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Rejuvenating Autoconf

Rejuvenating Autoconf

Posted Oct 25, 2020 8:10 UTC (Sun) by ncm (guest, #165)
In reply to: Rejuvenating Autoconf by nilsmeyer
Parent article: Rejuvenating Autoconf

Legacy users can use legacy autotools, legacy compilers, legacy languages, legacy OSes. None of that need bother us, in any sense. Leave them to it, and get on with things.

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Rejuvenating Autoconf

Posted Oct 26, 2020 6:59 UTC (Mon) by nilsmeyer (guest, #122604) [Link]

It looks to me like this work is mostly funded to help support legacy users. I'm not really bothered by that either, if it helps make autotools better for everyone so much the better.

Rejuvenating Autoconf

Posted Oct 26, 2020 14:05 UTC (Mon) by Kamiccolo (subscriber, #95159) [Link]

Good luck dumping legacy backbone of modern computing.

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