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PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 25, 2023 9:37 UTC (Fri) by danielthompson (subscriber, #97243)
In reply to: PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software by dottedmag
Parent article: PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

If I remember correctly part of the reason to set up pine64eu.com was to provide options for people who are uncomfortable to order from pine64.com (which IIRC is based in Hong Kong).

AFAIR the aims for pine64eu.com were to sells the same goods but with better customer service, a warranty and with predictable prices (because all VAT and import duty are included in the price). Naturally that does mean their prices are higher even after VAT and import duty are included. I'm based in the UK (and therefore can't use pine64eu.com) but I typically guesstimate that I need to multiply the pine64.com price by 1.5x to cover VAT, duty and the courier-fees-for-collecting-the-VAT-and-duty.

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PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 25, 2023 9:49 UTC (Fri) by dottedmag (subscriber, #18590) [Link]

VAT and import fees are expected.

"cancellation fee" is unheard of.

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