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The MuQSS CPU scheduler

The MuQSS CPU scheduler

Posted Apr 21, 2017 13:31 UTC (Fri) by Sesse (subscriber, #53779)
In reply to: The MuQSS CPU scheduler by flussence
Parent article: The MuQSS CPU scheduler

If you can actually measure 25% speedup from CFS to BFS on a repeatable benchmark, I'm sure the CFS people would love to take a bug report. Anything objective and quantifiable is great news.

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The MuQSS CPU scheduler

Posted Apr 21, 2017 17:39 UTC (Fri) by flussence (guest, #85566) [Link]

I believe this paper had a similar number: http://www.ece.ubc.ca/~sasha/papers/eurosys16-final29.pdf

That's a bit more thorough than any bug report I could ever write.

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