The Genus
Herman R. Sweet
The Orchid digest - Orchids of the world volume 1 -
Written in English.
The very best book around on Phalaenopsis species.
Book originally printed in 1980 and unfortunately now out of print.
Species are each described in botanical detail. Few color photos, but
lots of sketches. If you could have only one book on Phalaenopsis, this
would have to be the one.
Olaf Gruss
& Manfred Wolf
Edition Ulmer, ISBN : 3-8001-6551-1 Written in German.
Best book today on Phalaenopsis species and primary
hybrids of Phalaenospis. Illustrated with numerous beautiful pictures.
A must have in your library..
Species culture, Volume 1
Charles O. Baker - Margaret L. Baker
Edition Timber Press, ISBN : 0-88192-189-0 - Written in
Excellent book, very complete with a large part
dedicated to Phalaenopsis. Cultural information on each species. No
photographs, unfortunately.
orchidées Phalaenopsis
André Poliquin
Edition Trécarré, ISBN : 2-89249-646-2 - Written
in French.
The only reference in French about Phalaenopsis
species. Very good book, with beautiful pictures.
a Monograph
Eric A. Christenson
Edition , ISBN : 0881924946 - Written in English.
This book is the more recent update of the genus. The
author includes the genus Kingidium and the genus Doritis
within the genus Phalenopsis. All the pictures are in a single
section ordered alphabeticaly.
Chiba Masaaki
Edition Chiba Masaaki Phalaenopsis Species Publishing
Society, ISBN : - Written in Japanese and English.
Posthumous book by the man who discover Phalaenopsis
chibae. Beautiful display. The species are alphabeticaly ordered
but the classification do not follow the update of the genus by Herman
to Z of South East Asian Orchid Species
Peter O'Byrne
Edition Orchid Society of South East Asia / Singapore,
ISBN : 981-04-4479-6 - Written in English.
As you can see from the title, there is not only Phalaenopsis
in this book, and every Phalaenopsis is not describe, but this
is a really great book. One picture by species and indications about
the needed growing conditions thru simples and clear diagrams.
The Orchids of the Philippines
Jim Cootes
Edition Timber Press , ISBN 0-88192-516-0 -
Written in English.
Numerous orchid species from the Philippines are
presented in this great book. 19 Phalaenopsis species are describe
with, for each species, a photo and precious indications about the
habitat and ditribution of these plants.