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PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

August 22, 2023

This article was contributed by Sam Sloniker

The PineTime is an inexpensive smartwatch developed by PINE64 that is designed to run open-source operating systems. Despite its low cost, however, it has most of the features expected from more expensive, proprietary smartwatches. Because it runs open-source software, though, interested developers can add any other useful features that they dream up.

Users can flash any compatible operating system to the PineTime. Currently, there are two major projects: InfiniTime, which comes preinstalled and is written in C++, and Wasp-os, using MicroPython. InfiniTime is the more popular of the two, perhaps in part because it comes on the watch. But, perhaps surprisingly, the watch ships with an outdated version of InfiniTime; users should upgrade in order to benefit from several improvements, including power optimizations that can double the watch's battery life. There are two other firmware projects that I know of out there: GopherWatch, written in Go and currently in early development, and a seemingly unnamed and currently unmaintained firmware written in Rust. I did not test either of those.

Main features

[Wasp-os digital clock]

In addition to the obvious feature of displaying the current time, smartwatches, including the PineTime, implement a variety of features that distinguish them from standard digital watches. Some of these, such as alarm and timer functions, are common on regular watches as well, but others, such as the ability to read notifications from a phone or monitor one's heart rate, are specific to smartwatches. The PineTime has all of these features and more.

Like most smartwatches, the PineTime allows the user to select any of several different watch faces. Both InfiniTime and Wasp-os offer several, including both digital and analog displays, and both allow developers to create new ones.

Both operating systems have alarm, timer, and stopwatch apps. All three work as expected, although the watch's lack of a speaker limits the alarm and timer to vibrating the watch to notify the user. The alarm repeatedly vibrates until it is dismissed in both systems. This is not enough to reliably wake me up, but it may work for lighter sleepers. The timer in InfiniTime simply vibrates once; Wasp-os's timer uses the same vibration sequence as the alarm.

Notifications and calls

[InfiniTime analog clock]

The watch pairs to a phone (or computer) using a companion app on the other device. When the user's device receives a notification, it is sent to the watch, which vibrates and displays the message content. Incoming calls can be answered or declined from InfiniTime; this can be used to dismiss unwanted calls with no extra hardware, but a Bluetooth headset or similar device is needed for it to be useful for answering. Wasp-os does not have this feature; there is a pull request to add a phone app, but it has not been updated in over two years, and I did not test it.

I use Gadgetbridge on my Android phone and it works well with InfiniTime. It also works with Wasp-os, but I have had several notifications that did not appear on the watch when running Wasp-os, despite being close to the phone; that has also happened occasionally on InfiniTime, but much less frequently. Although I have only used the watch with my Android phone, the PineTime can also be used with iOS, Windows, or Linux devices — including Linux phones such as the PinePhone, which is also made by PINE64.

In addition to handling notifications, updating the time on the watch, and a few other features, companion apps are used to switch operating systems or install updates by reflashing the watch's firmware. I have flashed firmware using both Gadgetbridge on my phone and siglo, a companion app for Linux, on my laptop; while long-term pairing to a computer is not likely to be practical because the watch and companion device must be kept quite close, it works well for flashing.

Music and fitness tracking

[InfiniTime 2048 game]

Although the PineTime does not have a speaker and thus cannot play music on its own, it can be used to control music being played on a phone. The watch shows the name and duration of the song being played and allows the user to pause and resume the music and skip tracks. The app is designed similarly on InfiniTime and Wasp-os, but it seems to only work on InfiniTime. Attempting to use the music app on Wasp-os crashes my watch, requiring a reboot. I submitted a GitHub issue to Wasp-os's repository regarding this bug.

The PineTime has a heart-rate monitor built in. It takes around ten seconds to obtain a reading, although sometimes it can take closer to thirty seconds. Because the watch stops monitoring when the screen is off for battery savings, it is not always convenient to check the heart rate. Once it obtains a reading, though, it updates every few seconds. InfiniTime is generally within a few beats per minute of the reading from an over-the-counter pulse oximeter that I compared it with; Wasp-os seems to be less accurate.

The watch tracks footsteps based on its internal accelerometer. It generally seems to be accurate, but, of course, a pedometer carried on the arm cannot be as accurate as one carried on a leg. Despite its limitations, it is likely adequate for most users. The watch screen does not have to be on for it to track steps.

As might be expected, other apps are available, including a few basic single-player games for both operating systems, a metronome and basic drawing app for InfiniTime, and a calculator and bubble level for Wasp-os.


The PineTime has a 1.3inch (33mm) square 240x240 pixel capacitive touchscreen. The watch uses a 64-bit 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 system-on-chip, the Nordic Semiconductor nRF52832, clocked at 64MHz. The watch has 64KB RAM, 512KB flash for the operating system, and 4MB of user data storage. It does not run Linux due to the limited amount of RAM; operating systems for the PineTime either run on the bare metal or on a lightweight platform designed for microcontrollers. InfiniTime is based on FreeRTOS, and Wasp-os, as mentioned earlier, runs in MicroPython.

[PineTime watch]

Although the PineTime's resources are quite limited compared to many other smartwatches, this does not keep it from being a fully usable device. Developers do have to be careful with resources, limiting the number of features that can be added, but both operating system projects are careful with flash and memory usage, largely mitigating the effects of these limitations.

The PineTime has one mechanical button which is used for a variety of purposes. When the screen is off, the button wakes it back up. When the screen is on and open to an app, it goes back to the previous page, similar to the back button on an Android smartphone. When the watch face is displayed, the button turns the screen off.

The button is on the left side of the watch in order to prevent accidental button presses by keeping the button away from the hand when worn on the left arm, as is typically done by right-handed people. Even though I am left-handed and wear the watch on my right wrist, though, accidental button presses have not been a problem.

Unlike regular watches, which can often run for years without needing a new battery but are generally not rechargeable, smartwatches have to be recharged relatively frequently because they use much more power. On my watch running Infinitime 1.13, the latest version, the battery lasts almost two weeks with only light intermittent use of the heart-rate monitor. Wasp-os is much less energy-efficient; it lasts less than two days on a charge. It takes about two or three hours to fully recharge the battery.


The operating systems themselves are both open-source projects hosted on GitHub; InfiniTime is released under the GPLv3+ and Wasp-os is released under the LGPLv3+. Both, however, use an SDK published by Nordic Semiconductor under a proprietary license. This appears to be the only non-free code used in either operating system.

[Wasp-os apps]

The watch does not expose a hardware reset button, or any other way to recover from a frozen operating system. This means that, without protections in place, a frozen watch could not be rebooted, or returned to the bootloader for reflashing, without waiting for the battery to fully drain, which, as mentioned earlier, can take a while.

To avoid effectively bricking the watch for this time, both operating systems' bootloaders set a watchdog timer that is periodically reset by the operating system. If the timer is not reset every few seconds, control is returned to the bootloader, allowing the user to reboot or flash a new operating system. Thus, there is minimal risk of bricking the watch, as long as only stable, well-tested bootloaders are used.

PINE64 does sell a developer kit, which has the same hardware as the PineTime but is not sealed, allowing access to pins for resetting and reflashing the watch. Developers who want to work on the bootloader will probably want a developer kit, but, because of the watchdog, it should not be necessary for other development. The developer kit is currently out of stock, but it appears that this is temporary. It is also possible to break the seal and open the watch, but there is a risk of damaging the hardware.

Building either operating system requires the GCC toolchain for Arm (arm-none-eabi) and the Nordic SDK mentioned earlier. Both InfiniTime and Wasp-os support automatic builds using GitHub Actions. If this is enabled on a user's fork, then every time new code is pushed, a new build will automatically run on GitHub.

Both operating systems provide simulators, which can be used for quick development. Of course, a simulator cannot fully replicate the watch; despite their limitations, though, they can still be quite helpful. Because it is MicroPython-based, Wasp-os does not require a build step to use the simulator after making changes.

I found it quite easy to develop for Wasp-os, but much more difficult for InfiniTime. However, this is likely in large part because I have extensive experience with Python, but little with C++. I also have no experience with LVGL, the graphics library used by InfiniTime; if I were more familiar with C++ and LVGL, it would probably be easier to develop for InfiniTime. For a user with no development experience, learning Python is likely easier than learning C++, making Wasp-os the right choice.

Choosing an operating system

As explained in the InfiniTime project's vision statement, the overall goal is to create an easy-to-use, reliable operating system. It is mostly a user-focused project, intended to create a consumer-ready OS. I believe it has mostly achieved this goal; it took a few hours to become fully comfortable navigating the system, but since then, it has been at least as easy to use as the Wear OS watch that I used previously.

Unlike InfiniTime, the main goal of Wasp-os is to simplify app development. The Application Writer's Guide says, "Wasp-os [...] has one pervasive goal that influences almost everything about it [...]: make writing applications easy (and fun)." The choice to use MicroPython reflects this goal; it makes it easier to learn app development, but leads to a slower operating system for users. The interface also seems slightly less polished, but this is, of course, a matter of opinion. Finally, Wasp-os appears to have more bugs, several of which have already been mentioned.

Overall, both operating systems have distinct strengths and weaknesses. While InfiniTime is probably the best choice for most users, Wasp-os does have several of its own advantages. In addition to the benefits for developers, it does have more apps available, likely because development is easier.

With either operating system, the PineTime is an excellent choice for developers who want to create apps for their own watch. With InfiniTime, most users would probably be able to use it with few or no problems; installing updates seems to be the most complicated part, and that is infrequent and not too difficult. Overall, the PineTime is suitable for a wide range of users; it is easy to use for those who simply want a basic smartwatch, while allowing full control over the hardware for developers who are interested in experimenting with the device.

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GuestArticlesSloniker, Sam

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PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 15:14 UTC (Tue) by ribbo (subscriber, #2400) [Link] (5 responses)

The Cortex-M4 MCU is not 64 bit, in fact I believe all Cortex-M MCU cores are only 32 bit

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 15:25 UTC (Tue) by alpha1 (subscriber, #75156) [Link] (3 responses)

The Cortex-M?? series processors (two-digit versions, like 23, etc) are all 64-bit.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 16:12 UTC (Tue) by willy (subscriber, #9762) [Link]

They use profile 8.1M which doesn't include 64-bit registers


PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 16:16 UTC (Tue) by pizza (subscriber, #46) [Link] (1 responses)

The dual-digit parts signify use of something newer than the v7m (ie v8m/v8.1m) architecture, but even the latest Cortex-M85 core remains 32-bit only.

The highest-end parts (M7, M55, M85) can be optioned for an FPU that supports double-precision (and those parts also have a 64-bit internal data bus) but otherwise, the cores use 32-bit addressing and 32-bit data widths. Even the optional SIMD engines are limited to at most 32-bit operations despite having 128-bit-wide registers.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 23, 2023 5:54 UTC (Wed) by alpha1 (subscriber, #75156) [Link]

Thank you for the correction. It seems strangely difficult to ascertain that while ARMv8 is 64-bit, ARMv8-M is not, without going into the ARM architecture guide. But it certainly is present there.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 16:05 UTC (Tue) by jake (editor, #205) [Link]

> The Cortex-M4 MCU is not 64 bit, in fact I believe all Cortex-M MCU cores are only 32 bit

Ah, so it is. Our apologies for the mistake, which has been fixed in the article ... thanks!


PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 16:18 UTC (Tue) by Thalience (subscriber, #4217) [Link] (9 responses)

The article is missing a mention of the price. Which is shockingly low at under $30 US. This makes the limitations of the device seem very reasonable.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 16:49 UTC (Tue) by dsommers (subscriber, #55274) [Link]


I got one PineTime to play with as well as bangle.js. The PineTime feels more solid and robust and has a way better display. But development wise, I've not had time to fully dig into it. The first biggest issue is that it requires a new built firmware to be installed to modify any feature on the watch. I've not looked into wasp-os yet, that might be different.

The bangle.js is super easy to get some new apps rolling. Installed via bluetooth from a Chrome browser. Editing and accessing the hardware in real time is also done via the browser and bluetooth. But you have to like JavaScript to have fun here. And since also pixl.js and puck.js are based on the same platform, you can do some fun stuff making they collaborate.

Bangle.js is a very good platform to get into programming. JavaScript might not be the best starter language, but far from the worst. But the Espruino docs are good, with lots of sample code to look at. And you see the result of the code instantly.

If you're primarily looking for a better looking watch, then PineTime is probably a better alternative in the open source/hardware space.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 20:51 UTC (Tue) by faramir (subscriber, #2327) [Link] (1 responses)

Yikes! $30 is getting close to noname who knows what the software does Alibaba prices. In fact, it makes me wonder to what extent the PineTime is physically related to one of those products; but with free software instead.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 21:28 UTC (Tue) by rillian (subscriber, #11344) [Link]

I think that's a fair description of the Pine64 brand; they sell hardware at minimal cost and outsource all software development to the user community. Hackable devices over polished products.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Sep 1, 2023 19:50 UTC (Fri) by linuxrocks123 (subscriber, #34648) [Link] (5 responses)

I strongly disagree. When I can get 1GB of RAM, 8GB of flash, and a 64-bit multi-core full ARM CPU clocked fast enough to comfortably run Android for $40, a Cortex microcontroller priced at $30 doesn't look like a good deal at all.

And, yes, you can exactly that for $40: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805401959865.html

That $40 watch is so much more computer that it probably uses something like the PineTime's Cortex-M4 as a side processor to control the Bluetooth radio. If Pine64 wants to be competitive in this space, it has a lot of catching up to do with the Chinese no-name watch phones. To be fair, though, so do Google, Apple, and everyone else. The Chinese no-name watch phones are scary good.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Sep 1, 2023 22:53 UTC (Fri) by excors (subscriber, #95769) [Link] (4 responses)

On the other hand the PineTime advertises a "week-long battery" and this article says "the battery lasts almost two weeks", while the comments on that Android watch say "Battery lasts a day max" and "the battery was running out pretty fast" (despite its 4.5x greater battery capacity). Faster chips aren't always better.

The Android one is also missing basic features like the heart rate sensor and vibration (which PineTime has), and apparently doesn't link with your phone at all - it sounds more like a wrist-mounted cheap phone, not something properly designed as a smartwatch.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Sep 10, 2023 3:48 UTC (Sun) by linuxrocks123 (subscriber, #34648) [Link]

I have not run into any trouble with the battery. A lot depends on how heavily you use it, of course.

It can link with your phone. I mean, it has a SIM card slot and runs Android, so I think the expectation is less that it links with your phone and more that it replaces your old phone, but there are Android apps that can link two Android phones together in various ways, so, if you wanted to sync it with another phone, you could.

I'm not wearing it right now, so I can't confirm whether the one I bought has a heart rate monitor or vibrator, since I don't personally use either of those things. There are definitely full Android watches which have those things, though, and likely at a similar price point.

Since we're listing things one has that the other doesn't, here's stuff the Android watch has that PineTime doesn't:
- A speaker
- A microphone
- A cell phone radio
- WiFi

Each of those things is something I find useful.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Nov 25, 2023 16:29 UTC (Sat) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link] (2 responses)

Side note: as of InfiniTime 1.13, this is obsolete: in my fairly heavy use (lots of notifications, music use, navigation) the battery lasts almost three weeks (and GadgetBridge can draw graphs of battery consumption against time because of course it can). Further optimizations stretching it beyond a month are almost certainly possible. Non-PineTime users seem to find this hard to believe :)

(I just got a dev kit and am planning to do some hacking, probably adding some complications, because it's not a proper watch unless it has silly spinny things on it.)

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Nov 25, 2023 18:01 UTC (Sat) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link] (1 responses)

> because it's not a proper watch unless it has silly spinny things on it.

You mean like hands?


PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Nov 29, 2023 18:11 UTC (Wed) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

No no those are *practical* spinny things. Complications track things like the phase of the moon, a wristwatch orrery, countdowns to important events (historically the Olympic Games, but I think LPC matters more)... that sort of thing, totally useless but all the better for that.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 16:30 UTC (Tue) by danielthompson (subscriber, #97243) [Link] (4 responses)

Infinitime uses NimBLE (Apache-2.0 licensed) rather than the proprietary Nordic BLE stack, meaning AFAIK it is exclusively free software.

[In the interested of full disclosure, I am the primary author of wasp-os although I'm only merging in changes written by others these days... as it happens we're looking for new maintainers so I can fully retire from the project ;-)].

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 16:33 UTC (Tue) by KJ7RRV (subscriber, #153595) [Link] (3 responses)

Building InfiniTime does require the Nordic SDK: https://github.com/InfiniTimeOrg/InfiniTime/blob/main/doc...

Maybe there's something other than BLE that it's used for?

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 16:46 UTC (Tue) by danielthompson (subscriber, #97243) [Link]

Interesting. I remember Infinitime switching over to a free-software WiFi stack (which, at the time, struck me as an impressive bit of work). I hadn't realized that still left scraps of non-free code in the driver infrastructure!

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 17:29 UTC (Tue) by pizza (subscriber, #46) [Link]

Most likely it still needs the Nordic SDK for things like basic hardware (+CMSIS) headers.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 22, 2023 21:47 UTC (Tue) by excors (subscriber, #95769) [Link]

Judging by src/CMakeLists.txt, it uses the nRF5 SDK for startup code (e.g. handling all the chip errata), clock/GPIO/ADC drivers, FreeRTOS, error handling, logging, debugging, etc. But that's all free software (mostly BSD licensed).

The non-free part of the nRF5 SDK is the (optional) SoftDevice, which contains all the BLE functionality and is distributed separately as a binary blob that you can flash onto the chip alongside your application. (The application makes SoftDevice API calls via software interrupts, there is no build-time linking with proprietary code). As far as I can see, InfiniTime does not use the SoftDevice.

(That SDK and SoftDevice are "in maintenance mode" now - the replacement is the nRF Connect SDK, based on the Zephyr RTOS. For BLE it uses a combination of Zephyr's open source BLE host layer, and a proprietary controller layer distributed as .a files that are linked into your application, I think.)

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 23, 2023 14:09 UTC (Wed) by mattdm (subscriber, #18) [Link] (2 responses)

Does the strap come off easily, letting function as a pocket watch? And, are the algorithms for step-counting adjustable to account for that (without getting into the code, which of course I could). I've been looking for an open source replacement for my fitbit for years.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 23, 2023 14:39 UTC (Wed) by danielthompson (subscriber, #97243) [Link]

Straps are held on with conventional spring pins (20mm IIRC). I've used a bunch of different straps at different times although I've never tried pocket watch style. There is a fair bit of overhang where the straps join the body so it wouldn't even look that weird from the front (although maybe a bit odd from the back when dangling from only one strap).

The step counter is essentially autonomous and steps are counted by the sensor itself. On current gen. PineTime the sensor is a BMA425 (was a BMA421 in older units) which has support for axis remapping if needed (I suspect remapping is more important for gesture recognition than for step counting).

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 23, 2023 14:40 UTC (Wed) by KJ7RRV (subscriber, #153595) [Link]

You can take the strap off easily, but I don't think the step counting algorithm is adjustable. You would also not be able to use the heart rate monitor, but otherwise, it should work fine.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 25, 2023 3:51 UTC (Fri) by dottedmag (subscriber, #18590) [Link] (4 responses)

PSA: US Pine64 shop is awfully customer-hostile in a way EU shops would not be able to legally. Here's their answer for the request to either amend or cancel the order (the request was sent a few minutes after placing the order):

"Unfortunate order is unable to amend once transaction has been done. To cancel order there is a 5% cancellation fee. May we know do you want to cancel order <...> and place a new one? 

By the way, from order <...> amount, we suggest you may consider to select courier shipping $30 if re-order.  This is due to if package failed delivery will be discarded. There is no return to shipper service."

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 25, 2023 4:11 UTC (Fri) by KJ7RRV (subscriber, #153595) [Link] (1 responses)

What site did you order from? I ordered my PineTime from AmeriDroid.com and had no issues, and I've never had a problem with pine64.com in the past (I've ordered two PinePhones and a Pinecil from them directly). I ordered the PineTime from pine64.com before deciding to order from AmeriDroid, and I didn't have any issue cancelling. I haven't tried to cancel an order from AmeriDroid; is that where you ordered?

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 25, 2023 4:38 UTC (Fri) by dottedmag (subscriber, #18590) [Link]

I ordered it from Pine64.com

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 25, 2023 9:37 UTC (Fri) by danielthompson (subscriber, #97243) [Link] (1 responses)

If I remember correctly part of the reason to set up pine64eu.com was to provide options for people who are uncomfortable to order from pine64.com (which IIRC is based in Hong Kong).

AFAIR the aims for pine64eu.com were to sells the same goods but with better customer service, a warranty and with predictable prices (because all VAT and import duty are included in the price). Naturally that does mean their prices are higher even after VAT and import duty are included. I'm based in the UK (and therefore can't use pine64eu.com) but I typically guesstimate that I need to multiply the pine64.com price by 1.5x to cover VAT, duty and the courier-fees-for-collecting-the-VAT-and-duty.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 25, 2023 9:49 UTC (Fri) by dottedmag (subscriber, #18590) [Link]

VAT and import fees are expected.

"cancellation fee" is unheard of.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Aug 26, 2023 3:02 UTC (Sat) by re:fi.64 (subscriber, #132628) [Link]

Although the PineTime is pretty dang good for the price, it *is* worth noting that, at the end of the day, it's certainly $30 hardware: mine started exhibiting a wide range of hardware affects a fair bit into its lifetime, ranging from losing touch sensitivity to strange coloring overtaking parts of the screen (water resistance issues perhaps?) to the button failing to respond.

PineTime: a smartwatch for open-source software

Posted Sep 1, 2023 9:56 UTC (Fri) by michielwb (guest, #138341) [Link]

You wrote that the rust firmware is unmaintained. While Wasp-os is not really unmaintained - there are some commits still going in - the last actual 'release' is from February 2021, so two and a half years ago, and the project is definitely not in the best shape. You mention lots of smaller issues with Wasp-OS and I'm afraid chances they will be fixed in an upcoming release might be slim.

PineTime: possibly one of the most accurate wrist watches when used with raspberry pi

Posted Sep 28, 2023 21:31 UTC (Thu) by cbushey (guest, #142134) [Link] (1 responses)

Well the title is clickbait but hear me out. If you really like accurate time and have real interest in it keep reading. If you care about time but not about getting a gps receiver with pulse per second output keep reading. I should mention I haven't tried this out myself yet. You can buy a gps receiver for under $20 and hook it up to a raspberry pi to get very accurate time. You can also hook up a ds3231 so you can have a holdover if you lose enough satellites. The raspberry pi 3b has a Bluetooth connection so you should be able to update the pinetime through that.
I have bought a pinetime and I'm pretty happy with it except that it doesn't display seconds.
just my 2c. Wish me luck with my experiments.

PineTime: possibly one of the most accurate wrist watches when used with raspberry pi

Posted Oct 2, 2023 19:25 UTC (Mon) by KJ7RRV (subscriber, #153595) [Link]

That definitely sounds interesting!

I believe InfiniTime's "Terminal" watch face does show seconds; perhaps you could use that?

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