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Quotes of the week

As more groups warm to the beauty that is embodied in Qt, I hope that the message of working together (rather than dictating, for life or otherwise) also spreads. That mode of operation is what got Qt and KDE Platform, as high quality developer tools, to where they are today. It is what motivates us to look at the development platforms we build for application developers and ask ourselves, "How can we make this as painless as possible for the developer while giving them access to as many platforms as seamlessly as possible?" It's a way of thinking that helps create a superior result, and we're always looking for new ways to expand the benefits it brings.
-- Aaron Seigo

...but this caught my eye.
Care to guess what that does?
-- "adamcecc"

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Quotes of the week

Posted Jan 27, 2011 15:31 UTC (Thu) by RobSeace (subscriber, #4435) [Link] (1 responses)

I would've bet anything before clicking the link that that was some twisted sendmail.cf rule, not Javascript...

Quotes of the week

Posted Jan 27, 2011 20:16 UTC (Thu) by rfunk (subscriber, #4054) [Link]

My first thought was Perl (dollar signs everywhere!), but Javascript was my second guess, given away by the use of no-dollar underscores as variables. And parentheses -- Javascript is worse than Lisp about the parentheses.

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