Absolutely Nothing

Just waiting, terribly tired. Very long story involves finding surgeon who would tackle my back, getting all the labs done, clearances from other doctors, setting the date – all of which have to be done before office contacts insurance for authorization and…

getting denied. Surgeon did a doctor to doctor consult with insurance company as authorizations not made by doctors, they follow a set script.

still denied. So surgeon sent MRI for insurance doctor to review. Waiting.

With my nurse cat.

I had hoped my sister would be here by the time I had surgery. That will wait too, delayed another month, paperwork, taxes, details. She finally sold her house and has enough to visit. I look forward to it very much. We had fun last couple times she was here and hope to do the same.

Mind you I am hardly bored, lots to do. Although I have neglected the blog, Pinterest, Instagram and unlinked Facebook (FSB), I do tweet. I had been looking forward to Fridays as they had the most heartwarming news. But it’s Wednesday and Hope gone.

Jared’s demoted, won’t be getting that TS/SCI Clearance job required, maybe it’s business. Appear he’s compromised, just imagine the NATSEC implications of that.

Some people can never get a break. Long ago, I was turned off by the nastiness. He still is. Absolute loyalty demanded to him not the Constitution. Wrong!

Expect things might get dicey as in my quest to filter out the nasty from my Twitter feed, came across some who felt Sessions referral to the IG a masterful stroke to be used as authorized under Section (e)(1) to arrest all tRUmp’s opponents.

The ones being indicted and arrested aren’t his opponents, they’re his campaign manager, staff. WH has become a circular firing squad.

Two more days. Time to stock up on popcorn.

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