, a site with the list of public holidays for Ireland (and a printable calendar).
Crawford College of Art multimedia final year multimedia and visual communication students have an exhibition starting June 10th. Hope the website isn’t a testimony to their skills.
IGNITE (in UCC) is a free 9 month business incubation programme which has been designed specifically for graduates who wish to set up new businesses and turn innovative ideas into new products and services. Applications are now open from graduates of any discipline, from any 3rd Level Institution for IGNITE – beginning in October 2011. Information evening is on June 13th.
CruiseCamp 2011 is a go.
CruiseCamp is a fun and informal business networking event with a difference. Setting sail on the fabulous Moonriver Pleasure Cruiser at 7pm from the bridge in Carrick on Shannon you will meet business owners from around Ireland while cruising on the river Shannon
Bus Éireann are sponsoring Alan Bennett to travel around the country on Bus Éireann services to events, gigs and festivals and report on them. Blog here.
How NOT to recruit an independent IT contractor.
Yes please. Weyland-Yutani T-Shirt
Ai Weiwei portrait projected on to Chinese Consulate.
All watched over by Machines of Loving Grace, the docu from Adam Curtis is high on smug and low on data but the music is great, here’s one track:
Pizzicato Five – Baby Love Child