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A realtime preemption overview

A realtime preemption overview

Posted Aug 16, 2005 4:49 UTC (Tue) by balbir (guest, #19399)
In reply to: A realtime preemption overview by mingo
Parent article: A realtime preemption overview

Thanks for answering all the questions

#1. Pre-empting critical sections sounds like an oxymoron, if the sections are critical, why pre-empt them? Just kidding, I like the idea of a true priority based pre-emptive scheduler. I agree that SPL() will disable pre-emption and is opaque, but if you want to disable IRQ pre-emption by other tasks (if there is any) then it works well, but it has all the limitations you mentioned.

#2. I meant, lets create an alias and encourage people to use the new name instead of spinlock_t, like raw_spinlock_t is an alias for the older spinlock_t. Lets still have spinlock_t and a newer name for it.

#4. Your numbers look very good, the optimizations seem good as well. What scares me now is correct assignment of task priority will be critical to programming linux drivers/kernel components in the future. Is this understanding correct? Are there any guidelines that you follow?

I will search for your patch and read the code to understand it better.

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A realtime preemption overview

Posted Aug 16, 2005 5:08 UTC (Tue) by mingo (guest, #31122) [Link]

#1 there's no requirement that critical sections must never be preempted - in fact we do "preempt" most spinlocks sections with interrupt contexts in the stock kernel.

A critical section is "critical" only because the data structure affected must be updated transactionally (fully or not at all). How that is achieved, and whether certain types of contexts may or may not execute during such critical sections is not specified. But i think we mostly agree here.

#2 an alias will only cause confusion and most of the code wont be changed. A wholesale namespace cleanup might eventually be done, but it is not practical right now.

#4 more configurability also means more ways to misconfigure, but that's a natural consequence, not a bad thing. There are already some userspace tools emerging that simplify things and boost certain types of processing (such as "audio"). I'm not putting too much effort into formalizing this though until the infrastructure has not been finalized.

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