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LibreOffice 3.3 released

The Document Foundation has announced the release of LibreOffice 3.3, which is the first stable release of the OpenOffice.org fork. "LibreOffice 3.3 brings several unique new features. The 10 most-popular among community members are, in no particular order: the ability to import and work with SVG files; an easy way to format title pages and their numbering in Writer; a more-helpful Navigator Tool for Writer; improved ergonomics in Calc for sheet and cell management; and Microsoft Works and Lotus Word Pro document import filters. In addition, many great extensions are now bundled, providing PDF import, a slide-show presenter console, a much improved report builder, and more besides. A more-complete and detailed list of all the new features offered by LibreOffice 3.3 is viewable on the following web page: http://www.libreoffice.org/download/new-features-and-fixes/".

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Is there a new features in OO document?

Posted Jan 25, 2011 17:27 UTC (Tue) by alex (subscriber, #1355) [Link] (4 responses)

It will be interesting to see how fast the features and fixes flow into LibreOffice compared to OpenOffice. Have the LibreOffice team got all the developer momentum now?

Is there a new features in OO document?

Posted Jan 25, 2011 17:38 UTC (Tue) by alex (subscriber, #1355) [Link]

Answering myself it seems a number of the improvements are also in <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/features/3.3/index.html">OO 3.3</a> so I guess they aren't diverging that fast.

Is there a new features in OO document?

Posted Jan 25, 2011 18:01 UTC (Tue) by zeekec (subscriber, #2414) [Link] (2 responses)

From the top of the LibreOffice new features page...

This page gives you a rundown of the new features in this release of LibreOffice (version 3.3). Features tagged with a * are specific to LibreOffice.


Posted Jan 25, 2011 18:23 UTC (Tue) by alex (subscriber, #1355) [Link] (1 responses)

My eyes were obviously drawn to the "Featured Selection" box of screenshots and I completely missed the header text!

Re: doh!

Posted Jan 26, 2011 7:40 UTC (Wed) by cesarb (subscriber, #6266) [Link]

Me too.

I actually noticed the asterisks, went all over the page looking for the explanation (expecting it to be a footnote of some sort, thus near the end of the page), found nothing, and gave up. I never expected it to be above the first heading.

SVG Import!!!

Posted Jan 25, 2011 18:39 UTC (Tue) by dskoll (subscriber, #1630) [Link] (5 responses)

That's a killer feature for me! And it is one of the areas of divergence.

I guess I'll be looking into switching... I hope someone comes up with Debian packages.

SVG Import!!!

Posted Jan 25, 2011 18:53 UTC (Tue) by svena (guest, #20177) [Link] (4 responses)

LibreOffice is already available in experimental.

Packages for ubuntu

Posted Jan 26, 2011 9:15 UTC (Wed) by njd27 (subscriber, #5770) [Link] (3 responses)

Here's the PPA for ubuntu (installing libreoffice will remove openoffice)


Packages for ubuntu

Posted Jan 26, 2011 15:38 UTC (Wed) by andrel (guest, #5166) [Link] (2 responses)

Why not allow both to be installed simultaneously?

Packages for ubuntu

Posted Jan 26, 2011 18:12 UTC (Wed) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link]

At the moment, the two share too much commonality. Enabling co-existence is HIGH on the priority list.

I'm not sure what's going on, (don't read those bits of the mailing list closely,) but a point release with a few bug fixes including that is probably due soon. Certainly it's in testing mode ...


Packages for Gentoo

Posted Feb 7, 2011 8:59 UTC (Mon) by steffen780 (guest, #68142) [Link]

I know this is OT for the subthread, but just in case it saves someone the research... as I understand it, this is the situation in Gentoo:
- There are four packages: openoffice-bin, openoffice, libreoffice-bin and libreoffice. *-bin means a binary package, whilst the other two packages are "regular" build-from-source ebuilds (all in the main portage tree, LO/LO-bin obviously still being flagged as testing/unstable).
- All follow the usual Gentoo policy of sticking as close to upstream as reasonably possible, except that the source version of openoffice includes the Go-OO patchset.
- You can install LO-bin at the same time as OOo-bin. You cannot install OOo and LO at the same time. I don't know if its possible to install OOo-bin and LO, or OOo and LO-bin, at the same time.

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