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Signed packages?

Signed packages?

Posted Nov 7, 2003 21:50 UTC (Fri) by EricBackus (guest, #2816)
Parent article: Time to move from Red Hat to Debian?

Last time I looked (yes, awhile ago now), one thing that was missing from Debian was signed packages. On RedHat or SuSE, packages are cryptographically signed so I can be confident of their origin. On Debian, that wasn't even possible, I believe due to limitations of the .deb format.

Has that changed? For me, it's a show stopper.

With the proliferation of viruses, trojans, and even attempts at getting security holes into the kernel, it is simply not acceptable to download a package and run it without some assurance that I know who put the package together. I really don't understand how so many people can find this OK.

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Signed packages?

Posted Nov 8, 2003 0:03 UTC (Sat) by liamh (guest, #4872) [Link] (1 responses)

Almost all packages are signed, though apparently policy doesn't require it yet. Check with debsums.

Signed packages?

Posted Nov 9, 2003 6:43 UTC (Sun) by EricBackus (guest, #2816) [Link]

> Almost all packages are signed, though apparently
> policy doesn't require it yet. Check with debsums.

OK, good. So I assume that apt-get automatically rejects (or at least *can* reject)
packages that aren't signed by somebody it recognises as legitimate?

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