Tuesday, June 26, 2018

A Dabba-Do Time

This year's annual birthday trip took us to Arizona to visit the Grand Canyon. We stayed in Williams, AZ and on the way to the canyon we made a pit stop at a place that I didn't think really existed.

Bedrock City

And yes I mean like Fred, Wilma, Betty and Barney, Bedrock City!

Even the kids were there...


This place was as cheesy as I hoped it would be. Really it was everything I hoped it would be.

I have a feeling these would be their exact faces if they ever were arrested.

Joey took the rap for Phi.

Louie really needed to learn a lesson.

You can explore the Flintstones's and Rubble's houses. Or the market, beauty salon, post office, and even school.

You can "drive" a cool vehicle just like Fred does. 

Or slide down the back of a dinosaur just like Fred does!

Then we hooked up our pre-historic trailer and headed to the Grand Canyon.

Friday, June 01, 2018

Happy 8th Louie!

My otter loving, funny face making, Elwood feeding, wimpy kid reading, uncle Rico posing, Netflix 'bitch' watching, weird sauce making, never jean wearing, always legging wearing, beautiful, silly smart girl Louie.

Happy Birthday! I love you so very much. You make our world sunny and bright! Can't wait for the big birthday trip! 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Bucket List 2018- Salvation Mountain

For Mother's Day we went out to cross off an item from our 2018 Family Bucket List. I have always wanted to see the amazingness that is Salvation Mountain.

This giant man-made tribute to God is the work of the late Leonard Knight. He spent years creating this art masterpiece.

This place was more magnificent than I imagined.

What I love most about these adventures is that my kids always complain about going and then they get there and I see their eyes light up.

And you best believe we climbed to the top! There is a yellow pathway that you can walk. But with the layers and layers of paint take good shoes because its slippery.

Can you spot me and the girls?

Salvation Mountain is in Niland, Ca and about 30 minutes from the Salton Sea. It's in the middle of almost nothing. We picked a good time to go, this area gets mega hot in the summer time.

Yes that is Phi dabbing on the top of Salvation Mountain.

Look at those faces....

The view from the top...

Me and my Louie....

The section to the right you can walk through. It is the closest I have even been to being in a Dr. Seuss book.

Every where you look there is a new little detail to see.

It's liking walking through a magical unicorn forest.

Me and my main man.

Even around the mountain there were vehicles that had been turned into art.

How is the youngest the most bad-ass of the family?

Salvation Mountain was a very cool thing to see. I am so happy this is where we spent Mother's Day! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

To My Daughter On Her 13th Birthday

My Phi,

Happy 13th Birthday My Lovey.

I know how excited you are to be turning 13 and becoming a real life teenager. And you should be excited. It's a really big deal. I remember how different 13 feels. It's such an exciting, confusing and scary time. I remember thinking how no one could possibly understand what my life was like or how it felt to be me. I am going to admit it here, being you at 13 is a lot different than being me at 13. There are things that are a reality for you that I never even thought about as a 13 year old. My biggest worry when it came to school was embarrassing myself by tripping with my cafeteria tray. Your biggest worry is school shootings. As a parent it is so hard to drop you guys off some days, I can't even begin to image what it's like to be a student. Even with such big things to worry about I know that the usual 13 year old fears are there too because some things never change.

It's hard to believe that I am the parent of a teenager. As our oldest kid everything we go through with you is our first time around. You have been such an easy first child. You have always been smart, funny, creative, and kind. You make your Dad and I look like amazing parents, but really a big part of it is just you. As your life starts to get a little more complicated I pray that your continue to be easy to raise. Just know that I am always here for you. I always want to know what is going on in your life and in your mind. I will always want to know what music you are into. I will always want to read what you have written or see what you have drawn. But what I really want you to always remember is that I love you unconditionally. That means that there is nothing you can do that will make me stop loving you. Absolutely nothing. I hope that if you know this, you will always be willing to come to me with any issue that may come up in your life.

And don't forget that your Tia's, Nina's and Nana are always there for you too. We are here if you need advice, or just someone to listen.

I love you so much Phi. You are still my Super Duper Kiddo and I am very proud of the person you are becoming.



Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Salton Sea Road Side Pit Stop

My initial Mother's Day plan was to do as little as humanly possible. But then after eating a delicious breakfast made by my insanely handsome husband he asked me if I wanted to head out adventuring and cross off something from our 2018 bucket list. I couldn't resist and adventure with my 3 people. So we grabbed waters, snacks and jumped in the Land Cruiser.

On our way to our ultimate destination we made a stop at the Salton Sea Visitors Center. We have been to the Salton Sea before but never to this part.

So some fun facts....

  • The Salton Sea is not a sea despite its mega saltiness. It is legit 25% salty than the ocean 
  • It is actually the largest lake in California at 375 square miles. 
  • Water can't run out of the Salton Sea so it just kinda sits there hence the algae and smell issues.
  • A lot of the "sand" on the shore is really barnacles. 

  • Despite the fact that the Salton Sea was completely empty of people on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon, you can fish and boat there. 
  • Because of the mega saltiness and the low altitude (it's over 200 feet BELOW sea level) boats can go faster than normal. 

  • There is a fantastic documentary about the Salton Sea called Plagues and Pleasures of the Salton Sea and it is narrated by none other than John Waters. Yes that little mustache dude!

  • Dead fish are super common to see on the shores. 

It's such a shame that the water is just not suitable for swimming and quite frankly it doesn't smell to pleasant out there. This was once a great water sport destination and would be awesome to see if resurrect itself .

But Joey, the girls and I had a great time exploring.

Dirt Road Diary- Berdoo Canyon

It had been awhile but Joey recently convinced me to head out on an off-roading adventure. Mostly because the San Berdoo trail ends inside J...