mandag 26. august 2019

No. 1448: It is obviously a service error and punishable by what PBE did when they said we could build on an old wall, but now this is against us and wants us to demolish!

No. 1448:
It is obviously a service error and punishable by what PBE did when they said we could build on an old wall, but now this is against us and wants us to demolish!

It is pretty obvious that PBEs are lawless and go wrong when they have given us oral permission, and withdraw it.
They have violated Norwegian law on several points, including Norwegian law states that an oral agreement is as binding as a written one.
The prophet Isaiah speaks that those who are to govern the law do not use it properly. They abuse the law, especially against those who need and need protection.
The same is true in our case, that we feel that the authorities are abusing their power, and their entire power loss against us.

Isaiah 10. Woe unto them that give unrighteous laws, and issue pernicious letters, 2 to bring the petty away from the court, and to rob the poor of my people of their right, to make widows their spoil, and to plunder the fatherless. 3 But what will ye do in the day of the visitation, when the destruction cometh from afar? To whom will you flee for help, and where will you do your taxes? 4 He who does not sink to the knees among the prisoners shall fall among the slain. But with all this his anger does not return, and yet his hand is stretched out.
The Prophet Isaiah's words are valid today, "to need petty people" is something that the government will be punished sooner or later.

§ 171. Service failure
With a fine or imprisonment for up to 2 years, the person who exercises or assists in the exercise of public authority is punished and grossly violates his duty of service.

Here there is an obvious service error, and we are therefore considering suing Kaja Aubert Lange in court.
It is not with a light heart, as she is the case manager we have come up with the best. But at the same time, it was through her advice and guidance that we built the wall as a plan and building agency here in Oslo.

This is what my lawyer Knut Howlid writes to the Borgarting Court of Appeal.

Case No. 18-104017 TVI-OTIR / 06

Appellant: Jan Kåre Christensen, Krokstien 2 c, 0672 Oslo

Prosecutor: Lawyer Knut M Howlid, Gyldenløvesgate 24, 0260 Oslo
 Appellate party: The State at the Ministry of Municipal and Modernization PO Box 8112 Dep, 0032 Oslo
 Attorney: Government Attorney v. Attorney Elisabeth Sawkins Eikeland PO Box 8012 Dep, 0030 Oslo

21.12.2018 Oslo District Court handed down judgment in case no 18-104017 with such conclusion:

1. The State of the Ministry of Local Government and Modernization is acquitted.

2. Jan Kåre Christensen is sentenced to pay NOK 40 600 - forty thousand six hundred - in compensation for legal costs to the State by the Ministry of Local Government and Modernization. The payment deadline is two to two weeks from the verdict.

Jan Kåre Christensen thinks the verdict is wrong and appeals it to the Court of Appeal in its entirety with regard to incorrect assessment of evidence and use of law which Christensen believes is fraught with decisive deficiencies at the same time as he believes there are procedural errors.

The appeal does not include claim # 2 before the district court that the appellant may retain the wall, staircase and storage room as it is today, but it must be stated for good measure that this is what the case is about.

The case has not been adequately disclosed by the fact that documents and witnesses have not been brought, at the same time that none of the authorities that have handled the case have conducted an investigation so that they could hear Christensen's explanation and see his remarks on the spot regarding the matters concerning the terrain and location regarding the needs of stairs, masonry and storerooms.
It is required that the Court of Appeal hold an inspection, either in the f b m main hearing event. prior.
From this page it has previously been stated that it has been wrong of the district court not to hold a hearing as part of the main hearing. That an agreement was reached in the planning meeting not to conduct an investigation was due to the fact that Christensen was without experience of the case before a court when he was not represented by a proxy.
After the initial introductory conversation with me, Christensen included a claim in his final post that inspection was required. The same was included in my first petition of November 30, 2018. In a case that deals with several aspects of a real estate, one cannot receive sufficiently sound treatment, nor can the case be adequately disclosed, without investigation.
In particular, this will apply in the case before the District Court, when neither the City of Oslo nor the County Governor was willing to call for an investigation.

Photos may not be sufficient to safeguard the considerations of a local inspection.

The support wall - advance guidance

Christensen sought advance guidance in the municipality of Oslo on two occasions before the support wall was erected. Christensen claims that in both inquiries he described the wall and that he was accepted for the construction of the wall without having to seek prior permission.
In the two phone conversations in 2013 that Christensen had with case manager Kaja Lange Aubert
rt, who knew the area years back through the development period of Krokstien 2, he asked if it was okay to erect a new and higher wall on the former old wall along the Stormyrveien road to get a larger and much better outdoor area southwest of their accommodation on Krokstien 2 c.
On both occasions, Christensen believes that he was given a clear answer by the municipal caseworker that the wall was not compulsory as he described it. He himself perceived it as a binding acceptance and agreement. It seems clearly unreasonable if it is Christensen who, in a case like this, should be at risk of any misunderstanding.
It is stated that there are service errors with regard to guidance / counseling. If there had been any basis for any kind of doubt with the caseworker regarding the request, she should have asked to have a sketch and / or written presentation of the building measure to make sure that her guidance / advice was correct.

Thus, the municipality's duty to provide sound guidance and / or counseling has failed and in any case has not been properly clarified vs. a contractor who addresses the municipality's planning and building authorities with a very specific question of prior permission in a specific building case.

The case officer was waived by the undersigned as a witness for the district court. However, it later emerged during the main hearing that the State Prosecutor had no knowledge that the case officer to whom Christensen approached had also been a case manager in connection with the planning and development of Krokstien 2 a b c and d.

The person in question was thus locally known in the area, familiar with the terrain heights and formations, as she had followed the development of the Krokstien from A to Z as far as Christensen has knowledge. Therefore, as a witness, the person will provide the case with the necessary information so that it will be far better and more properly informed.

In the guidance Christensen received, there was no mention of the considerations for small-scale housing, only that Christensen's wall would be like the other walls in the immediate area. Aubert Lange guided out from someone else's house on Stormyrveien.

Against this background, it is a mistake of the district court not to assume that the proprietor has been in good faith regarding the duty to apply. The only thing that has occurred through negligence is the case manager's handling of Christensen's inquiries. It is a mistake of the district court not to see this as a material breach of the duty to provide guidance after fvl. § 11.

This is what our responsible applicants write to PBE in Oslo.
From Completed Test Byggesak AS, Pb 9385 Greenland, 0135 Oslo

The municipality's duty of guidance:

Reference is made to Section 11. of the Public Administration Act If, from the supervisory authority, it has not been sufficiently and clearly communicated that the measures trigger the application obligation and exemption from the current plan basis, then this should also be given weight in an overall assessment of measures already implemented. The policyholder must be able to trust that he or she can follow the advice sought by the relevant authority. This naturally follows naturally from the Public Administration Act. On this occasion, it should be pointed out that the responsible applicant has only described the oral communication between the municipality and the initiative holder on the part of the initiative holder. We note that the municipality has failed to comment on this in its decision.

Other walls / stalls in the area and the principle of equal treatment:

It is correct as PBE writes in its decision that many of the walls established in the area were probably established before the current plan was adopted. However, it is not correct that all the walls were established before the detached house plan became applicable. Several walls have been erected towards the roadway in recent years.

When assessing the current wall in ft. other walls in the area are also specified that the wall in question is by no means the largest wall in the area, neither in height nor length. We note that PBE points out that many walls have been erected before the small house plan became applicable. The promoter then wonders if these are then legal, even though they have never been applied for and they obviously must have been in violation of both previously applicable plans and exemption provisions in the Planning and Building Act. To this end, we understand that the proprietor - who himself thinks they have followed the municipality's recommendation - considers it unreasonable to be the only ones being followed up.

The action holder finds it further unreasonable that PBE defends what the action holder perceives as a neighbor's illegally erected wall in his argument against the action holder's own wall. The respondent points out on this occasion that it is not correct that the neighbors' wall is not in a regulated way. Whether the neighboring wall is illegally constructed is unclear to us, but it is correct as the proprietor points out that the walls of the complaining neighbor's properties (both walls on the other side of the road and the nearest neighbor's wall) may appear to lie partly in areas regulated to the road.

Incidentally, the policyholder cannot understand the importance of neighboring walls (at least some of them) being associated with carport. The walls are not lower, or affect the area or the like
is less lane, for that reason.

By the way, not all the walls in the area were established before the small house plan became applicable. Several of the walls in the area appear to have been established after 2006. From case view, we cannot see that any cases have been registered in the Stormyrveien road relating to explicit walls in the last 100 years.

We assume that some walls are rated in sqm. other buildings, but notes that it may nevertheless appear that the project owner is right in that several of the walls have not been subject to a reality assessment.

Mht. natural transition to road, it is pointed out that the few plots in the area have natural transition to road. In most of the plots along Stormyrveien walls and or cuts have been established in one form or another. Several of these have the same size as the current wall.

Mht. The requirement for natural stone is then pointed out that there is great variation in the walls in the area, and that there is a considerable number of walls in plastered walls and concrete, ie with similar expression as the actual wall. In this connection, reference is made, for example, to the walls of Stormyrveien 9 and 12.

Mht. in conjunction with green areas, the policyholder perceives PBE's reasoning as slightly in excess of the application. Again, almost all the sites in the immediate area are referred to where this green space is broken up with some form of terrain - primarily the construction of walls. All complaining neighbors' properties are terminated against the road with what PBE refers to as an unnatural transition that violates the green contiguous areas against the road.

The initiative holder is wondering that residents in the immediate area should have received an exemption for a listed booth (case 201316839 - Stormyrveien 9C). Whether there are major differences in this case and the present case we are somewhat uncertain, but at least we note that this is also an illegal listed bid and that% BYA was reported up to 60%. We also record that the site is subject to another regulation, without being sure how it affects the assessment criteria. Furthermore, we assume that PBE has an overview that no corresponding exemptions have been granted in respect of PBE. % BYA for similar measures in the Småhusplan's scope.

We have not been able to answer several of the above statements exactly to several of the above quotations. Since it is PBE's arguments the proprietor refers to, we find it most natural to leave it to PBE to comment on this in the complaint case.

Mht. outdoor area:

In its decision regarding storage, PBE has emphasized the living areas. The defendant perceives this argument to some extent to be contradictory when the agency in fm. storage emphasizes the outdoor space a lot, while in fm. the improvement of the surface area attached to the wall does not attach this considerable weight. We understand the agency. that the storage facilities to some extent occupy land allocated for outdoor living, cf. given permits for housing. We also understand that the agency has assumed that sloping terrain (up to 1: 3) is considered usable (the living areas to the west if no wall is established). Mht. we will point out that due to changed regulations regarding calculation of the living area, the outdoor areas of the dwelling have in fact increased computationally, cf. given permission for housing, even after an established dwelling. Previously, PBE did not consider areas in sqm. roof terrace to be "usable", while acc. changing regulations then they do. Thus, requirements for outdoor space are met regardless of whether the accommodation is established or not. Mht. the outdoor areas to the west, we again want to point out that flat areas provide better opportunities for varied outdoor living than sloped areas. On this occasion, it is requested that the municipality look to the neighboring plots, and most plots down the Stormyrveien road (where trapping of terrain is relatively widespread) in its complaint case assessment. It seems obvious that it is not only the proprietor who has had a desire to flatten the hilly terrain with a desire for flat outdoor area.

Final Comment:

What does Norwegian law say I will end with.

King Kristian the Law of the Fifth.

By regulation 14 Apr 1688 the law was put into effect from Mikkelsdag (29 Sep 1688). Only the provisions that are believed to still apply are included here. For the repeal of various provisions and for certain provisions which are believed to have lapsed, please refer to older editions of the Norwegian Laws.

Fifth Book. About Access, Goods and Gield.
In Cap. About Contracter and Commitment.
1 Art.Everyone is obliged to comply with whose hand with mouth, hand and seal promised and entered into gardens.
2 Art. All Contracts that are voluntarily provided by those who are of legal age, and come to their Ages, be it Purchase, Sal, Gift, Garbage, Mortgage, Loan, Rent, Commitment, Promoter and other know what Name the mentioned child who is not against The law, or veneration, should be kept in all their words and points, as they are.

lørdag 24. august 2019

No. 1447: Additional information to the County Governor in Oslo and Viken regarding the Planning and Building Agency's attempts to manipulate and not accept that we have been orally instructed to build a wall that they are currently contesting!

No. 1447:
Additional information to the County Governor in Oslo and Viken regarding the Planning and Building Agency's attempts to manipulate and not accept that we have been orally instructed to build a wall that they are currently contesting!

Sent this email as with additional information to the County Governor in Oslo and Viken regarding the Planning and Building Agency attempts to manipulate and not take in that we have been orally instructed to build a wall that they today contest!
Sad when a government agency is on a line with a disclaimer where all things indicate only one thing that we are talking about. While they do not adhere to the facts of the case, we illustrate this in this email.

Case number 201510929 Oslo 24 / 8-2019
To the County Governor of Oslo and Viken.

The indices themselves indicate that I speak true, but that PBE does not il relate to it. As well as our experience and understanding of the matter, it should be trampled and neglected at all.

In the case between us, me and my wife Berit Nyland Christensen and the Planning and Building Agency here in Oslo, it is striking in all mailers and all correspondence between us. Then they will not respond to anything when we mention things that are in our favor, they merely dispense with what they themselves have decided and believe.

What happened in this case? When you look at what is built, you see clearly that none of what is built. It is not built by chance, it harmonizes with both the terrain and our house.
In other words, when I say and write that we built our wall on top of an old wall in consultation with our then case manager Kaja Aubert Lange in PBE, it is true with "map and compass." So with what it looks like here we live.

The indices themselves indicate that I speak true, but that PBE does not!

If you take a pen, it is so small that you have to ask why? That was when we built it, it was only allowed to set up a storage space of less than 15 square meters without applying for it. Today it is 50 sqm2. We set up a storage space of 10 sqm2, which became 11 sqm2. We had built two places where we have lived before, without searching. That this is going to be almost a disaster and that we are being treated so unreasonably hard even though our overruns are minimal, testify to someone who is only concerned with applying the rules against us. Here, of course, it should have given dispensation, the excess and the gain of what we have built, it says.

When it comes to the wall, we conferred with PBE. Then it turns out that our wall also fits perfectly, as, among other things, the neighbor's wall is over a ½ meter higher than ours. It indicates that the acceptance we got was to build on the old wall without applying for it. It sticks, and the indices indicate the same.
We have also built a higher wall before in one of the places we have storage, so to build a wall without searching. It has been the template for us, nothing else.

What really happened between me and Kaja Aubert Lange?
Here is our Lawyer Knut Howlids write to Borgarting Lagmannsrett on this case.

The support wall - advance guidance

Christensen sought advance guidance in the municipality of Oslo on two occasions before the support wall was erected. Christensen claims that in both inquiries he described the wall and that he was accepted for the construction of the wall without having to seek prior permission.
In the two phone conversations in 2013 that Christensen had with caseworker Kaja Lange Aubert, who knew the area years back through the development period to Krokstien 2, he asked if it was okay to erect a new and higher wall on the former old wall along Stormyrveien to get a larger and much better outdoor area southwest of their accommodation on Krokstien 2 c.
On both occasions, Christensen believes that he was given a clear answer by the municipal caseworker that the wall was not compulsory as he described it. He himself perceived it as a binding acceptance and agreement. It seems clearly unreasonable if it is Christensen who, in a case like this, should be at risk of any misunderstanding.
It is stated that there are service errors with regard to guidance / counseling. If there had been any basis for any kind of doubt with the caseworker regarding the request, she should have asked to have a sketch and / or written presentation of the building measure to make sure that her guidance / advice was correct.

Thus, the municipality's duty to provide sound guidance and / or counseling has failed and in any case has not been properly clarified vs. a contractor who addresses the municipality's planning and building authorities with a very specific question of prior permission in a specific building case.

The case officer was waived by the undersigned as a witness for the district court. However, it later emerged during the main hearing that the State Prosecutor had no knowledge that the case officer to whom Christensen approached had also been a case manager in connection with the planning and development of Krokstien 2 a b c and d.

The person was thus locally known in the area, known for the terrain heights and formations, as she had followed the development No. 1447:
Additional information to the County Governor in Oslo and Viken regarding the Planning and Building Agency's attempts to manipulate and not accept that we have been orally instructed to build a wall that they are currently contesting!
It has been very welcoming and understanding.

Now we got a new one to try again. He was actually more difficult than any of the others. We have applied before, and here was someone who claimed an application that was probably five times more demanding and comprehensive than the previous allowance we had.
Every application was then accepted, that we should submit an application that is more comprehensive than building and seeking to build a brand new house.
It bears witness to arrogance and almost cunning malice to make things most difficult for us.

We have now got a new caseworker that is more twisted and requires more of us than any of the other caseworker we have had after Kaja Aubert Lange. We have experienced those who max hard, but we certainly got one that was even harder and more twisted than those we thought and have experienced as impossible to deal with. The whole PBE in Oslo is for us as the blackest night where nothing we do is good enough, even though the dispensation we ask for and need is minimal.
While others receive exemptions and are granted the largest exemptions imaginable.

So we read the last mail in from PBE, and pretty much all other correspondence. Then what we experience is abuse of power and authority when one is so wrong, yes impossible to deal with. When we do not receive an exemption then in our case, an oral commitment is also the basis. If you look at what we have built then it indicates that the guidance we have been given. It has been followed, and that what is then set up does not stand out in any negative way. The fact is that it is for the benefit of all parties that we have built.
Now PBE wants us to return to what it was before. And that the nearest neighbor has built, with PBE acceptance. It is perfectly fine for us, but one by one, the neighbor's slope is down as our slope did before. Then it is actually about 70 - 80 cm from the road. While our wall is 1 meter. In fact, here our "new" wall is more legal than what PBE wants us to return to.
Don't understand what PBE is doing. Complying with such attachments and instructions is completely incomprehensible to us that it is possible to make such backward orders. Call it what we have built and done for illegalities, while one can even get himself to do most of both the breach of promise and rigid orders etc.

Really hope that there are some righteous people who surround these decisions and orders from PBE here in Oslo that are perceived as meaningless and dark. Follow such orders, it is as if someone should ask you to do a wrong! Maybe that's what it is?

Hope for a positive response and that everything will be turned to our advantage and favor.

We have sent an application before, now we will send another. But then with so much extra that it is really almost impossible to submit without it will be so much extra work and costs that to order to submit such an application. That's how we see it simply to make things as difficult and costly as possible!

In the previous application, our responsible applicants also pointed out this, that everything fits in and nothing has hindered anyone, only favor.

From Completed Test Byggesak AS, Pb 9385 Greenland, 0135 Oslo.

The contractor considered it very appropriate to have an external storage room which ensured good and dry storage, regardless of garage and basement. The alternative would be that bicycles and other things were left outdoors, which was both considered a poorer solution in terms of. decay on the individual objects that had to be left out, a less secure solution with the risk of the objects being stolen and not least a less tidy solution - ie a poor aesthetic solution for the surroundings. The booth was established on an area of ​​little use (north facing slope / fence). The settlement solution was accepted by the nearest neighbor, the measure is well below 15 square meters, and the measure holder was of the clear opinion that this would not trigger the application obligation. As far as we understand, the holder of the initiative has not received any negative feedback on the booth, which is both designed with a subdued expression, with good aesthetic design and further expertly executed. The booth is located at a height below the neighboring fence, and is noticeably visible to the surroundings.

Establishing a shed is not a significant or unreasonable disadvantage for neighbors, neither in terms of. the measures themselves or traffic conditions. There is consent from the nearest neighbor.

Regarding placed wall above previous wall: According to the initiative holder, the wall is placed directly above a former low wall and fence. As it is difficult to accurately specify this, it is difficult to estimate whether this is 100% correct on the millimeter. However, we note that there used to be a fence and a lower wall in the sc. the areas in question. This can be found on the attached photo documentation.

Pertaining to the height of the wall: The height of the wall varies. It is not correct that the wall at the lowest is 1.75 m. However, it is correct that it was incorrectly written that the wall at the highest was 1.5 m in the notice. This was corrected on all notifications with a pen to the correct height and considered with them t clarified. In fact, we do not quite understand what a neighbor wants to achieve with this quote. Height, by the way, is clearly indicated by both drawing and maps.

Regarding the wall has a negative impact on road traffic and maintenance: Reg. This point also seems to indicate that it is somewhat striking that a neighbor in Stormyrveien 4, 5 and 6 has signed these quotations. It is important to emphasize on this occasion that the project owner in this project does not in any way want to indicate his neighbors as he feels that some have done in this case, because he has misunderstood the regulations and erected the wall / building. But when all three neighbors Stormyrveien 4, 5 and 6 themselves have walls that are all adjacent to or within regulated road boundaries, it becomes difficult not to mention this. In addition, when there are several other walls in the area with a similar location, it must be said to be an established practice in the relevant area with walls up to - and indeed also in - regulated road boundaries. I fm. Both Stormyrveien 4 and 6 are also the walls all the way to the paved road. In Stormyrveien 5 is a garage and brick wall with approximately the same location in ft. the roadway as the measure now being applied for. We can hardly see that the wall in Krokstien 2c significantly affects the roadway significantly more than these measures. The fact that 2 neighbor (s) have a continuous exit of more than 20 m, and that none of the 3 neighbors has snooze on their own land, is otherwise considered to contribute significantly more negatively in terms of. traffic conditions than the right wall along the road that is being sought here. But as mentioned - it is not the task of the proprietor to hang up in neighboring circumstances. You just want to get your own situation settled. Mht. In addition, it is obvious that this wall, which is completely out of the roadway, has some influence on road engineering considerations. However, after an overall assessment, the wall is not considered to affect road engineering considerations to a significant extent. Mht. road traffic is affected to a limited extent as the visibility etc. of the right stretch is changed to a small extent. It is shown in this connection for past disclosure. Mht. maintenance then it is pointed out that the asphalt edge is still at a sufficient distance to the wall, and that there is a road shoulder in the area in question, so that you can store some snow here. By the way, there is a considerable area where the wall goes into terrain where snow has been stored in recent years. Initiatives have never experienced this as difficult. As far as we understand, the City Environment Agency has not registered a single complaint or incident in recent years, neither with regard to. that the areas in question are dangerous to traffic or maintenance problems. We note that the wall has been standing for a long time without the road authority in the municipality - which manages and maintains the road - has not registered any problems, neither in terms of. use or operation.

In our opinion, the benefits of giving exemption outweigh the disadvantages in our opinion. The considerations behind the provision and the purpose of the plan are not significantly neglected. Exemption can be granted.
(quote at the end.)

Well, if one comes up here then none of what we've built with what's built here before. It fits in perfectly, and it is in everyone's favor!

That we do not get an exemption, while others get what has taken advantage of the plot actually 57 times more than us. It is only and only PBE malice and to set a standard that they have the power that they are obviously abusing here!
So hope that you make this decision so that what we have built, masonry, stairs and storage will stand and be approved!

We have been seduced by PBE (the planning and building agency here in Oslo), they have really laid a trap for us!

This is what PBE here in Oslo has ordered us to tear down. This is nothing but "mad Mathias" and evil that makes people hold on to this.

Here is our beautiful wall, no bigger or taller than what the neighbor's on the other side.

Also note that next to our wall is the neighbor's sloped plot 20 - 30 c, further opposite the road. As we used to, PBE wants us to. In other words, more "illegal" than we have it today. We do not understand this!

Our booth is exquisite, tearing it down is only malice in people who may seem like it.

Stairs that are necessary and safe to have, demolishing such are only delusional people who want this to be done.

When I see what we've gone through, that's absolutely horrifying.
We are suffering for being law-abiding and calling the municipality of Oslo and following their guidance.

Berit and Jan Kåre Christensen
Crockstone 2 c
0672 Oslo

onsdag 21. august 2019

No. 1446: It looks bad, but there are still two possibilities!

No. 1446:
It looks bad, but there are still two possibilities!

There has been a greater miracle than this. When Moses and the children of Israel went out of Egypt, Pharaoh and his army pursued them.
They reached them again, yet the children of Israel were saved and the Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea. When God opened the sea, so the children of Israel went dry-shod over. While the Egyptians - the largest and most powerful army of the day - were all drowned as a man in one day, hallelujah!
Yes, God is as great today as He was then, and victory is ours!

Exodus 14. 21 And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the LORD drove the sea away with a strong east wind that blew all night, and made the sea a dry land, and the waters parted. 22 And the children of Israel went through the midst of the sea upon the dry; and the waters stood as a wall upon their right and on their left. 23 And the Egyptians followed and followed them into the midst of the sea, all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen. '29 But the children of Israel walked in the dry midst of the sea, and the waters stood like a wall on their right and on their left. . 30 Thus the Lord saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the sea shore. 31 And when Israel saw the great work the LORD had done with the Egyptians, the people feared the LORD; and they believed in the Lord and in his servant Moses.
15. 3 The Lord is a man of war; the Lord is his name. 4 Pharaoh's chariots and his army he cast into the sea, and his chosen chariots were drowned in the Red Sea. 5 The abysses hid them, they sank like stones in deep water.
Picture of the incident, how it may have looked. God is powerful in allowing the same thing to happen to us, and in our cause. The Red Sea divided and became a salvation for the children of Israel, but for judgment, death and destruction for the Egyptians!

1.) That the County Assembly is reviewing everything. Have filed a complaint with them, again.

See here:

2.) PBE realizes that they have been unreasonable to us, and turns!

Pray that God has a way out of it anyway, in Jesus name!

Psalm 68. 20 Praise be to the Lord day after day! If you put a burden on us, God is our savior. Sela. 21 God is our God to salvation, and with the Lord, the God of Israel, there are rises from death. 22 Yes, God crushes the head of his enemies, the hairy ass of him walking in his guilt. 23 The Lord says, I will bring back from Bashan, I will bring back from the depths of the sea, 24 so that your feet may be plunged into blood, the tongue of your dogs will be part of the enemies. 25 They see your triumphs, God, my God, my king's, triumphs into the sanctuary.

This is sent to the County Governor.

To the County Governor of Oslo and Viken.
As well as PBE here in Oslo regarding case number 201510929 - Construction case at Oslo Municipality with PBE here in Oslo.

Oslo 2 / 8-2019

Appeal against rejection decision regarding refusal of request not to grant further deadline - Krokstien 2 C

Should be brief here, but that PBE contends with what is pretty obvious that the time is right to give us the exemption we need and approve the wall, staircase and storage room.

Now it is rather sought to say that our wall is out of the way when, for example. The neighbor's wall just above on the other side really lies out on the road. Thus, our wall is illegal etc.
It is 20 cm from the road, while spring is 1 meter. Then we mean paved road, which is the real thing we are talking about.

The neighbor's wall in Stormyrveien has a wall that prevents traffic as we have to park the car that is parked out there in the roadway unnatural as the wall is so far in front of the paved road that it is completely unreasonable and incomprehensible that the wall that is a real problem must stand.
While ours is not a hindrance, on the contrary, it is a clear advantage with our wall as the roadway has become 20 cm wider after we set up our wall, when we pulled in the wall in relation to how the terrain was before. And as our neighbor today has it next to us with mold, soap and lawn down the roadway that we also had and as PBE wants us to demolish our wall and get it that way again. This is a clear deterioration in absolutely every way.

With our wall, it is a clear advantage and in favor of everyone that we then have to demolish that wall is just for one thing. That PBE wants to show his POWER, NOT FOR ANYTHING!

When it comes to stairs, it is also for the benefit and favor of everyone. When the ambulance came here about 2 - 3 years ago when our daughter needed emergency help, they did not find it in the Krokstien and got the ambulance to drive us. What did they do then? They drove down Stormyrveien, jumped up from there, and used the stairs that PBE now wants to be demolished.
Only reason for tearing up the stairs is that PBE SHOWS HIS POWER AND ARROGANCE, NOT FOR ANY OTHER REASON!

Our booth as a PBE wants us to tear down, also experienced as both unreasonable, incomprehensible and without substance in its repeated decisions and orders. Isn't it a shame or a hindrance to someone?
It is not seen from the road or other properties other than ours as it is so sheltered and with such a them the Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea Pet expresses that the excesses in terms of utilization are insignificant and minimal.
Only reason for it to be demolished, it must be that the Planning and Building Agency is shown its power, NOT for any other reason.

What is this matter really about? Now after 5 - 6 years of struggle?

It's basically about the little man fighting a heroic fight against a brutal force majeure.
Here, PBE should long ago have realized its mistakes, meaningless and unjust decisions and orders above us.

We oppose any order and anything else that does not give us a quick endorsement of our wall, staircase and storage room which is perfect and just for the blessing and favor of everyone!

Will also say in the end, that the wall that has now become PBE's hottest object to get removed, is then built in consultation with PBE. We called down, told that since there was a wall opposite the road from before. Then we didn't have to search, it was just building a wall on an old wall. We did, and in retrospect it also turns out that the wall that is obstructing the traffic and which is such that demolition is the only option. 20 cm from the road is 80 cm too small. While spring which is 1 meter from the roadway, it should be demolished and PBE uses the strongest words they can by saying it is in the roadway etc. (1 meter from paved road.)

Here sparrows shoot with guns as they do with us.

While the neighbor's wall, which is both illegal and obstructing the traffic, one looks through his fingers and leaves as it does not belong to small-scale housing etc. are the reasons and answers we get from PBE when we have pointed this out.
But our property is then actually built before small-scale housing, as our house has been set up in recent times, but it used to be an old house.
Than should then be thought the same, but to us, PBE uses the heaviest shots they can, even though our wall is really perfect in every way.
While the neighbor's obvious is both illegal and far from ideal.
Here is one so gentle, overlooks everything and even defends this!
No, PBE here in Oslo is moving in a landscape we do not understand.
Will eventually use a word in from the Bible that was written 2800 years ago that fits perfectly into the PBE handling of us and our cases.

Isaiah 5. 20 Woe to those who call evil good
          and the good evil,
          those who turn darkness into light and light into darkness,
          bitter to sweet and sweet to bitter!

mandag 19. august 2019

No. 1445: When Jesus was surrendered to the authorities - the scriptures say it was to lawless men, and it was Judas Iscariot who betrayed him, in our case there are clear similarities when Pastor Jan Aage Torp operates as a traitor and manipulator, and the police and courts as lawless men and women!

No. 1445:
When Jesus was surrendered to the authorities - the scriptures say it was to lawless men, and it was Judas Iscariot who betrayed him, in our case there are clear similarities when Pastor Jan Aage Torp operates as a traitor and manipulator, and the police and courts as lawless men and women!

Picture of Judas betraying Jesus with a kiss.
This is how Pastor Jan Aage Torp has also broken God's word by divorce and remarry.
As well as reporting brothers that he did with me, the scriptures warn against doing so as this will be addressed in the congregation.
Here one should not let go of the world and the authority, in matters of marriage.
The question of divorce and remarriage belongs to the congregation, not the world and worldly affections.

It says about Jesus the following:

"Israelite men, hear these words! Jesus of Nazareth was a man appointed to you by God by mighty works, wonders and signs which God did in him in the midst of you, as you yourselves know. He was betrayed by God's appointed counsel and providence, and you killed him by nailing him to the cross at the hands of lawless men. " (Acts 2: 22-23.)

Notice that these were government officials - but scripture calls them lawless. Why? Because they did not follow the law that applied.
It was e.g. clear things in both Jewish and Roman law that were broken in relation to Jesus' judgment, death and crucifixion.

According to the law, for example. no one will be questioned at night. No one should have a lawyer when it comes to capital punishment. Should anyone be sentenced to death, clear evidence should be provided and after the evidence was presented. Should the judges go home and relax. Second, they should return after 1 week, and then be found guilty or acquitted. So I could have, and the Jews could not judge anyone to crucify. The only thing that went right for Jesus was after he died. Then his legs were spared and this was actually the only thing that happened to Jesus as laws and rules were followed.

Retrieved from the web where one describes this with Jesus being surrendered and condemned by people who say the scriptures were lawless even though there were government officials.

Asked by the Sanhedrin and taken to Pilate!

The night is soon over when Peter for the third time refuses to know Jesus. The members of the Sanhedrin have ended what has been a parody of a lawsuit, and they have gone separately. When Friday morning comes, they will come together again, probably to try to give the night's illegal trial a certain legal touch. Jesus is brought before them.

They say again: "If you are Christ, say so." Jesus replies, "Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. And if I asked you questions, you wouldn't answer. ”Still, Jesus bravely demonstrates that he is the one prophesied in Daniel 7:13. He says, “From now on, the Son of Man will sit at the right hand of God.” - Luke 22: 67-69; Matthew 26:63.

They continue: "So are you the Son of God?" Jesus replies, "You say yourself that I am." They think this is good enough reason to accuse Jesus of blasphemy and have him killed. "What about more testimony?" They ask. (Luke 22:70, 71; Mark 14:64) They therefore bind Jesus and lead him to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate.

Judas Iscariot may see Jesus being led to Pilate. When Judas realizes that Jesus has been condemned, he receives guilt and a bad conscience. But instead of turning to God and showing genuine remorse, he goes to give back the 30 silver coins. Judas says to the chief priests, "I sinned when I betrayed an innocent man." But they answer heartlessly: "What has to do with us? That is your problem! ”- Matthew 27: 4.

Judas throws the 30 silver coins into the temple and then makes it even worse by trying to commit suicide. As Judas tries to hang himself, the branch in which he has tied the rope is probably broken. He falls on the cliffs below and his body cracks. - Acts 1:17, 18.

It is still early in the morning when Jesus is taken to the residence of Pontius Pilate. But the Jews who have taken him there refuse to go in. They believe that such contact with non-Jews will make them unclean. If they become unclean, they will not be able to eat the meal on the 15th of Nisan, the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is seen as part of Passover.

Pilate comes out and asks them, "What are you accusing this man of?" They answer, "If this man were not a criminal, we would not have handed him over to you." It may be that Pilate feels they are trying to put pressure on him, so he says, "Take him and judge him according to your own law." The Jews reveal their murderous plans when they answer, "We are not allowed to kill anyone." - John 18: 29-31.

If the religious leaders kill Jesus during the Easter celebrations, it is likely to cause revolt among the people. But if they can get the Romans to execute Jesus for political reasons, something the Romans have authority to do, the people will certainly not hold them accountable.

They do not tell Pilate that they have r condemned Jesus for blasphemy. Now they dictate other charges: "This man deceives our nation, forbids people to pay taxes to the emperor, and says that he himself is Christ, a king." - Luke 23: 2.

As a representative of Rome, Pilate has cause for concern when he hears the claims that Jesus claims to be king. So Pilate goes into the dwelling again, calls Jesus, and asks, "Are you the King of the Jews?" In other words, he asks if Jesus has broken the laws of the land by claiming that he is a king in opposition to the emperor. Jesus, who may want to find out how much Pilate has already heard about him, says: “Do you ask this of yourself, or have others told you about me?” - John 18:33, 34.

Pilate states that he does not know so much about Jesus: "Am I not a Jew?" Still, he is interested in knowing more, so he adds: "Your own nation and the high priests have surrendered to me. What have you done? ”- John 18:35.

Jesus does not try to avoid the question of being king. What he answers, no doubt, surprises the governor.
(quote at end).

I was also "handed over" by a "Judas". And was exposed to the same as Jesus, but of course in a gentler and more sophisticated way.

So what happened to me?

Yes, I preached the word of God against divorce and remarriage.
This disliked Pastor Jan Aage Torp and went to Manglerud police with a fictitious review where he made false charges.
What he accused me of were just a few harmless statements.
When the case was further investigated, I saw "counter-notification". the trio Torodd Fuglesteg, Arnt Arnesen (Ansgar Braut) and Jan Aage Torp who had written much more and with much harder shooting at me. This was completely overlooked by the police even though there were both threats and the desire for my death + 1000 other things.
When the trial came, it fell completely into "fish" for the prosecution as there was nothing criminal in my writings. What did they do then?
Turned out a verdict that now it was the "crowd-writing" that was punishable, talk of murder!

When the case came up for the Borgarting Court of Appeal, I clearly saw from the judgment in Oslo Tingrett was based on the odometer claims.
When I said this, the judge pretends to write that no one had raised any objections.
Fortunately, I recorded this on tape and it is out on Youtube.
Look here:

Final Comment:

Scripture says:

The Preacher 1. 9 What has been is what is to be, and what has happened is what is to happen, and there is nothing new under the sun.

What Jesus experienced and what I experienced is really much the same.
Of course, many things are different as well, since I live in the best of ways and Jesus had to make good on his life after being exposed to Satan's cleansing games, etc.
But that scripture calls government figures as lawless, those who have to deal with the law. As well as meeting with Judas Iscariot and Pastor Jan Aage Torp who are both traitors.
It is also to learn that Satan always behaves in the same way all the time.
It is to get us into "imbalance" through lies, intrigues and distortions of truth!

Read here for more:

fredag 16. august 2019

No. 1444: Pastor Jan Aage Torp rails on his own blog as a spoiled little boy that he does not get the right of defense, but then write what you think on your own blog and accept that injustice is great!

No. 1444:
Pastor Jan Aage Torp rails on his own blog as a spoiled little boy that he does not get the right of defense, but then write what you think on your own blog and accept that injustice is great!

The newspaper Vårt Land has probably counted 20 to 30 articles about me over the years?
At the same time, I've been thrown out of Verdidebat for quoting David Wilkerson.
I only once wrote a reply, and then I got a maximum of 10 lines which was all they could give me. I thanked yes, and wrote.

But I have my own blog, and accept that the newspaper Vårt Land shines as they please.

This is what Pastor Jan Aage Torp writes on his own blog.

Pastor Jan Aage Torp has been in the public space for 40 years - it seems to me that he is a beginner with that whining. Unfortunately, what he experiences is "normal" to mean something that is beyond "approved."
The newspaper Vårt Land then writes against Torp, so they will not let him go that way. This is a fact, even Christian newspapers are unfortunately at least as dishonest as worldly newspapers.
That Torp does not know this and whining like that just shows what low goal he is holding.
Then forget the newspaper Vårt Land, you have your own blog and websites etc.
As well as the newspaper Norway today that he boasts so, he probably gets an article there and a "response" to the newspaper VL?
No, for a childish spoiled man like Torp. This is something we all experience that is not "inside" in the heat fully!

Just in this case, I agree with Pastor Jan Aage Torp.

Writing than anything against a person, then of course one should be allowed to write and speak in the newspaper that writes about one. This should have been "normal".
But anyone who has been in the public sphere knows that it is not, not for any of us.
Especially when you speak to a person, you also have something against the person. When allowing this person to come up with a "counter attack" few people really allow it.

Jan Aage Torp should rather thank God, and see to it that he cannot resist the criticism and write against the newspaper Our Land as an affirmation of his Apostle calling and ministry. The scriptures say:

1 Cor. 4. Everything has become saturated; You have all become rich; without us you have become masters! Yes, suppose you had become masters so that we could rule with you! 9 To me, it seems that God has shown us apostles as the poorest, who condemned death; for a spectacle we have become for the world, both for angels and for humans. 10 We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are wise in Christ; we are frail, but you are strong; You are honored, but we are honorless. 11 At this very moment we are both hungry and thirsty and naked and mistreated and homeless and miserable, 12 working with our own hands; we are spoiled - and we bless; we are persecuted - and we endure it; 13 We are mocked - and we admonish; we have become like degenerates in the world, a disgust for everyone, until now.

Notice the words like this: “To me it seems that God has shown us apostles as the poorest, who are condemned to death; for a spectacle we have become for the world, both for angels and for humans. We are fools for Christ's sake, we are frail, working with our own hands; we are spoiled - and we bless; we are persecuted - and we endure it; We are mocked - and we admonish; we have become like degenerates in the world, a disgust for everyone, until now. "

Since Jan Aage Torp says of himself that he is an apostle, it seems strange that he complains that he is not given the opportunity and the right. This is something we all experience - unfair treatment

Jan Aage Torp wrote an article a while back pointing out his strong position. In other words, a little fly in from Hell and the "great" apostle screams. Let's read here what Jan Aage Torp writes in the article, a short excerpt.

Why Torp's "strong position and methods"?

Posted on 06/07/2018 by Jan-Aage Torp
Screenshot from the article with some subsequent text.

The resistance increases proportionally with the anointing

I never experienced resistance and mockery until 1991. The pastor years from 1983 to 1990 were demanding, but mostly because of the difficulty of finding our own position as pastor and family. I was always "young and promising." We were applauded by most.

But resistance and mockery have followed my ministry for the past 27 years. At times the resistance and betrayal have been so massive that I have tried to displace the memories. Painful experience.

A Mahatma Ghandi quote has helped me over the last seven to eight years:

    "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight with you and then you win."

Ghandi's wise words have given me perspective, and it is fulfilling today for our eyes!

I was shocked in 1992 when the newspaper Our Land, which had always shown me respect, suddenly began to disrespect me. Respect for the politically correct Torp, but as soon as I spoke against Rome, Our Country pulled the "controversial card".

I remember how a (gay) reporter had a radio broadcast on NRK Weekly with me in 1997 where he played a sound recording in which a group of gays shouted tactfully and scornfully into the microphone about "Torps small congregation". The size of the congregation was made a point, not the effect of the message itself.

The same thing happened in 2006-2007 when a celebrity in a Christian-conservative context in Norway began to tell that he had "intelligence" which indicated that the Oslo Church "is gathering only 15-20 at your meetings". His conclusion, therefore, was that I no longer had to be given so much space in Christian media, nor in national media. Again, it was the size of the congregation, not the message.

In 2011, misleading people in the media hammered me about being "dangerous," knowing that I had quit my public business a year and a half ago.

    And in 2018, Fragell & Co is experiencing "schizophrenic rage" as they try to figure out if I should be mocked as "small and insignificant", or mocked as "powerful and dangerous". I laugh.

The truth is probably just that the Lord anointed Him He will, and He stands behind His living Word. The prophet Jeremiah's message in the dungeon is still alive today. The size of the assembly meant nothing at that time, nor today.

The Oslo Church has grown a great deal in the last eight to nine months after we established ourselves in the heart of Oslo, and KKN's membership is growing significantly. But it's not the size that determines.

    The resistance increases proportionally with the anointing.

It is wise to follow the Lord's exhortation through the Psalmist (Psalm 105: 15):

    "Do not touch those whom I have anointed, do not hurt my prophets!"
(Quote end.)

Final Comment:

Pastor and Apostle Jan Aage Torp writes: "Resistance increases proportionately with the anointing!"

This is what Torp says himself, and that he has had constant resistance for the last almost thirty years. I would say welcome to that. The similarity between me and Torp is that we face resistance, but how we cope with it is a wide difference!

Torp fights, fights, scares and reports those he is clinging to. I resign and leave it behind me. Ignores, forgets, and seeks to do God's will and find new ways and ways to progress in life and service. This is contrary to what Torp does. Think actually here Jan Aage Torp has a lot to learn from me!

mandag 12. august 2019

No. 1443: The "positive" of the submission and the verdict against me is that I speak and write as unobtrusively as before, but I am not satisfied until Jan Aage Torp gets his fair punishment for being convicted of false charges!

No. 1443:
The "positive" of the submission and the verdict against me is that I speak and write as unobtrusively as before, but I am not satisfied until Jan Aage Torp gets his fair punishment for being convicted of false charges!

Picture of a prison cell. That was Jan Aage Torp's unspoken goal when he had gone to the police with his fictitious review of me and that he wanted money. He ran a Serber for several Millions, so money is Torp.
The fact that the police were fooled by Torp is just tragic, as is the Oslo District Court and the courts here in Norway. Convinced that in my home country Denmark this could never have happened, where such people should live in prison.

The reality of the matter is that he has achieved little and nothing.

I am writing as before, and may have more articles now out on the blog Justismord about Pastor Torp than ever ?!

Narro Apostle Jan Aage Torp occasionally waves the sentence to threaten "Levi Fragell and others to silence", while the reality is that I can still write what I want without consequences.
Actually all Torp has achieved is only to make its own mistakes known.
As long as he does nothing about my writing, he has in reality achieved zero and nothing!

But I am not satisfied with this case until the fool apostle and manipulator Jan Aage Torp gets as deserved. He wanted me 2 years in prison and probably Million amount from me when he popped up his fictitious review of me. And Manglerud police chamber was rounded up by him and later the Oslo District Court when he presented undocumented claims in the Oslo District Court that I rejected in Borgarting Lagmannsrett as a lie and completely, completely beyond the facts.
This overlooked lie judge Øystein Hermansen and wrote these lies in the judgment that this was not contradicted. But luckily, I recorded it on tape and it is out on YouTube where Øystein Hermansen gets completely undressed.

That Pastor Torp is being prosecuted and convicted of false charges is very important for freedom of belief and expression here in Norway as Torp has managed to trick both the courts and the Oslo police with his fictitious review.
There was only one thing Torp hated me for, it was my "religious" and Christian stance when it came to marriage.
They should now realize that Torp was able to fool the Oslo police and the courts, and aim and hopefully get Torp convicted of fictitious review.
Of course, Torp was not provoked or harassed for anything else I had written.
On the contrary, Torp loves to be mentioned whether it is positive or negative, only he gets a mention!

The goal is to get a new trial against Jan Aage Torp where he is charged and convicted of false charges. He gets a prison sentence and is totally and completely revealed. As well as my family and I get a great raise in every way and plan.

Final Comment:

Word. 15. 9 The Lord abhors the way of the unrighteous, but loves him who pursues righteousness.

Justice both here on earth and in the world to come, that God works for. Therefore, this is in accordance with God's will that since Jan Aage Torp made false charges against me. When he seduced both the police and the courts that I had "harassed" him, but it was my proclamation of remarriage that triggered and provoked Torp.

This is both hypocritical, criminal and simple.

This both hope and I think Torp will be punished for.
When the script says that your sin will find or catch you, sooner or later.

Here is a promise to Jan Aage Torp, this will happen sooner or later.
Therefore, I know that God will bring everything to victory, I have known from day one!

Deuteronomy 32. 35. I hear vengeance and retribution at the time when their feet tremble; for their day of adversity is at hand;

Heb. 10. 30 For we know him that said, I have vengeance, I will repay, and again, The LORD shall judge his people.

Yes, it is bad for a whore like "Pastor" Jan Aage Torp to fall into the hands of the living God, believing in himself that one does not live against God's word when the Word clearly states that he is a whore!

søndag 11. august 2019

No. 1442: Pastor Jan Aage Torp, like the fool and manipulator he is, has been able to trick both the police and the courts into "playing" offended, offended and as he has never written and done anything "wrong" himself!

No. 1442:
Pastor Jan Aage Torp, like the fool and manipulator he is, has been able to trick both the police and the courts into "playing" offended, offended and as he has never written and done anything "wrong" himself!

When I have recently read through again what I have written about Pastor and fool Apostle Jan Aage Torp. Then I am both amazed and delighted at how clear and clear I have been all along. I have basically had the same opinion and views all the way. What I said before, that I stand for and need not erase and change any of what I have written and spoken in the main and all!

Facsimile from narra apostle and manipulator Jan Aage Torp's blog, now he is "offended" by the newspaper Vårt Land, where he has actually put everything together himself WITH BL.A. DEMON RELEASE OF HIS OWN CHILDREN + THAT THEY HAVE MADE HIM, HIS OWN FATHER, FOR HAT!

Even Torp does not hate me and the Heavenly blog because I have written and spoken that he is a fool, impure and other. But one and only I have pointed out that he is remarried as a "believer". That he is thus unfit and disqualified as Pastor and preacher. In other words, the police and the courts have managed to seduce "Pastor Torp" to engage in freedom of belief and expression!
This is at the heart of the matter, and it is so sad that the police and the courts have not at all wished to realize that they have simply been rounded up by narra apostle Jan Aage Torp.


By psychologist Jan Atle Andersen

Offenses are often associated with being reproached, treated patronizing, unfair and disrespectful.
Social democracy teaches us to take care of each other, and that's good. But we do not learn to take care of ourselves. It is not good. When Socrates greeted an acquaintance who merely overlooked him, he had the following comment: "It is not against me that I am more polite than him." Socrates was not offended. (The other committed self-harm; he made himself an abusive human being).
Can you take care of yourself when you meet disrespectful people?
Whoever has self-respect cannot be offended. He who lacks self-respect and looks down on himself becomes easily approachable. He claims to have been offended, "hurt" and "feels" he has been bullied. At the same time, colleagues are labeled as bullies and abusers. I do not deny that bullying can take place. But too often the mob card is played as part of a ruling technique. One is offended until well-being. Proximity is a treatable and preventable neurosis: children need praise, and parents who are proud of them.
My feelings are just that - mine. They are created by my brain. I (not you!) Annoy me and get angry. I (not you!) Am looking forward and happy. It's not you who offends me either; I'm offended. My reaction to an insult is usually far more harmful to me than the insult itself! (Feel free to read the sentence again).
Thus, it is not the sender's infinite behavior that creates the offense. It is the recipient's inability to take care of himself that is the problem. Whoever is offended by the words of others (shells) has failed himself.
So what can we do to not be offended?
First, it is important to recognize the obvious, that my feelings are my responsibility. I can't blame others if I get angry or upset or provoked. Second, words are not dangerous (The word "tiger" cannot attack us) Words cannot hurt - only "hurt"! There is a subtle difference between wounds and "wounds" (Look up the alien dictionary on "metaphor")
Everyone is different. This gossip contains a profound truth; No two of us react exactly the same to the same experience. Some are offended, others not. The one who is not offended has understood something essential, namely that the words of others have only the power that the recipient allows. This insight is aptly formulated in the following quote:
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me".
There are no abusive words, only people who can be offended. Whoever is offended by the words of others (shells) has failed himself.
If I let others decide what to feel, I will give up their whims and whims, and lose power over myself. Better to "take a Socrates"! Everyone can learn this. Whoever decides on my feelings determines my life.
It should preferably be myself.
(quote at the end.)

Final Comment:

When I read about the narcissist in professional literature, it is as if I read about the narcissist Jan Aage Torp, it is as if they are identical.
That the police and the courts did not have the ability or the will to reveal this is alarming and frightening. Those who are to be the defender of the good, the scripture says the following about authority.

Room. 13. 3 For those who rule, do not create fear in the one who does the good, but in the one who does the evil. If you do not want to fear the authorities, then do it well and you should be praised.

Here I did the good, preached the word of God. The one who got excited and harassed more than anyone was me and my family.
What did the police and the courts do? They left everything as a fool apostle and manipulator Jan Aage Torp applies as "true".

In other words, the whole thing against me was nothing but manipulation and lies.

Now we can also say that my lawyer had no good grip on the matter in the sense that he was only concerned with law enforcement.
This was really okay, but it made things a lot easier for it to become a murder case.
My lawyer should also have blamed Torps for massive lies and manipulation that only I and I alone clearly stated.
Unfortunately, Brynjar Meling also got rid of Torp, so Torp also praised him. Well, this case was really only one man who ruled, it was the fool apostle and the fooling Jan Aage Torp.
Just hope, believe and pray that my appeal is brought forward. And the police will look into the case, and Torp is eventually convicted of false charges against me!

Look here for what Norwegian law says about false charges:

§ 225. Indictment of fictitious criminal act

With a fine or imprisonment of up to one year, it is punished as
(a) report to the court, prosecutor or other public authority a criminal offense that has not been committed; or
b) does something to arouse suspicion that a criminal offense has been committed, without it being.