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Power-efficient workqueues

August 18, 2017

This article was contributed by Viresh Kumar

Power-efficient workqueues were first introduced in the 3.11 kernel release; since then, fifty or so subsystems and drivers have been updated to use them. These workqueues can be especially useful on handheld devices (like tablets and smartphones), where power is at a premium. ARM platforms with power-efficient workqueues enabled on Ubuntu and Android have shown significant improvements in energy consumption (up to 15% for some use cases).

Workqueues (wq) are the most common deferred-execution mechanism used in the Linux kernel for cases where an asynchronous execution context is required. That context is provided by the worker kernel threads, which are woken whenever a work item is queued for them. A workqueue is represented by the workqueue_struct structure, and work items are represented by struct work_struct. The latter includes a pointer to a function which is called by the worker (in process context) to execute the work. Once the worker has finished processing all the work items queued on the workqueue, it becomes idle.

The most common APIs used to queue work are:

    bool queue_work(struct workqueue_struct *wq, struct work_struct *work);
    bool queue_work_on(int cpu, struct workqueue_struct *wq, struct work_struct *work);
    bool queue_delayed_work(struct workqueue_struct *wq, struct delayed_work *dwork, 
			    unsigned long delay);
    bool queue_delayed_work_on(int cpu, struct workqueue_struct *wq, 
			       struct delayed_work *work, unsigned long delay);

The first two functions queue the work for immediate execution, while the other two queue it to run after delay jiffies have passed. The work queued by queue_work_on() (and queue_delayed_work_on()) is executed by the worker thread running on the designated cpu. The work queued by queue_work() (and queue_delayed_work()), instead, can be run by any CPU in the system (though it doesn't really happen that way, as will be described later).

The workqueue pinning problem

A fairly common use case for workqueues in the kernel is to repetitively run and requeue the work from the work function itself, as we need to do some task periodically. For example:

    static void foo_handler(struct work_struct *work)
        struct delayed_work *dwork = to_delayed_work(work);

	/* Do some work here */

	queue_delayed_work(system_wq, dwork, 10);

    void foo_init(void)
        struct delayed_work *dwork = kmalloc(sizeof(*dwork), GFP_KERNEL);

	INIT_DEFERRABLE_WORK(dwork, foo_handler);
	queue_delayed_work(system_wq, dwork, 10);

foo_init() allocates the delayed work structure and queues it with a ten-jiffy delay. The work handler (foo_handler()) performs the periodic work and queues itself again.

One might think that the work will be executed on any CPU (whichever the kernel finds to be most appropriate). But that's not really true. The workqueue core will most likely queue it on the local CPU (the CPU where queue_delayed_work() was called), unless the local CPU isn't part of the global wq_unbound_cpumask. On an eight-core platform, for example, the work function shown above will be executed on the same CPU every time, even if that CPU is idle and some of the other seven CPUs were not.

The wq_unbound_cpumask is the mask of CPUs that are allowed to execute work which isn't queued to a particular CPU (i.e. work queued with queue_work() and queue_delayed_work()). It can be found in sysfs as devices/virtual/workqueue/cpumask. This mask is used to keep such work items confined to a specific group of CPUs and can be useful in cases like heterogeneous CPU architectures, where we want to execute such work items on low-power CPUs only, or with CPU isolation, where we don't want such work items to execute on CPUs doing important, performance-sensitive work. This mask can't be used to get rid of the pinning problem described above, though; if the local CPU is part of the wq_unbound_cpumask, then queue_work() will keep queuing the work there.

It is probably fine (from power-efficiency point of view) if a CPU is interrupted to run a workqueue while it is doing some other work. But if the CPU is brought out of the idle state solely to service the timer and queue the work, more power than necessary will be consumed. Pinning may also not be good for performance in certain cases, as the selected CPU may not be the best available CPU to run the work function. Also, the scheduler is unable to load-balance this work with other CPUs and the response time of the work function may increase if the target CPU is currently busy.

Power-efficient workqueues

The power-efficient workqueue infrastructure is disabled by default, as we may want the same work items to be either power or performance-oriented depending on the current system configuration. These workqueues can be enabled by either passing workqueue.power_efficient=true on the kernel command line or enabling the CONFIG_WQ_POWER_EFFICIENT configuration option. The command line can also be used to disable this feature (if enabled in the kernel configuration) by setting workqueue.power_efficient=false.

Once the power-efficient workqueue functionality is enabled, a workqueue can be made to run in the power-efficient mode by passing the WQ_POWER_EFFICIENT flag to alloc_workqueue() when creating the workqueue. There are two system-level workqueues that run in this mode as well: system_power_efficient_wq and system_freezable_power_efficient_wq; they can be used when a private workqueue is not needed.

Instead of running work on the local CPU, the workqueue core asks the scheduler to provide the target CPU for the work queued on unbound workqueues (which includes those marked as power-efficient). So they will not get pinned on a single CPU as can happen with regular workqueues.

Unfortunately, that does not mean that the scheduler always picks the optimal CPU to run a workqueue task. The algorithm responsible for picking the CPU for a task is complex but, more likely than not, the scheduler will pick the least busy CPU among those sharing the same last-level cache. For a multi-cluster platform, it will most likely pick a CPU from the same cluster. But if the work handler doesn't finish quickly, load balancing will happen and that may move the task to another, possibly idle, CPU.

Thus, with the current design of Linux kernel scheduler, we may not get the best results (though they should still be good enough) with power-efficient workqueues. There is ongoing work (strongly pushed by the ARM community) to make the scheduler more power-aware and power-efficient in general; this work will also benefit power-efficient workqueues. Currently, they are a bit more useful (from power-efficiency point of view) with the Android kernel, which carries some scheduler modifications to make it more energy-aware.

It is natural to wonder whether all workqueues should run in the power-efficient mode. But power-efficient workqueues have one disadvantage: they may end up executing the work item on a different CPU every time, incurring lots of cache misses, depending on how much data the work handler accesses. This can significantly hurt the performance of the system when workqueue tasks run often and need their caches to be hot. On the other hand, this can be good, performance wise, in some cases where cache misses are not a big issue, as the scheduler can do load balancing and the response time for the work items may improve. So one needs to evaluate the users of the workqueues carefully and see which configuration (power-efficient or not) they fit best with.

Power numbers

I ran some benchmarks on a 32-bit ARM big.LITTLE platform with four Cortex A7 cores and four Cortex A15 cores. Audio was played in background using aplay while the rest of the system was fairly idle. Linaro's ubuntu-devel distribution was used and the kernel also had some out-of-tree scheduler changes. The results across multiple test iterations showed average improvement of 15.7% in energy consumption with power-efficient workqueues enabled. The numbers shown here are in joules.

Vanilla kernel +
scheduler patches
  Vanilla Kernel +
scheduler patches +
power-efficient wq
A15 cluster0.3228660.2289042
A7 cluster2.6191372.2514632

With the mainline kernel, the power-efficient workqueues will give better results today as well since the scheduler picks a better target CPU; it will further improve as the scheduler gets more energy aware.

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Power-efficient workqueues

Posted Aug 18, 2017 16:07 UTC (Fri) by jhoblitt (subscriber, #77733) [Link] (1 responses)

Does an L2 cache miss on the core running the delayed work cause a wake up on idle cores to clear cache lines? Or is the L2 cache lost when a core goes into a low power state?

Power-efficient workqueues

Posted Aug 18, 2017 17:02 UTC (Fri) by sudeepkn (subscriber, #41381) [Link]

It shouldn't. Generally L2 caches are tied (not necessarily but mostly) to cluster power domain.
So as long as one CPU is active, cluster can't enter power off/retention state and hence L2 cache
remains powered on. This is generally applicable on systems where cores just have L1 caches.
However the recent cores have integrated L2 cache which will be powered off with core. In such
systems the above in applicable to any cluster level L3 cache.

Power-efficient workqueues

Posted Aug 22, 2017 5:43 UTC (Tue) by plasma-tiger (guest, #115599) [Link] (2 responses)

Is this posted on LKML? I searched but could not find a relevant thread, was interested looking at the patch.

Power-efficient workqueues

Posted Aug 23, 2017 9:08 UTC (Wed) by sudeepkn (subscriber, #41381) [Link] (1 responses)

As mentioned in the introduction itself, it's already merged.

Power-efficient workqueues

Posted Sep 3, 2017 17:49 UTC (Sun) by vireshk (subscriber, #85838) [Link]


It was merged long back, in 2013.

Power-efficient workqueues

Posted Aug 22, 2017 17:01 UTC (Tue) by k3ninho (subscriber, #50375) [Link] (1 responses)

>Audio was played in background using aplay while the rest of the system was fairly idle.

So the assumptions of this test design are that the memory read and then transcoding of the audio and its copy/dma to the sound output is handled more efficiently by workqueues targetting a quiesced CPU -- and underlying that, that race-to-idle is the optimal solution? How many parallel streams?

The audio might be a straight-copy of PCM audio to an onboard DAC which can handle it natively (it might be that the sound chip can decode MP3, too) -- does it matter if it's scheduling a straight memcopy, or if it's merely setting up DMA's which finish quickly?


Power-efficient workqueues

Posted Sep 20, 2017 18:56 UTC (Wed) by vireshk (subscriber, #85838) [Link]

Sorry that I didn't respond earlier, I wasn't getting notifications for any replies to my articles.

So, this isn't really about audio as such. Audio was chosen as it puts very low load on the CPU and so most of the CPUs should be idle all the time. In general, most of the cases should get benefited from the power efficient workqueues, especially where CPU load is light. The idea is also not to choose a quiesced CPU, but choosing a CPU intelligently (which will improve going down the line with the scheduler becoming more energy aware). Right now it chooses the idlest CPU with the highest level of cache.

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