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Proxmox VE 1.5: combining KVM and OpenVZ

February 24, 2010

This article was contributed by Koen Vervloesem

Now that virtualization is widespread, it becomes more important to have an easy-to-use, turnkey solution. The big hypervisor vendors are all working on their own virtualization management solutions, but one can also find interesting solutions in independent open source projects. One of these projects is Proxmox VE (Virtual Environment). Its unique selling point is that it marries the KVM hypervisor with OpenVZ virtual containers.

Proxmox VE makes it really easy to deploy a virtualization server. Users can download the ISO, burn it to a CD, put it in their server, answer a few questions the installer asks, and start serving virtual machines right away. Just be aware that the installer doesn't allow customizing the partitioning setup; it claims the whole hard drive. The system runs headless and can be configured using a web interface. Proxmox VE requires a 64-bit CPU with Intel VT or AMD-V instruction set and at least 2 GB of RAM if the user plans to run more than a handful of virtual machines.

Proxmox VE 1.5 is a heavily tweaked Debian Lenny (5.0) x86_64 distribution that partitions the hard drive with LVM2, installs a web-based management interface, and is optimized for use as a virtualization environment. Proxmox uses Debian Lenny's main and contrib repositories, as well as the security.debian.org repository with security updates. It adds its own download.proxmox.com repository that supplies custom kernels and some management tools. Proxmox VE is GPLv2-licensed and the German company Proxmox Server Solutions offers commercial support.

KVM and OpenVZ

Users can launch two sorts of virtual machines. First, one can use KVM for full virtualization. This allows the user to run a lot of operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, the BSDs, etc., because the operating system in the virtual machine runs on virtualized hardware that looks like real hardware. Proxmox VE also supports KVM with paravirtualization for device drivers to improve I/O performance, e.g. with paravirtualized network drivers for Windows guests.

The other flavor consists of OpenVZ containers, a form of operating system-level virtualization. Applications within a container appear to be on a standalone system, because processes in different containers are completely isolated from each other. Although each container appears as a standalone operating system, in reality they share a single instance of the Linux kernel: the Proxmox KVM/OpenVZ kernel. This also means that OpenVZ containers are lightweight. Users can download so-called OpenVZ templates, which are essentially gzipped tar files that contain a pre-installed image of a Linux system.

The combination of KVM and OpenVZ in one kernel is a major feat. It took an explanation by Proxmox VE's project lead Martin Maurer for your author to understand the challenges. Proxmox publishes three kernel branches, each one with minor feature differences. By default, Proxmox VE uses a 2.6.18 kernel, based on the latest Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 kernel with the stable OpenVZ patches (which are also based on the 2.6.18 kernel) and backported KVM patches. The Proxmox developers added some minor driver updates and did a lot of integration and testing to combine both virtualization technologies in one kernel.

The second kernel version that Proxmox maintains is 2.6.24, based on the Ubuntu 8.04 (LTS) kernel but with driver updates and KVM patches. This kernel only exists for historical purposes, because Proxmox VE 0.9 beta until 1.4 used 2.6.24. However, the OpenVZ part is no longer maintained by the OpenVZ project, so while this kernel has KVM and OpenVZ support, all OpenVZ users should use the 2.6.18 kernel in Proxmox VE now. Last but not least, Proxmox VE also maintains a 2.6.32 kernel, based on the Ubuntu 10.04 (LTS) kernel but with some additional driver updates. It lacks OpenVZ support (because the stable OpenVZ version doesn't support this kernel), but it is interesting for users that want to have the latest KVM features, such as KSM (Kernel Samepage Merging).

Hands-on virtualization

[Web interface]

Administering Proxmox is done by using the web interface, which is also lightweight. It doesn't use the Java-based Tomcat like VMware Server does, but just Apache with HTML pages that use the Prototype JavaScript library and the SOAP::Lite Perl library. The user can manage virtual machines, migrate them to other hosts, backup the system, monitor all running virtual machines, and do a slew of other management tasks.

Before starting a virtual machine, the user has to upload the ISO file or OpenVZ template. In the web interface, this can be done by clicking on "Virtual Machines - Create", selecting the image from local storage or from the host machine's CD-ROM drive, and then filling in the required information. The other solution is to scp the image over to /var/lib/vz/template/cache (for an OpenVZ template) or /var/lib/vz/template/iso (for an ISO image to start a KVM machine). But the user can also download pre-defined OpenVZ templates from within the web interface.

If the user wants a graphical window for a virtual machine, this can be done too: the Proxmox VE web interface has an embedded Java applet which launches a VNC console window on the client machine. Of course users are free to use their own favorite VNC client.

Proxmox VE has an integrated backup feature: VZDump, a utility that makes consistent backups of running virtual machines, be it OpenVZ containers or KVM guests. To make this possible for an online guest without downtime, VZDump uses the LVM2 storage to create a snapshot of the guest's virtual disk. The user can configure backups from within the web interface by defining the location of the remote storage and scheduling the cron job for the backup.

Users can also create a Proxmox VE Cluster that consists of one master node and one or more slave nodes, all running Proxmox VE. Users can then manage the virtual machines on all their Proxmox VE servers from one web interface, but they can also migrate their virtual machines between hosts, even live (that is, without recognizable downtime). Live migration is a standard feature of both KVM and OpenVZ, and both are supported in Proxmox.

OpenVZ containers have to be stored on local storage, but for KVM guests Proxmox VE adds a flexible storage model. From within the web interface, users can add iSCSI targets, NFS shares, LVM groups on shared storage, and locally mounted Samba shares. Thanks to the Debian base it also supports ATA over Ethernet (AoE) and replicated DRBD devices.

Ready-made appliances

The Proxmox developers have released several virtual appliances, which are ready-made OpenVZ templates that can be downloaded directly from within the Proxmox web interface. There are operating system appliances with a standard Debian 4.0, 5.0 or 6.0 installation, an Ubuntu 8.04 installation, a CentOS 4 or 5 installation or a Fedora 9 installation, but there are also so-called application appliances. These are tailored to a specific task, such as the Proxmox Mail Gateway, Acquia Drupal, SugarCRM, Zenoss, MediaWiki, Joomla!, WordPress, Zimbra, and so on. Proxmox has also created a script to automate the creation of custom OpenVZ appliances based on Debian, the Debian Appliance Builder.


Given that Proxmox VE has only been public for less than two years (0.9 was released in April 2008), the project has already an impressive feature list. Additionally, the developers have plans for much more: the roadmap for the 2.x releases mentions high-availability for KVM guests, advanced user management, more pre-built virtual appliance downloads, resource monitoring and a firewall. The future also promises a more pleasant marriage of KVM and OpenVZ, Martin explains:

Our internal development for Proxmox VE 2.x is already working on top of Debian Squeeze. As Squeeze doesn't boot from a 2.6.18 or 2.6.24 kernel, we'll need 2.6.32. Luckily, OpenVZ project lead Kir Kolyshkin announced that the next stable OpenVZ kernel will be 2.6.32 based. They even try to get their kernel into Squeeze. So we plan to get OpenVZ in our 2.6.32 kernel for Proxmox VE 2.x. It also looks like 2.6.32 is the next long-term maintenance kernel and there are also rumors that it will be used in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. Additionally, LXC (Linux containers) is under our radar and this looks quite interesting for us because it is in the mainline kernel.

All in all, Proxmox VE is a nicely integrated solution to run and manage virtual machines: what sets it apart from many other solutions is not only that it runs both KVM and OpenVZ, but also that it's not just a web interface or just a kernel that you install on an existing Linux installation. Instead it's a whole collection of components that gives the user a running system in a few minutes. So even for users that don't need both KVM and OpenVZ, Proxmox should be on their shortlist of virtualization platforms to try.

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Proxmox VE 1.5: combining KVM and OpenVZ

Posted Feb 25, 2010 10:34 UTC (Thu) by Cato (guest, #7643) [Link]

Sounds very nice, particularly the toolset and integration. One minor point: Intel's original VT is now called VT-x, to distinguish it from the newer VT-d (direct I/O mapping support), which is less widely supported at present.

Proxmox VE 1.5: combining KVM and OpenVZ

Posted Feb 26, 2010 5:19 UTC (Fri) by dlang (guest, #313) [Link] (1 responses)

the fact that this is limited to rather old kernels is an issue, what work is being done to get the openVZ changes (or other container hooks) upstream?

Proxmox VE 1.5: combining KVM and OpenVZ

Posted Feb 26, 2010 18:23 UTC (Fri) by dowdle (subscriber, #659) [Link]

The 2.6.18 they are using is RHEL-5's version... which is updated (in additional to security updates) about every 6 months. Red Hat back-ports some features and lots of drivers for enterprise hardware... so hardware support generally isn't a problem.

The OpenVZ Project manager did announce that the next stable branch (in the works) will be based on 2.6.32. It appears that Debian, Ubuntu, and RHEL6 will be using that kernel. Not sure when that will be but I would imagine that Proxmox VE will offer a newer stable OpenVZ branch when it becomes available.

Proxmox VE 1.5: combining KVM and OpenVZ

Posted Feb 26, 2010 13:10 UTC (Fri) by ebirdie (guest, #512) [Link] (2 responses)

I wonder the limitation of OpenVZ containers/VMs stored to local repository only. How one can migrate a system in OpenVZ container to another machine, if the host machines aren't sharing a storage to run VMs from?

Proxmox VE 1.5: combining KVM and OpenVZ

Posted Feb 26, 2010 18:27 UTC (Fri) by dowdle (subscriber, #659) [Link]

OpenVZ has had live migration for over two years now... and the way the vzmigrate script does it (a stock part of OpenVZ) is by doing multiple rsync passes. It does the first pass while the container continues to run, then does a checkpoint, and then does a second rsync, and then a restore.

Depending on the filesystem size, it can take a while... although if the deltas are small for the second rsync pass, the perceived "downtime" caused by the migration is usually only a few seconds... with network connections maintained. For offline migrations, where the container is shutdown completely and then restarted on the target host, downtime is generally only 20-30 seconds... depending on how long it takes to start up the container.

I would imagine that Proxmox VE uses vzmigrate or their own script designed similar to vzmigrate, but I'm not positive.

Proxmox VE 1.5: combining KVM and OpenVZ

Posted Feb 27, 2010 16:47 UTC (Sat) by evgeny (subscriber, #774) [Link]

I don't know about Proxmox, but OpenVZ per se does not have to run off local storage. I've been happily managing a two-peer OpenVZ redundant/load balancing cluster on top of DRBD+heartbeat. Live migration typically takes about one second.

Proxmox VE 1.5: combining KVM and OpenVZ

Posted Feb 26, 2010 18:30 UTC (Fri) by dowdle (subscriber, #659) [Link]

Proxmox VE truly is a quick, turnkey solution for basic virtualization with KVM and OpenVZ but it still lacks some features:

1) The web-based management system is all or nothing, it needs delegation features

2) It doesn't have much in the way of image management

3) It doesn't do VDI

4) It doesn't do power management (load balancing or power savings with auto migrations and physical machine power downs)

Those are pretty advanced features and many users, especially hobbyists and small business, can easily live without those features. I do look forward to Proxmox VE advancing over the next couple of years to see what feature they offer. The current product is very impressive for the features it does offer... and it is free beer and free speech!

Another KVM + OpenVZ VM hosting solution?

Posted Feb 27, 2010 0:05 UTC (Sat) by dowdle (subscriber, #659) [Link]

Just wanted to mention OpenNode... which just recently had their first public release. What is OpenNode? It aims to be similar to Proxmox VE but based on CentOS.

In the beta release they have the installer done and it has the following features from my memory so check out their site if desired:

  • Graphical installer
  • Minimal install footprint, trimmed down CentOS
  • Auto-partitioning with LVM if desired (software RAID is an option if desired)
  • Bridge device pre-configured
  • Minimalistic TUI management app that lets you download OS Templates for OpenVZ from their OS Template repo, setup Func, and a couple other things

Their next release will include a modern (Web 2.0 / Ajax-based) web-based management system. So far as I can tell you can drop to shell and use vzctl for OpenVZ container management and virsh / virt-manager for KVM machine management.

Fairly functional for a first release.

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