Global health reporting contest for journalists

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), with the support of Johnson & Johnson, will recognize the best media coverage of maternal and child health and other key health issues from each region. Print, broadcast and online journalists in Brazil, China, India, Russia and Sub-Saharan Africa are eligible. Possible topics of coverage include reducing maternal, infant and child mortality, reducing […]
‘Liberian women have important mission’

U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama has said women in Liberia have an important mission to accomplish, which she believes they can do if they acquire education. “No matter what anybody tells you, I want you to keep fighting. Stay in school; go to secondary school; go to university if you can and then, when you do […]
Sweden elected to UN Security Council

On Tuesday Sweden was convincingly elected to the United Nations Security Council. Six months ago we were considered to be out of the running. Today we have a seat on the Security Council. This is a great victory for Swedish foreign policy and Swedish diplomacy. For a government that stands for solidarity and cooperation, a […]
Africa shows mixed results in poverty fight

The World Bank’s latest review of government policies and institutions in Africa shows that half of the region’s countries posted relatively weak performance in their policy environment supporting development and poverty reduction in 2015. According to the World Bank’s annual Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) for Sub-Saharan Africa, seven countries out of 38 registered […]
Thousands attend burial of Liberian in US

Thousands of Liberians and other mourners last weekend attended the wake and funeral service for Joseph Toe Tehmeh, a prominent and beloved Liberian, who died on May 28 in Maryland, USA. Many tributes were paid to the deceased, who was 48 years old, extolling the many positive ways in which he touched the lives of people during the wake […]
How will Brexit impact Africa?

What could potentially be the consequences of Brexit on African countries? It’s still of course quite uncertain what’s going to happen and right now it’s seems difficult to judge whether it’s going to have a good or brutal impact on African countries. There are a number of ways in which Brexit could have an impact […]
Innovation Prize for Africa awarded

In a glittering ceremony that marked the five-year milestone anniversary of the Innovation Prize for Africa the landmark programme of the African Innovation Foundation (AIF) innovative healthcare solutions took pole position this year, offering ground-breaking responses to address Africa’s prevailing malaria and HIV/AIDS burdens. Out of a total of 985 applications, 10 nominees were selected, and […]
Kompass: Why I resigned from the UN

By the time I reported the sexual abuse of children by peacekeepers in Central African Republic in 2014, I had worked for the UN for nearly 20 years; writes Anders Kompass There is no hierarchy in the horror and brutality I witnessed during those two decades – massacres, torture, killings, the displacement of populations – but an […]
Sweden inaugurates top-notch research facility

Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven together with King Carl Gustaf on Tuesday inaugurated synchrotron light source MAX IV in Lund in the south of the country. MAX IV is a sort of microscope for studying the make-up, qualities and functions of various materials by means of intense X-rays (synchrotron light). The light used has an energy […]
Africa: Aleda lauches money transfer in three countries

Aleda, a French company specialising in paperless payment solutions and money transfers, has established itself as a key player in the sector with the recent launch of Orange Money. The Orange Money mobile payment solution launched in France on the 15th of June thanks to the expertise of both Orange and Aleda, the first distributer […]