Study: Sweden is best country in the world

Sweden has been ranked the world’s top nation in the latest edition of the Good Country Index. The study used official figures from the United Nations and other international organisations to quantify what each country contributes to the rest of the world and what it takes away, relative to its size. Simon Anholt, creator of the […]
The EU-Turkey migration deal is dying

It’s been less than 11 weeks since the EU struck its controversial deal with Turkey to stem the flow of asylum seekers into Europe. The agreement was immediately under pressure on several fronts and now looks set to unravel completely, even before any mass returns come to pass. Two weeks ago, a committee on the […]
Tanzania to host major investment forum

The Tanzania International Forum For Investments is scheduled to take place at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre in Dar es Salaam, the Tanzanian capital from 12-14 July. With confirmed funding commitments amounting to US$1 billion and confirmed participation from global investors and funding institutions in control of more than US$200 billion, the forum is set […]
Eritrea: promoting development, food security

In 1994, Eritrea released the Macro Policy Paper (MPP), articulating a broad national development policy with a special focus on agriculture. Specific points raised in the document include: the need to create of a modern, technologically advanced and competitive agricultural sector; the importance of producing high value agricultural commodities through the development of irrigation and […]