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The Grumpy Editor's video journey part 2: Video editors

The Grumpy Editor's video journey part 2: Video editors

Posted Jan 23, 2008 22:44 UTC (Wed) by nix (subscriber, #2304)
Parent article: The Grumpy Editor's video journey part 2: Video editors

unsermake was the tool which was intended to replace automake back in the 
KDE 3.4 days. It never really got off the ground and was happily discarded 
and replaced with cmake. KDE 3.4 and 3.5 can use it, but don't *need* it. 
I'm rather disconcerted to find anything requiring it at all...

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The Grumpy Editor's video journey part 2: Video editors

Posted Jan 23, 2008 23:28 UTC (Wed) by pynm0001 (guest, #18379) [Link] (1 responses)

I'm 99% sure that what happened is that the kdenlive developers use 
unsermake themselves, and forgot to re-run make -f Makefile.cvs when 
making the distribution tarball for release.

The files generated for unsermake are not compatible with automake.  The 
choice of unsermake and automake happens before the configure script is 
created in the KDE 3 build system (when running make -f Makefile.cvs, 
which is the same as make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs).

The Grumpy Editor's video journey part 2: Video editors

Posted Jan 24, 2008 0:25 UTC (Thu) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

Ah, right, that explains why I never needed unsermake: I've always got 
everything from svn and Makefile.cvsed it.

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