Showing posts with label Christian McShaffrey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian McShaffrey. Show all posts

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Confessing Our Hope Podcast: "Kept Pure in All Ages," Confessional Bibliology, & the Received Text


OPC Pastors Christian McShaffrey and Brett Mahlen on the Confessing Our Hope Podcast of Greenville Presbyterian Seminary discuss the upcoming 2022 Kept Pure In All Ages Conference and provide an overview of Confessional Bibliology.


Thursday, December 16, 2021

WM 218: Doxology or Devil? A Case for the Longer Ending of the Lord's Prayer

Thanks to Brett Mahlen and Christian McShaffrey for joining me on this episode to discuss their recent article, "Doxology or Devil? A Case for the Longer Ending of the Lord's Prayer," Puritan Reformed Journal, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2021): 21-31. You can find a link to the article here.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

2021 Kept Pure In All Ages Conference Lectures Online: Audio and Video

Image: Pastor McShaffrey speaking at the 2021 Kept Pure Conference

It was my privilege to speak at the 2021 Kept Pure In All Ages Conference at Five Solas OPC in Reedsburg, Wisconsin, alongside Pastor Christian McShaffrey on March 26-27, 2021.

Video of the lectures are now available online. You can find them here on

I have also posted audio of the lectures to Find them here and below:


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

New TBS Booklet: How the Holy Bible Came To Be


My friend Christian McShaffrey, Pastor of Five Solas (OPC) in Reedsburg, WI has written a new article/booklet that has been produced by the Trinitarian Bible Society, titled How the Holy Bible Came To Be. You can read a pdf of it here for free.

This will be an excellent resource for anyone to be introduced to "Believing Bibliology", especially children and youth.

I hope to have Christian soon as a guest on the WM podcast to discuss this resource.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Kept Pure in All Ages Conference Rescheduled: March 26-27, 2021


The Kept Pure in All Ages Conference has been rescheduled for Friday-Saturday, March 26-27, 2021 at the Five Solas Church in Reedbsburg, WI.

DV, I am looking forward to ministering alongside Pastor Christian McShaffrey and presenting a series of lectures upholding the traditional text of God's Word. Here's the schedule:

Friday, March 26

6:30 pm, Devotions

7:00 pm, Lecture: The Ancient Text

Saturday, March 27

9:00 am, Devotions

9:30 am, Lecture: The Modern Text

10:30 am, Coffee break

10:45 am, Lecture: The Postmodern Text

11:45 am, Lunch break

12:30 pm, Q&A session


Saturday, May 16, 2020

CB Roundtable #1: John 1:18: "Only God" or "Only Begotten Son"?

Here's the video from the first Confessional Bibliology Roundtable (5.12.20).

You can also listen to the audio here:

Enjoy! JTR

Monday, May 11, 2020

Confessional Bibliology Roundtable Coming: May 12, 19, 26, 2020

I'm looking forward to talking part in Episode 1 of 3 in the Confessional Bibliology Roundtable beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 4 pm EST with Chris Thomas (moderator), Pastor Christian McShaffrey (Five Solas OPC, Reedsburg, Wisconsin) and Pastor Pooyan Mehrshahi (Providence Baptist Chapel, Cheltenham, England).

We plan to meet for three consecutive Tuesdays at 4 pm EST via Zoom (live-streamed on the Confessional Bibliology Facebook group). You can find out how to join the conversation here.

In each session a different speaker will give a presentation on an issue related to the text of Scripture and theology/ministry, which we will then discuss. The sessions will also be recorded and posted online.

Here is the upcoming schedule

Episode 1: May 12, 2020: Topic: John 1:18 (Presenter: Christian McShaffrey)

Episode 2: May 19, 2020: Topic: 1 John 5:7-8 (Presenter: Jeff Riddle)

Episode 3: May 26, 2020: Topic: Text and Apologetics/Evangelism (Presenter: Pooyan Mehrshahi)


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

"Kept Pure in All Ages" Conference Postponed

The "Kept Pure in All Ages" Conference, scheduled for March 27-28, 2020 in Reedsburg, Wisconsin has, understandably, been postponed under the present circumstances.

Here is the note that Pastor Christian McShaffrey sent out yesterday to those who had registered:

Dear friends,

The Kept Pure in All Ages Conference is postponed due to the present difficulties related to interstate air travel.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will be consulting with our main speaker about possible dates for a reschedule.

God willing, we will be able to reschedule the conference later this year. Look for upcoming announcements for the new meeting date.

Blessings, JTR

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Christian McShaffrey: "What, Are You ESV-Only?" A Brotherly Inquiry

My friend Christian McShaffrey, Pastor of Five Solas OPC in Reedsburg, Wisconsin and host of the upcoming "Kept Pure in All Ages" conference, has written an on-point article titled, "What, are you ESV-Only?". Pastor McShaffrey makes some great points in this article. Give it a read. 


Tuesday, January 07, 2020

WM 147: Interview with Christian McShaffrey: Kept Pure in All Ages Conference

WM 147: Interview with Christian McShaffrey: Kept Pure in All Ages Conference has been posted. Listen here.

Christian McShaffrey is pastor of Five Solas Church (OPC) in Reedsburg, Wisconsin. He is also the founder and administrator of the TR Friendly Church Directory, which now includes over 170 confessional congregations worldwide which prefer the TR and translations based upon it.

In this podcast we discuss Christian's testimony, his call to ministry, his convictions on the text of Scripture, and the upcoming Kept Pure in All Ages Conference, which Five Solas Church will be hosting on March 27-28, 2020. I am looking forward to speaking in the conference and having fellowship with those who attend.
