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Rejuvenating Autoconf

Rejuvenating Autoconf

Posted Nov 20, 2020 22:42 UTC (Fri) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523)
In reply to: Rejuvenating Autoconf by nix
Parent article: Rejuvenating Autoconf

> .la files are for lesser platforms like Windows and AIX which don't allow shared libraries to depend on other shared libraries
Windows shared libraries most definitely can depend on other libraries. Although circular dependencies are not allowed.

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Rejuvenating Autoconf

Posted Nov 21, 2020 13:08 UTC (Sat) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link] (1 responses)

Yeah, we're not talking modern Windows though. I'm fairly sure back in the days when I did stuff on Windows 3.1 that the whole import library mess more or less precluded intra-DLL dependencies. (But then 16-bit Windows DLLs were *weird* things.)

Rejuvenating Autoconf

Posted Dec 13, 2020 11:12 UTC (Sun) by oldtomas (guest, #72579) [Link]

Funny. 3.1 is about the last (and probably only) Windows I had some intimate contact with (writing C).

This was the version where the provided editor (yah, it was called Notepad!) couldn't load windows.h due to some 16 bit limitation.

And yay, Hungarian Notation.

I think that's why I cringe these days when someone calls his shell script "foo.sh". Post traumatical thingmajig. Or something.

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