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Recent Java vulnerabilities

February 13, 2013

This article was contributed by Linda Jacobson

Since August 2012, there has been increasing buzz about security holes in Oracle's Java implementation. The hubbub reached such proportions that US National Public Radio (NPR) stations were heard repeating recommendations (originating from CERT) that people disable all Java plugins on their systems. The noise started when Security Explorations (SE), a one-person Polish company run by Adam Gowdiak, went public about security vulnerabilities after malware was detected that exploited two issues SE had reported to Oracle in April 2012.

On February 1, 2013, Oracle released a new version of Java that fixed most of the issues that SE uncovered, with the exception of one, identified as "issue #51." This article describes the history of this process, where the security vulnerabilities were detected, an explanation of the different kinds of vulnerabilities detected, and how all of these relate to OpenJDK.

SE has been examining security issues in Java, and detecting points of attack, since 2002. It has worked closely and, for the most part, amicably with Sun and Oracle, and has exercised what has been called "responsible disclosure," (i.e. notifying companies about their vulnerabilities, and refusing to release details about known holes, until the companies have had time to fix them). This relationship was strained during 2012 after Oracle failed to address all of the issues that SE had reported to it in the patches to Java over a six-month period. After the malware attack of August 2012, SE went public, presenting at Devoxx [PDF], and releasing a technical report [PDF] in November 2012. These disclosures claim that, as far back as 2005, SE reported to Sun on many of the weaknesses that led to the current issues. Both disclosures detail the specific issues detected by SE and ways to exploit them to effect a complete security compromise of a Java installation.

Around the same time, SE stepped up its research, finding not only 31 issues in Oracle's Java, but 17 in IBM's version, and 2 in Apple's. Of these, 17 Oracle bugs could result in a full compromise of the Java security sandbox, which is the means by which Java isolates potentially untrustworthy software. Since OpenJDK uses the same code base as Oracle's Java, those issues were present in OpenJDK as well. SE's November technical report lists 50 known issues in total. Several more were reported to Oracle by SE since that report, but are not yet public. After Oracle's February update of Java only one issue, issue #51, remains unresolved.

Most of the issues discovered relate to the Java Reflection API. This is a powerful tool that provides for dynamic loading of classes, as well as access to their members, and is what makes component architectures, like Java Beans, possible. However, there is inherent risk in the very nature of allowing access across unknown classes.

The kinds of access allowed include:

  • Obtaining an object of a given class, given the name of the class, via forName().
  • obtaining the methods of a class using getMethods()
  • Invoking a method in another class via the method invoke(), which allows the caller to provide the arguments to the called methods.

There are Field and Method classes that correspond to the underlying fields and methods, as well as a Constructor class that allows you to create new instances of classes. These all inherit from the java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject class, which has a private field called "override". If override is true then operations and accesses are allowed to the caller regardless of the caller's privileges.

In its research, SE found numerous places where combinations of misuses of forName() and invoke(), along with improper access to the override field allowed systems to become vulnerable. In addition, there is a type field of the Field object that represents the type of an underlying object. In the technical report, Gowdiak imagined a scenario where:

the type of the field denoting java.lang.Object value is changed to int. In such a case, access to fields of the object may lead to memory accesses from the base pointer denoted by the integer value as it will be confused with the object reference.

SE further asserts that one can impersonate trusted callers via controlling the parameters of Reflection API calls made by system classes.

In Java 7, Oracle added another level of security, via indirection, called a "lookup class." What SE found was that the lookup classes themselves were vulnerable. The security check is conducted in the MethodHandles.Lookup class prior to any method handle creation. This check allows for access to arbitrary members (methods, constructors, and fields) of restricted classes if the lookup object and a target class are from the same class loader namespace. Also, by default, a lookup object instance uses a caller of the MethodHandles.Lookup() method as a lookup class. Therefore, a security breach can be effected by calling this method from system code to create a lookup object with a system class.

In SE's technical report there are numerous examples of all the exploitation vectors that they used to compromise the Java security sandbox. All were combinations of the weaknesses described above, since no one weakness by itself was sufficient to escape the sandbox. There are a number of consequences of these exploits, including: an attacker could define a class and cause it to be loaded into a privileged class loader namespace; security checking could be completely turned off (via calling SetSecurityManager() with a NULL argument); permissions of an unsafe object could be changed at will; malicious classes could inherit from privileged classes and redefine trusted methods with malicious ones; or any combination of those.

The relationship of OpenJDK to Oracle's Java Standard Edition (SE) is complex. OpenJDK is the reference implementation for Oracle's Java SE. However, bug fixes do not automatically propagate from one to the other (in either direction), since they the projects are developed independently. That said, one week after Oracle released its fixes to Java, OpenJDK 7 was updated to reflect all of the fixes. OpenJDK users will want to upgrade at the first opportunity.

In its report, SE noted that it searched for holes in Java precisely because Java's security is so good. A more timely response from Oracle might have been desirable. However, at this point, nine months from when Oracle learned of the deficiencies, it issued a release that fixed all of the bugs detailed in SE's technical report, as well as several that were only identified in the last couple months.

[The author wishes to thank the many contributors to the Fedora project's Java developers list, who provided valuable information on the upgrades to OpenJDK and their relationship to Oracle's releases. A special shout out goes to Omair Majid, who provided links to the information as well.]

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Recent Java vulnerabilities

Posted Feb 14, 2013 15:20 UTC (Thu) by gnu_andrew (subscriber, #49515) [Link] (2 responses)

"bug fixes do not automatically propagate from one to the other (in either direction), since they are developed independently"

Sorry, but the latter does not follow from the former. Yes, the patches don't propagate automatically between different repositories, but that's true for most FOSS projects with multiple branches. It doesn't follow that they are "developed independently". I even explicitly stated in an e-mail response to you that the same patches were applied to the Oracle JDK and OpenJDK, albeit a week apart.

I think you may be confusing the reference implementation (which is represented by http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/jdk7 and never changes, not even for security updates; it's a reference for TCK testing but not meant for actual use) with OpenJDK, the 7 updates tree of which is http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7u/jdk7u/ and in active use.

There are some proprietary parts of Oracle's JDK, such as the web plugin, JavaFX and various graphics components, which mean they also have their own security issues. However, the vast majority of the code is shared, as far as I'm aware.

If you're going to ask such questions on a public mailing list (and the Fedora java list is an odd choice, over any of the OpenJDK mailing lists) then it would be courteous if you would be upfront about what you intend to then do with the information.


Recent Java vulnerabilities

Posted Feb 14, 2013 15:44 UTC (Thu) by jake (editor, #205) [Link] (1 responses)

> "bug fixes do not automatically propagate from one to the other
> (in either direction), since they are developed independently"

Is it possible that "they" is not completely clear here? When editing, I thought it meant the two projects (Java SE and OpenJDK) were developed independently. But, you see to be reading it that the *bug fixes* were developed independently. Is that right? Certainly, we could clarify "they" here ...

> I even
> explicitly stated in an e-mail response to you that the same patches
> were applied to the Oracle JDK and OpenJDK, albeit a week apart.

The next sentence:

That said, one week after Oracle released its fixes to Java, OpenJDK 7 was updated to reflect all of the fixes.

seems to say that. Is that not making sense or incorrect somehow?



Recent Java vulnerabilities

Posted Feb 18, 2013 17:35 UTC (Mon) by gnu_andrew (subscriber, #49515) [Link]

I think I was reading it as the specific bug fixes, but either way, it's false. To the best of my knowledge (obviously limited by Oracle's JDK being proprietary), Oracle's JDK is a downstream of OpenJDK, just as IcedTea is (the variant the distros package). The same bug fixes were used by Oracle, passed onto Red Hat for inclusion in their RPMs and posted to OpenJDK as far as I'm aware (and withstanding any mistakes made in the process).

You can actually see how Oracle use OpenJDK by looking at the codebase. The makefiles refer to directory paths including the word 'closed' which are used by Oracle on non-OpenJDK builds to include their proprietary add-ons.

The second sentence seems to contradict the one before, at least in my reading, but you're right that what I said is mentioned; my apologies.

I think the main general takeaway point is not about process or even Java, but that users should avoid having browser plugins enabled that they don't need (and browsers should allow their use to be whitelisted to specific sites). This would reduce the risk of the issues described

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