealth (Multimillionaire 3) [125]; Xeno-Omnilingual (Electronic, -30%) [56].

Armor: Affliction (Suspended Animation) 6 (HT-5; Follow-Up: Binding, -0%; Incapacitation: Unconsciousness, +200%) [180]; Binding (Ice Block) 120 (Accurate +3, +15%; Gadget/Breakable: Object is complex machine, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Size -4, -15%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%; Reduced Range, -20%; Variable, +5%) [168]; Damage Resistance 100 (Gadget/Breakable: Size 0 or more, -25%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%) [325]; Damage Resistance 50 (Gadget/Breakable: Size 0 or more, -25%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%; Partial: Torso, -10%) [138]; Enhanced ST +200 (Electronic, -30%; Gadget/Breakable: Object is complex machine, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: Size 0 or more, -25%; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed, -10%) [480].

Perks: Acceleration Tolerance [1]; Alcohol Tolerance [1]; Fearsome Stare [1]; Off-Screen Reload [1]; Style Familiarity (Kree Military Hand to Hand) [1]; Weapon Bond (Cosmic Rod) [1].

Disadvantages: Bloodlust (9) [-15]; Bully (9) [-15]; Callous [-15]; Intolerance (Total) [-5§]; Megalomania [-10]; Selfish (6) [-10]; Stubbornness [-5].

Quirks: Ambitious [-1]; Believes He Is Above the Law [-1]; Gives Lip Service to Code of Honor (Soldier's) [-1]; Tactless [-1]; Treacherous [-1].

Skills: Administration (A) IQ+3 [2] – 16#; Battlesuit/TL11 (A) DX+0 [2] – 14; Beam Weapons/TL11 (Rifle) (E) DX+1 [2] – 15; Body Language (Kree) (A) Per+3 [2] – 18¥; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1] – 13; Computer Operation/TL11 (E) IQ+0 [1] – 13; Current Affairs/TL11 (Headline News) (E) IQ+3 [1] – 16#; Current Affairs/TL11 (Politics) (E) IQ+3 [1] – 16#; Detect Lies (H) Per+3 [4] – 18¥; Diplomacy (H) IQ+3 [4] – 16#; Electronics Operation/TL11 (Surveillance) (A) IQ+1 [4] – 14; Free Fall (A) DX-1 [1] – 13; Gunner/TL11 (Beams) (E) DX+1 [2] – 15; Hiking (A) HT-1 [1] – 14; Innate Attack (Beam) (E) DX+1 [2] – 15; Intelligence Analysis/TL11 (H) IQ+2 [2] – 15¥; Interrogation (A) IQ+7 [1] – 20¥¶; Intimidation (A) Will+0 [2] – 20; Judo (H) DX+1 [8] – 15; Jumping (E) DX+0 [1] – 14; Karate (H) DX+1 [8] – 15; Law (Kree Imperial) (H) IQ+3 [4] – 16#; Leadership (A) IQ+3 [2] – 16#; Lifting (A) HT-1 [1] – 14; Navigation/TL11 (Hyperspace) (A) IQ-1 [1] – 12; Observation (A) Per+3 [2] – 18¥; Piloting/TL11 (Aerospace) (A) DX-1 [1] – 13; Politics (A) IQ+3 [2] – 16#; Propaganda/TL11 (A) IQ+3 [2] – 16#; Public Speaking (A) IQ+3 [2] – 16#; Running (A) HT-1 [1] – 14; Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ+3 [8] – 16; Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) IQ+0 [1] – 13; Search (A) Per+3 [2] – 16¥; Shiphandling/TL11 (Starship) (H) IQ+0 [4] – 13; Soldier/TL11 (A) IQ+0 [2] – 13; Spacer/TL11 (E) IQ+0 [1] – 13; Streetwise (A) IQ+3 [2] – 16¥; Swimming (E) HT+0 [1] – 15; Tactics (H) IQ+0 [4] – 13; Throwing (A) DX+0 [2] – 14; Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace) (E) DX+2 [4] – 16; Two-Handed Axe/Mace (A) DX+2 [8] – 16; Vacc Suit/TL11 (A) DX+0 [2] – 14; Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4] – 15.

Starting Spending Money: $400,000,000 (20% of Starting Wealth).

* Includes +4 to ST and +5 to FP from the Blue Kree racial package.

† Includes +10/+100 from Super ST.

‡ Includes +3 from Administrative Rank and +3 from Wealth.

§ Upgraded from Intolerance (Skrulls) from the Blue Kree racial package.

# Includes +3 from Intuitive Statesman.

¥ Includes +3 from Natural Copper.

¶ Defaulted from Intimidation.

Role-Playing Notes:

Ronan is a ruthless and ambitious man who honestly and truly believes his racist Blue Kree supremacist rhetoric. He never forgets a slight against him.

Design Notes:

1. This build, and the High TL trait in the Blue Kree racial package, assumes a campaign TL of 8, as would be encountered on modern-day Earth. In any cosmic campaign, the campaign would be considered a TL 11 setting, reducing Ronan's point cost by 15 points and increasing his Starting Money to $1.5 billion (20% of Starting Wealth).

2. The point cost of the Cosmic Rod (what in the comics has been called his Ultimate Weapon) has yet to be determined. As a placeholder, until I can kit-bash it together and apply the Metatronic Generator rules (from Pyramid #3/46), I'm simply setting 100 points aside for it as a Signature Gear item.