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PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Nov 25, 2023 16:29 UTC (Sat) by nix (subscriber, #2304)
In reply to: PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software by excors
Parent article: PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Side note: as of InfiniTime 1.13, this is obsolete: in my fairly heavy use (lots of notifications, music use, navigation) the battery lasts almost three weeks (and GadgetBridge can draw graphs of battery consumption against time because of course it can). Further optimizations stretching it beyond a month are almost certainly possible. Non-PineTime users seem to find this hard to believe :)

(I just got a dev kit and am planning to do some hacking, probably adding some complications, because it's not a proper watch unless it has silly spinny things on it.)

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PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Nov 25, 2023 18:01 UTC (Sat) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link] (1 responses)

> because it's not a proper watch unless it has silly spinny things on it.

You mean like hands?


PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Nov 29, 2023 18:11 UTC (Wed) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

No no those are *practical* spinny things. Complications track things like the phase of the moon, a wristwatch orrery, countdowns to important events (historically the Olympic Games, but I think LPC matters more)... that sort of thing, totally useless but all the better for that.

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