Fear Him who Has Power to Cast Into Hell
Yes, Lord. Before you ever ask, my answer is yes! I shared this privately with a few close friends when it happened, but DID NOT want to go public. This morning, I believe God told me to share this with all who will listen. My pressing desire is to be Obedient to...
Pics with Scripture
Hi, lately I've been doing something I absolutely love... putting God's Word on pictures! I LOVE doing artsy/nerdy things to bring God glory. He gave me this gift to bless others, and most of all, FOR HIS GLORY!!! So my friends, here is a gallery of Pics...
When I Think About Life, Lord, I Think of You
I love getting Revelations! I like to share a recent one with you that just blew me away. Hearing a song being played on YouTube, makes me think back to when I first sung it to the Lord in 2001. When I was first saved, I remember sitting for hours just...
Simplicity with a Huge Impact
First let me say this is something every blood-bought child of God knows. Yet it's something that rang loudly through my mind that makes it so huge. It puts things back into the right perspective. Allow me to speak to those of us that have been...
Chop Down the Tree but Leave It’s Stump
Oh my, King Nebuchadnezzar. We would be wise to acquire wisdom from this King's story. He was a great conqueror but he also had a great problem with pride. Uncontrolled pride is self-destructive, and we see how God deals with it. This was one night of many...
When I Don’t Have the Strength
"Please take from me my life... when I don’t have the strength to give it away to You...Please take from me my life... when I don’t have the strength to give it away to You, Jesus" I so remember singing this song to the Lord years ago and...
My Disease Brought Me to My Knees and Made Me Whole
Without a test, there will be no testimony. All I can do sometimes is sit still before God and just reflect. I’m nothing less than amazed at the radical way Jesus has changed everything about me. I don’t know the old Lori; she doesn’t live here...
Read Samples/Free PDFs of “A Blessing in the Storm”
“In order for God to take you deeper and most intimately into Himself, He must expose all in you that is not of Himself.” Lori Laws Please share - we may never know who's struggling Chapter 1 A Merciful Awakening Reflecting on my past, I was...
I Will Never Forget this Awful Time
Here I sit longing to get up out of this cave and start doing what God created me to do. It doesn’t matter who I’m with or who is around, my only joy is to be in His presence… to boast of how great He is… to give my hope a voice, and speak of the great things He will do. But here I sit.
Awesome Sermon – Red Is Still Tough!
I want to share this sermon with you. Today I watched it again... Every true believer who will be effectively used by God will be put through a process. This process is God’s curriculum on betrayal, false accusations, and broken promises. This message peeks into the...
He is Coming!
This wonderful vision is directly from my friend, Susan Norman... He is coming. He is. And what will those who are still alive on earth witness? I think I have a pretty good idea, and it might not be what you expect. The miracle of Michael didn't stop on Christmas...
Well my friends, here's a story that when I read it, I knew I should share it here for you to be encouraged and blessed. It's written by one of my online friends, Susan Norman. This testimony speaks of God's love and faithfulness in the midst of Susan's personal...
Spiritual Warfare In Focus: What IS the Way of the Warrior in this Life?
This post Originally posted on In Focus: Like all aspects of life in God, there is a journey to becoming a Spiritual Warrior in a New Testament world. We grow up into life as Warriors and Champions, much as we mature from being babes in Christ to mature sons and...
Stop Assuming, Don’t Be Like Job’s Buddies
I’m not even sure how to begin this post, but I need to get a message across to some well-meaning Christian brothers and sisters - that some things they assume will be helpful for others to hear, can sometimes cut like a knife... Instead of the church being a...
God Has Not Forgotten You
God has not forgotten you! Those are some of the sweetest words anyone who has been through severe drought and storm can hear. Let’s really look at what God is saying to us in this verse of scripture as we pick it apart... “Blessed is the one who perseveres under...
None of Us are Born Loving God’s Sovereignty
None of us are born loving God’s Sovereignty. We are all born loving our own sovereignty! God uses afflictions/suffering to heal both sinner and saint, and if we don’t take hold of and really understand that all of our steps are ordered from the Lord, we will become...
All I Need to Do is Worship
There I was again for the umpteenth time. My flesh was screaming for the release of this disease! Yes, for a brief moment my carnality was in a fierce battle with my spirit. I lost my focus. Self-pity was at the front door. But here’s the thing... God has taught...
What Do You Do When Hope is Gone?
Hope is a great thing, maybe the best of things. Hope is a key to the Christian life. But there’s a kind of hope I can really identify with because I know it so well… “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:...

“Who is this one? Look at her now. She arises from her Desert of Difficulty Clinging to her Beloved.” Songs 8:5