No. 1686:The movement Hillsong is as wild as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Catholic Church and others!
The Catholic Church has the pope, while Hillsong has Brian Houston. Deception is as large in both camps, and they control their seductive motion.
What is common with these movements? They
are ruled by a "council" or leaders who are in a concrete place on the
ground, controlling everything through the fact that they hold the
threads and actually have the full control.
In Hillsong they are ruled in from Australia, so England and at satellite transfer meetings. Because they have big campaigns and stevner and come together, it's really the same arrangement in all these movements.
Me and my wife were at Hillsong here in Oslo, where they had no Norwegian talks. But on a big screen they heard of a false prophet with his manipulative and bland speech that was held down in Australia. Just
like Jehovah's Witnesses ruled in the United States, like the Mormons
and Catholics from Italy, everything is really the same "soup", nothing
Should I hurry to oppose all this? For more i formulate the truth about this, to more shit, resistance and liar, I get back. Is it worth this?The word of God says the following.
1 Cor. 9. 16 For if I preach the gospel, it is nothing to boast of me; It is a necessity that implies me; Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! 17 For I do this voluntarily, then I have a reward; but if I need it, then it's a household that's trusted to me. 18 What is my salary? That, when I preach the gospel, I do nothing, so I do not use my right in the gospel.
to me if I do not preach the gospel and warn against these seducers and
false teachings, whether they are Pentecostals or Jehovah's Witnesses,
that is the same.At the same time, the "secret" to get out of this. It is to learn to know Jesus, the word of God and the power of God. Without
that, you will never see that this, such as Hillsong, Jehovah's
Witnesses, the Mormons, the Catholic Church and others is a deception.
When I grew up as a Pentecost, there were some things that belonged to what a church is. Blue. that all generations should be together in the house of God and in the church of God.Hillsong
is really a congregation for people who are 25 years old or think they
are 25 years old, the music style and the loud music are so strange to
God and his way of being as possible. God is not deaf-heard, and must have a decibel level that destroys hearing. When we were at the Hillsong meeting we got ear plugs because the music was so high that hearing was broken.
Matt. 23 5 But they do all their works to be seen by men; for
they make their memorials wide and their tents large, 6 and they would
like to sit at the top of the feast and have the highest seats in the
synagogues 7 and receive greetings on the peat and called the rabbi of
the people. 8 But you shall not call you a rabbi; for one is your master, but you are all brothers. 9 And you shall not call anyone on earth your father; for one is your father who is in heaven. 10 neither shall ye call teachers; for one is your teacher, Christ. 11 But the greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 The self extends, must be reduced, and it itself denies shall be exalted.
This is not a multigeneration church, but a church for seductive youth that is not grounded and rooted in the word of God.There
is a church and movement that is ruled out as said a "council" sitting
in Sydney / London and where the Watchtower uses his magazine uses these
big screens, just the same as just accommodating us in 2018.
There the Vatican has the pope and cardinals. Has Hillsong Brian Houston and his closest co-worker who does not use Peter Square. But they use big screens and social media, as well as television to have the full control and structure. Strike against Jesus' words and the whole New Testament that talks about how it will be when we get together.
1 Cor. 14. 26 How are you, brethren? When
you come together, each of you has a hymn or a doctrine, or a
revelation, or a tongue, or an interpretation: let everything happen to
is even more ruled by leadership than both Jehovah's Witnesses, the
Mormons and the Catholic Church and is "sturdy" in front of
Christianity.How long in the night have we come, I ask myself ?!
Heavenly blog! We need your support: Account number of Post: 0535 06 05 845 How is that coming to the New Jerusalem? We have many questions that we want to answer! Now you can experience the sky in advance, you can submit your spiritual-related questions here: Questions may be sent by mail to me or SMS. Jk.chris @ SMS: 004799598070.See also:
tirsdag 31. juli 2018
søndag 29. juli 2018
No. 1685: It is the tactic of the wizard and the narrator Jan Aage Torp to make me appear as a "fighter" and "hate" when I have revealed and pointed out that it is his rebel as a believer who disqualifies him to be Pastor!
No. 1685:
It is the tactic of the wizard and the narrator Jan Aage Torp to make me appear as a "fighter" and "hate" when I have revealed and pointed out that it is his rebel as a believer who disqualifies him to be Pastor!
Picture of Narreapostel and Horkarlen Jan Aage Torp, alone. I'm lied over and over again that I'm writing something different to him, I certainly do not!
Even the downright newspaper Norway today gives the wizard Jan Aage Torp slots to spread his disinformation, Fax News and lies about me and the Heavenly blog.I'm anything but what the narrator wants me to be. But he himself is the one who hates when he is unable to let me write and speak in peace if he does not agree and believe in the message that God has given me.
My mandate from God is to proclaim the word of God, nothing else. That the wizard does not like this is pretty obvious. Therefore the great hatred for me and the Lord.Therefore, I am convinced that God will judge, punish and "pay" the narrator Jan Aage Torp when it is time. In what way and when I know very little about, but that it comes.I am absolutely sure, to go against a servant of the Lord and the word of God, never go beyond punishment. Never!
I wrote this 4 years ago, and only show me when I realized what was what!
No. 775:
What the conflict with Torp really all about? It is the interpretation of divorce and remarriage on the basis of the word of God Torp maintains that the so-called innocent party to enter into a new marriage!
We may share as this into two. My interpretation based on the word of God, and freedom of expression.
Firstly, my interpretation based on the word of God is "sovereign" my, just what is it freedom of speech and freedom of religion must fulfill. Therefore Torp really no case. Although Torp and many feel stepped on what I think, believe and claim. So this is something they must endure. And if I feel trampled on by others, for you I will. So will I tolerate it. Ergo, Torp has absolutely no case.
Photo of Lars Gule who writes very well about freedom of expression in value debate in VL.

Here what Yellow writes:
It was in reality a defeat for extremism Hussain we had established through the judgment in Oslo District Court Friday, 03.10. this year The sentence s
hows how much free speech is in Norwegian law. Free speech has - and should have - very wide limits.
This broad freedom of expression includes almost all kind of expressions. This means that the person will naturally can express critical and offensive about it Hussain believes is important and sacred. This straw is also in sharp contrast to the absolute totalitarian theocratic dictatorship Hussain made his spokesperson. And as tentatively attempted established in grotesque view of IS in Syria and Iraq. For which there is no speech worthy of the name at all.
At Hussain's repulsive and grotesque expressions are legal is not the same as they are legitimate, ie morally acceptable. For it is not. But right turn thus fixed (albeit indirectly) that it is not the judiciary's job to oppose, criticize and reject such illegitimate expression. It is a responsibility we all must take. And we must make it through to speak out, through public debate and demonstrations. Sometimes also through social sanctions - such as turning his back to the extremists of various kinds.
The second part of Hussain's loss in court is that he and his extremist environment can not invoke a martyr role. The court has shown that the law applies to everyone and also protects these self-appointed "god soldiers' right to express themselves despicable.
In the struggle against totalitarian ideologies and regimes, from extreme and hate speech, this speech is our most important weapon and tool. It is the Oslo District Court has also given us the basis to understand - even better than before. For judgment is well founded legal.
So let's use this right, our freedom of speech to make Hussain and his like total defeat. By rebuking, achieved by dismantling barbarism, condemn it and show our contempt for actions and utterances which violate human dignity and human rights.
(end of quote).
Here we can then conclude that Torp has no cause!
I have neither sought him or in any way made trouble for him. And not encouraged violence or boycotting him or something negative. Only held forth my convictions based on God's word.
What can Torp then do more? Repent and start living right which includes that he must divorce his wife and did not live single, the rest of your life. When is an accurate assumption for him.
Torp's theology is built around the so-called innocent party, but it is hold in this? No scripture says, a marriage is binding for life for a believer, no matter how others act and behave. Scripture is clear, either live single or be reconciled to her. Only death ends a marriage, and marrying a divorced brings even than under, and in the same sentence as the other teaches the New Testament.
Rooms. 7 2 For the married woman is bound by law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. 3 Therefore she is called an adulteress if she, while her husband lives, marries another man; but if her husband dies, she is free from that law, so she is not an adulteress if she marries another man.
1 Cor. 7 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but divorced him when she abide, being unmarried or be reconciled herself with her husband - and that a man should not put away his wife.
Luke 16 18 Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
The "innocent" party, who is it?
This I wrote about and a half ago:
Is your spouse cheating or forsake you in other ways, as the New Testament teaches that we should either reconciled or live single for the rest of your life!
1 Cor. 7 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but divorced him, then to abide, she being unmarried or be reconciled herself with her husband - and that a man should not put away his wife.
Before I got very bad feedback of specially-called Christians when I argued that the only thing that got a marriage to cease death. But in fact, there has been also a marked change when more and more people will listen to my arguments, lay it to heart and take it seriously. It pleases my heart!
Rooms. 7 2 For the married woman is bound by law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. 3 Therefore she is called an adulteress if she, while her husband lives, marries another man; but if her husband dies, she is free from that law, so she is not an adulteress if she marries another man.
Evangelist Frank Mang was even divorced. But what did he do? Alive solitary and he and his former wife did the best for each other. But living single on each side until his death. Although it certainly hurt incredibly, was hard and difficult. They remain true against God and each other, just the opposite edge to the word of God teaches that in the New Testament.
Death is the only thing that makes a marriage for believers to cease and which may lead to a second marriage for the leave.
This newspaper VG: Norwegian couple: therefore forgive our incredible partner
Do not comment on this, but it's really great that VG takes up this theme when Christians newspapers and elsewhere in the Christian world is becoming more and more free-for-all. So keep the world's people in more standard than even the Pentecostal Charismatic Christians who unfortunately live in a large self-deception as with regard to living as a believer.
Forgiveness is the only way, everything else will lead you away from God, not for God and your spouse.
Jesus said we should forgive seventy times seven!
Matt. 18 21 Then came Peter to him and said, Lord! how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? as much as seven times? 22 Jesus said unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times, but seventy times seven.
Seventy times seven stands for infinity. We must forgive others, especially our spouse. Therefore not to forgive and give him / her a new and emerging genre is totally unscriptural. You have promised each other fidelity. Therefore remarriage sorry for what the Lord Jesus Christ taught and the apostle Paul.
Includes an article eventually teaching so clear that remarriage of believers is sin against God and what He has for us believers!
Posted by Christian Berg and Evy T. Røyland, this article has helped me a lot when I have definitely seen some details that have passed me by before.
What does the Bible really about divorce?
Here I move into one of the tenderest and most difficult subjects can be recorded in the Bible, what the Bible says about divorce and gjengifting? Before I begin, I would say that what I write here should not be taken as judgmental. I have every respect for those who have experienced divorce and all the bad that entails. Those who have experienced this will be met with respect and love, not condemnation. So be kind and remember that I only interested in what the Bible says and has therefore taken a study on this. But it is important not feelings and consideration for others begins and shaping what we stand for, it must be the Bible and the Bible alone do. When the Norwegian vocabulary is very poor compared to English, so I will here use some English verses, and I will look into the basic text sometimes, so one gets a clearer picture. The Norwegian named instance. adultery the same inside and outside marriage, it does not because the texts and in English thankfully, so by and see because the lyrics and English bible verse comes more of the opinion thankfully.
Part 1 Widows and widowers can remarry according to the Bible, this Bible is very clear.
Widows and widowers can definitely get married again shown they marry a person who himself can marry legally. This means that the other person is not separated. Room 7: 3 "As long as man lives, the one who committed adultery if she marries another. But if her husband dies, she is free from that law no adulteress if she marries another ". 1 Tim.5.14., "I will therefore that the younger widows marry, have children, and rule his own house, so they do not give your opponent any opportunity to slander." 1 Kor.7.39. "A wife is bound as long as her husband lives. But if her husband is dead, she is free to marry whom she wishes, only in the Lord. "Not only does the Bible gjengifting of the longest running and check one partner in a marriage dies, the Bible encourages almost there. Ruth is a very good example of how the Bible is positive on remarriage, regarding widows and widowers. It is interesting to note that a whole book is concerned with this question, and also that in Jesus lineage meetings remarriage widows / widowers. So here is the Bible is very clear, widowers and widows can remarry shown that they marry then of course you can get married legally, it is of course essential.
Part 2: What the Bible says about divorce, open bible for divorce or does it not?
Mark 10: 2 "Also some Pharisees came, and to test him they asked a man be allowed to divorce his wife? 3 What did Moses command you? "He said. 4 And they said, Moses allowed the man to write a certificate of divorce, and divorce her. 5 And he said unto them, Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. 6 But from the beginning, at the creation, God made them male and female. 7 Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, 8 and the two shall become one. So they are no longer two; their lives are one. 9 What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate. "
Notice that God has joined together the two, and that no one should or can separate what God has joined together. Furthermore, we see that the Pharisees challenge Jesus further on this topic. They have now realized that there is no divorce. But Moses granted their time divorce letter when they were so hard in your hearts but this was temporary and not the way God intended it says and it is not as it should be now. They then ask Jesus on about this when they come to the house they were on the way to Jesus answered them very clearly in the next verse: Mark 10:10 "And when they were come into the house again, the disciples asked him about this. 11 He said to them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. 12 And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery. "
Luke 16:18 "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery. And whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. "1 Corinthians 7:10 "To the married I have this requirement, yet not I, but the Lord: A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a man should not divorce his wife. "
The Bible is crystal clear on this divorce. Everyone, take note of "everyone," which stand, and marries another commits adultery. And whoever marries a divorced committeth adultery. This is the bible as clear as it is possible. But what showed a first been separated, the Bible says anything about it? Yes it does, we just saw in 1 Corinthians 7:11 that when she or he is divorced living alone or reconnect with the person than married. Marrying this person himself instead with another person engaged in adultery follow the bible.
Part 3 There is an exception in Matthew 19.9 says someone today, but let's take a closer look at this verse.
Here is the exception says many days. Shown one person commits adultery, then the second right on divorce and are free to marry another, as long as the other person even can marry legally. Whoever was guilty of adultery can not remarry under this misperception. But this is not deleted what Jesus says in Matthew chapter 19 and I will show why. But first I'd like to see what adultery is, according to Jesus, it is nemelig not only what we usually think of yourself, having physical sex with one another, there is something much more proven we let Jesus define adultery. Matthew 5:28 "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". This is some of what Jesus fought for and teach while He was here on earth. Teaching us that sin in our thought-life is the same as the sinful actions we perform physically. Jesus defines himself for us and what adultery is and what is his definition of adultery, we must deal with. So let's pretend matt 19.9 really means a lot said today. Then thus a person separate and marry another, check the other person in the marriage has looked lustfully at another person. Then this person follow Jesus even committed fornication, and the other can thus distinguish themselves, and marry another. This shows how wrong it is when one interprets matt 19.9 so, then is there not a married person which will not be entitled to and be able to stand and remarry another. Shown we're honest, you have probably the vast majority of us fell here at one time and does Matt 19,9 someone today say, so should therefore when the other party could divorce and marry another check this happens.
The next thing one must consider is that shown matt 19.9 means that some interpret it, so can thus be a woman who has a husband who has sinned in thought life, only with and covet another woman (and without touching her), separate , and remarry. As a woman living with a tyrant, a man who beat her and beat up her every weekend when he is drunk, she can not divorce or remarry as they interpret Matthew 19.9. This just shows even more how crazy this interpretation of Matthew 19,9 really is when one takes a closer look at what this interpretation really lead to.
And even worse, the wrong interpretation of Matt 19.9 has only led to even more quarrels and difficulties between husband and wife, when married couples often end up with and argue about who is the innocent and the guilty. Lucky if not saying Matt 19.9 it some today say, Jesus is talking about something completely different and we'll look at now: What is it really Jesus says in Matthew 19.9 as some today erroneous call exception rule? Matt 19.9 "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife for any reason other than fornication, and marries another woman commits adultery." This is the verse, here be the innocent party by adultery in a marriage free of both divorce and gjengifting say them. It may look like at first glance, but it is in full conflict with the rest of the Bible say about divorce and remarriage. There are two major problems in this text, it says wife, and it is adultery. This that it says wife I will look at later, let us first concentrate on this with adultery. The problem with the Norwegian Bible is poor vocabulary, compared to eg. English Bible and the basic texts of the Bible. The Norwegian printed adultery both of adultery adultery and marriage. This does not, however, because the text of the Bible, the distinction between infidelity in marriage and outside marriage, with two different words. Let us first of all look at Matt 19.9 in English Bibles:
Matthew 19: 9 "And I say to you, Whoever Shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and Shall marry another, commits adultery: and Whoever marries here wooden put away does commit adultery."
Notice that there are two different words for adultery. Fornication and adultery. What Jesus is saying here is that a discharge from his wife for any reason other than "fornication" and marries another driver "adultery", and also means that whoever marries the divorced woman driver "adultery". What does the dictionaries of the words fornication and adultery? Check this gladly out even in online dictionaries, Wikipedia and the like, I have obtained from a large online dictionary: Webster defines Adultery as: Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than here husband. Webster defines Fornication as: Consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married two eachother. Shown as we go into the basic texts in Greek and peers, we see that in the original Greek texts of the New Testament, the word "porneia" in fornication. We also notice that the word adultery comes from the word "moicheia" as the basic text also makes an important distinction between the two we see. Let's look at some examples in the Bible that shows that the Bible distinguishes between those two things all the way:
Hebrews 13: 4 "Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. "1.Corinthians 6: 9 "Do you not knowthat the unrighteous will not Inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor Homosexuals, nor sodomite ". Galatians 5:19 "Now the works of the flesh are evident, wooden are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness". We see it through the entire New Testament, fornication and adultery are two separate things and both words adduced in the same sentences as two different things. Also remember that Paul said that in order to avoid fornication (sex outside marriage), it is better that they got married.
1 Corinthians 7: "But Because Of fornication, let a man take a wife and a woman take here husband". We begin now and sense what the words fornication and adultery really is, and now it might be time and recall Matt 19.9 again which is of course the discussion in this section. Talking Jesus really about infidelity in marriage in this verse? Matthew 19: 9 "And I say to you, Whoever Shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and Shall marry another, commits adultery: and Whoever marries here wooden put away does commit adultery." No, Jesus uses the word fornication, adultery is not the word, as Jesus speaks is not about infidelity in marriage in Matthew 19.9. But what he talking about? And why is the "wife" shown they are not married? We will see later that Joseph is described as Mary's husband before they were married, this is seen in all Bibles, but why is it called wife and husband when they are not married yet? And why is it "put away" and not divorce ang than the stand from here because of adultery? I encourage everyone reading this to yourself and study Jewish traditions bryllyps on serious sites. There you will see that when they pledged themselves were the "husband and wife" and calculate for. They were bound and betrothed to each other, but they were not yet become one flesh, it was the first when they were married, they are one until death do them. We read further in the Jewish wedding tradition that only things like. shown the woman was not a virgin and so was the basis for and break with her when they were betrothed. And this is what Jesus addresses in Matthew 19.9. Therefore, Jesus uses the word fornication, not adultery. Notice that Mary and Joseph were engaged, they were under the trolovelstiden before marriage when Mary was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Joseph called her husband in Norwegian Bibles and it will be even better in English Bibles and in the original text that we see in the second verse under here. Matt 1:19 "Joseph, her husband, who was righteous and did not want to mock her, then divorce her quietly. 20 And when he had decided that showed an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David! Do not be afraid to take Mary home to you as your wife. "Matt 1 19 "Then Joseph here husband, being a just man, and not willing two make here a publick example, was minded two put here away privily."
Did you get everything here ?. Here we see that they are regarded as husband and wife, before they were finally married, they are here only betrothed to each other to Jewish custom was, but Joseph called here by the Bible itself for her husband. This explains why it is wife of Matthew 19.9, they were, according to Jewish tradition regarded as husband and wife in this period also shows the bible itself here. I urge again and read about Jewish wedding traditions and even see that this is true. Also note the wording "put away", Josef wanted and "put away" Maria when he realized that she was pregnant, they had the not been married and had sex. There is no divorce in Matthew 19.9, it says "put away", and that's what they did if they broke the betrothal. This too will be able to read about on sites that deal with Jewish wedding traditions. "Put away" is not divorce, there is a break in trolovelstiden, due to infidelity, loss of virginity, etc..
The Hebrew word "shalach" in the Greek text which translates to "put away" means separation, go apart, split up, etc., but that does not and has never meant divorce in marriage, ever. The Bible does not use the word for divorce even once. What is interesting is that Jesus himself was accused of and have been born in fornication. So that His mother, Mary, would have been amazing in betrothal since she was pregnant: John 8: 40 "But ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth he has heard from God. It did not Abraham. 41 You do what your father did. "" We are not born of fornication, "they said. "We have one Father: God." 42 Jesus answered, "If God were your Father, you would love me."
John8 40 "But now ye seek to kill me, a man That hath told you the truth, wooden I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. Ye do the deeds of your father. Then They said two him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
Here we see in both Norwegian and English bible, they bully Jesus, and be born of fornication. We are not born of fornication they say to him in a sarcastic way. But again, the problem with Norwegian that it is the same word for adultery before marriage and adultery. However, in English and in the original text, the Bible is clear here what it is talking about, it talks about fornication we see right over here. Jesus is accused of and be born in fornication, that infidelity during betrothal to her mother. It is this kind of adultery, Jesus confronts Matt 19.9, there is no infidelity in a marriage, then it would been adultery, not fornication, and it would have been divorce does not put away. So by interpreting and P Matt 19.9, many deluded and think here is one exception to this divorce and gjengifting, but it is not true, and the result is that many people unfortunately live in adultery and think that everything is fine. This is when too strictly, God can not be said so many. He really demands that I should live alone the rest of your life shown I get divorced? Yes that is what God's word says, then he shall either live alone or be reunited with the one married. Do not go there now, so go there maybe later, God will help and restore all damaged marriage shown we do not have to He, everything is possible with God.
But check this is too hard of God and ask for such a thing, what about everyone else who must make major Offringa and live in harmony with God's word and will? Shown example. two gays are being saved, read the Bible and understand that this is contrary to God's will, they have two choices. Either continue to live like this and reject God's word, or add it to God, ask for forgiveness and turn away from that life. They can not ask God for forgiveness also continue in sin, forgiveness is by repentance from sin, the Bible teaches.
Two cohabitants can not continue living together if they are saved and know God's word, they must turn away from this life. This is important, so important that John the Baptist gave his head for this, he was beheaded after having warned against illegal gjengifting. It does thankfully we do, but here it is important to have clear voice when God's word is very clear about what is happening shown we break this. One of the Ten Commandments says that we should not commit adultery, and it is the Ten Commandments we all shall be judged, it shows the importance of and get this right. (end of quote).
Final Comment:
The fact that your spouse or you are cheating or otherwise fails is a great and terrible infringement. But there are also many other areas in our lives that we have to work with. To be a good and devoted spouse. The most important thing for a believer is to begin to walk with God - Enoch.
BO H. Clausen has written something about Enoch that I bring to the end. For the secret of all good in the Christian life and life in general is to walk with God, almost hand in hand. That's what it says about Enoch in the text because he and God walked so close to each other as a married couple.
Begin walking with God!
Enoch walked with God, and then he was gone, for God took him. (1 Gen. 5:24) The fifth chapter of Genesis contains Adams pedigree. Here we find a number of names, and only two of them said specifically something good. It's Noah, the man who God called to build an ark of salvation for life on earth, and Enoch.
Enoch was a prophet who walked with God. Judas, the brother of Jesus, wrote of him: Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these people and said, "Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints, To execute judgment on all, to convict all ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed on the show, and for all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against Him. "(Jude 1.14 to 15)
Enoch, that the seventh after Adam, the first prophet of doom. He looked through the ages and into the future termination. He saw the judgment that the Lord would trap all the wicked of the earth. During the time he lived, a time that was filled with more and more evil, he was a prophet who preached God judge sin.
I do not think that this man was a popular person, and perhaps people interested in killing him. We know not, but it might not be that hard to imagine. It was in any case so that Enoch "only" lived 365 years! When God completed His life on earth, not by letting him die, but when he was caught up into heaven alive.
Today we live in a time where we do well to heed Enoch. It should be imperative for us to walk with God. Then we can be sure that God will take care of us. He accepts namely personal responsibility for his walk with. How are you? Have you started to walk with God? It can easily do by turn to Jesus in prayer, tell Him that you are a sinner and that you need His forgiveness. Then he will be a part of your life, and you can begin to walk with Him. For a little more than ten years ago I started to walk with God. At the same time, he began to talk to me, and I had the pleasure of serving Him. There have been a few good years, and I also recommend you to do this. Then, when you walk with Him, you will not get lost. He will guide you to your destination.
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It is the tactic of the wizard and the narrator Jan Aage Torp to make me appear as a "fighter" and "hate" when I have revealed and pointed out that it is his rebel as a believer who disqualifies him to be Pastor!
Picture of Narreapostel and Horkarlen Jan Aage Torp, alone. I'm lied over and over again that I'm writing something different to him, I certainly do not!
Even the downright newspaper Norway today gives the wizard Jan Aage Torp slots to spread his disinformation, Fax News and lies about me and the Heavenly blog.I'm anything but what the narrator wants me to be. But he himself is the one who hates when he is unable to let me write and speak in peace if he does not agree and believe in the message that God has given me.
My mandate from God is to proclaim the word of God, nothing else. That the wizard does not like this is pretty obvious. Therefore the great hatred for me and the Lord.Therefore, I am convinced that God will judge, punish and "pay" the narrator Jan Aage Torp when it is time. In what way and when I know very little about, but that it comes.I am absolutely sure, to go against a servant of the Lord and the word of God, never go beyond punishment. Never!
I wrote this 4 years ago, and only show me when I realized what was what!
No. 775:
What the conflict with Torp really all about? It is the interpretation of divorce and remarriage on the basis of the word of God Torp maintains that the so-called innocent party to enter into a new marriage!
We may share as this into two. My interpretation based on the word of God, and freedom of expression.
Firstly, my interpretation based on the word of God is "sovereign" my, just what is it freedom of speech and freedom of religion must fulfill. Therefore Torp really no case. Although Torp and many feel stepped on what I think, believe and claim. So this is something they must endure. And if I feel trampled on by others, for you I will. So will I tolerate it. Ergo, Torp has absolutely no case.
Photo of Lars Gule who writes very well about freedom of expression in value debate in VL.

Here what Yellow writes:
It was in reality a defeat for extremism Hussain we had established through the judgment in Oslo District Court Friday, 03.10. this year The sentence s
This broad freedom of expression includes almost all kind of expressions. This means that the person will naturally can express critical and offensive about it Hussain believes is important and sacred. This straw is also in sharp contrast to the absolute totalitarian theocratic dictatorship Hussain made his spokesperson. And as tentatively attempted established in grotesque view of IS in Syria and Iraq. For which there is no speech worthy of the name at all.
At Hussain's repulsive and grotesque expressions are legal is not the same as they are legitimate, ie morally acceptable. For it is not. But right turn thus fixed (albeit indirectly) that it is not the judiciary's job to oppose, criticize and reject such illegitimate expression. It is a responsibility we all must take. And we must make it through to speak out, through public debate and demonstrations. Sometimes also through social sanctions - such as turning his back to the extremists of various kinds.
The second part of Hussain's loss in court is that he and his extremist environment can not invoke a martyr role. The court has shown that the law applies to everyone and also protects these self-appointed "god soldiers' right to express themselves despicable.
In the struggle against totalitarian ideologies and regimes, from extreme and hate speech, this speech is our most important weapon and tool. It is the Oslo District Court has also given us the basis to understand - even better than before. For judgment is well founded legal.
So let's use this right, our freedom of speech to make Hussain and his like total defeat. By rebuking, achieved by dismantling barbarism, condemn it and show our contempt for actions and utterances which violate human dignity and human rights.
(end of quote).
Here we can then conclude that Torp has no cause!
I have neither sought him or in any way made trouble for him. And not encouraged violence or boycotting him or something negative. Only held forth my convictions based on God's word.
What can Torp then do more? Repent and start living right which includes that he must divorce his wife and did not live single, the rest of your life. When is an accurate assumption for him.
Torp's theology is built around the so-called innocent party, but it is hold in this? No scripture says, a marriage is binding for life for a believer, no matter how others act and behave. Scripture is clear, either live single or be reconciled to her. Only death ends a marriage, and marrying a divorced brings even than under, and in the same sentence as the other teaches the New Testament.
Rooms. 7 2 For the married woman is bound by law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. 3 Therefore she is called an adulteress if she, while her husband lives, marries another man; but if her husband dies, she is free from that law, so she is not an adulteress if she marries another man.
1 Cor. 7 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but divorced him when she abide, being unmarried or be reconciled herself with her husband - and that a man should not put away his wife.
Luke 16 18 Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
The "innocent" party, who is it?
This I wrote about and a half ago:
Is your spouse cheating or forsake you in other ways, as the New Testament teaches that we should either reconciled or live single for the rest of your life!
1 Cor. 7 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but divorced him, then to abide, she being unmarried or be reconciled herself with her husband - and that a man should not put away his wife.
Before I got very bad feedback of specially-called Christians when I argued that the only thing that got a marriage to cease death. But in fact, there has been also a marked change when more and more people will listen to my arguments, lay it to heart and take it seriously. It pleases my heart!
Rooms. 7 2 For the married woman is bound by law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. 3 Therefore she is called an adulteress if she, while her husband lives, marries another man; but if her husband dies, she is free from that law, so she is not an adulteress if she marries another man.
Evangelist Frank Mang was even divorced. But what did he do? Alive solitary and he and his former wife did the best for each other. But living single on each side until his death. Although it certainly hurt incredibly, was hard and difficult. They remain true against God and each other, just the opposite edge to the word of God teaches that in the New Testament.
Death is the only thing that makes a marriage for believers to cease and which may lead to a second marriage for the leave.
This newspaper VG: Norwegian couple: therefore forgive our incredible partner
Do not comment on this, but it's really great that VG takes up this theme when Christians newspapers and elsewhere in the Christian world is becoming more and more free-for-all. So keep the world's people in more standard than even the Pentecostal Charismatic Christians who unfortunately live in a large self-deception as with regard to living as a believer.
Forgiveness is the only way, everything else will lead you away from God, not for God and your spouse.
Jesus said we should forgive seventy times seven!
Matt. 18 21 Then came Peter to him and said, Lord! how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? as much as seven times? 22 Jesus said unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times, but seventy times seven.
Seventy times seven stands for infinity. We must forgive others, especially our spouse. Therefore not to forgive and give him / her a new and emerging genre is totally unscriptural. You have promised each other fidelity. Therefore remarriage sorry for what the Lord Jesus Christ taught and the apostle Paul.
Includes an article eventually teaching so clear that remarriage of believers is sin against God and what He has for us believers!
Posted by Christian Berg and Evy T. Røyland, this article has helped me a lot when I have definitely seen some details that have passed me by before.
What does the Bible really about divorce?
Here I move into one of the tenderest and most difficult subjects can be recorded in the Bible, what the Bible says about divorce and gjengifting? Before I begin, I would say that what I write here should not be taken as judgmental. I have every respect for those who have experienced divorce and all the bad that entails. Those who have experienced this will be met with respect and love, not condemnation. So be kind and remember that I only interested in what the Bible says and has therefore taken a study on this. But it is important not feelings and consideration for others begins and shaping what we stand for, it must be the Bible and the Bible alone do. When the Norwegian vocabulary is very poor compared to English, so I will here use some English verses, and I will look into the basic text sometimes, so one gets a clearer picture. The Norwegian named instance. adultery the same inside and outside marriage, it does not because the texts and in English thankfully, so by and see because the lyrics and English bible verse comes more of the opinion thankfully.
Part 1 Widows and widowers can remarry according to the Bible, this Bible is very clear.
Widows and widowers can definitely get married again shown they marry a person who himself can marry legally. This means that the other person is not separated. Room 7: 3 "As long as man lives, the one who committed adultery if she marries another. But if her husband dies, she is free from that law no adulteress if she marries another ". 1 Tim.5.14., "I will therefore that the younger widows marry, have children, and rule his own house, so they do not give your opponent any opportunity to slander." 1 Kor.7.39. "A wife is bound as long as her husband lives. But if her husband is dead, she is free to marry whom she wishes, only in the Lord. "Not only does the Bible gjengifting of the longest running and check one partner in a marriage dies, the Bible encourages almost there. Ruth is a very good example of how the Bible is positive on remarriage, regarding widows and widowers. It is interesting to note that a whole book is concerned with this question, and also that in Jesus lineage meetings remarriage widows / widowers. So here is the Bible is very clear, widowers and widows can remarry shown that they marry then of course you can get married legally, it is of course essential.
Part 2: What the Bible says about divorce, open bible for divorce or does it not?
Mark 10: 2 "Also some Pharisees came, and to test him they asked a man be allowed to divorce his wife? 3 What did Moses command you? "He said. 4 And they said, Moses allowed the man to write a certificate of divorce, and divorce her. 5 And he said unto them, Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. 6 But from the beginning, at the creation, God made them male and female. 7 Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, 8 and the two shall become one. So they are no longer two; their lives are one. 9 What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate. "
Notice that God has joined together the two, and that no one should or can separate what God has joined together. Furthermore, we see that the Pharisees challenge Jesus further on this topic. They have now realized that there is no divorce. But Moses granted their time divorce letter when they were so hard in your hearts but this was temporary and not the way God intended it says and it is not as it should be now. They then ask Jesus on about this when they come to the house they were on the way to Jesus answered them very clearly in the next verse: Mark 10:10 "And when they were come into the house again, the disciples asked him about this. 11 He said to them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. 12 And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery. "
Luke 16:18 "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery. And whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. "1 Corinthians 7:10 "To the married I have this requirement, yet not I, but the Lord: A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a man should not divorce his wife. "
The Bible is crystal clear on this divorce. Everyone, take note of "everyone," which stand, and marries another commits adultery. And whoever marries a divorced committeth adultery. This is the bible as clear as it is possible. But what showed a first been separated, the Bible says anything about it? Yes it does, we just saw in 1 Corinthians 7:11 that when she or he is divorced living alone or reconnect with the person than married. Marrying this person himself instead with another person engaged in adultery follow the bible.
Part 3 There is an exception in Matthew 19.9 says someone today, but let's take a closer look at this verse.
Here is the exception says many days. Shown one person commits adultery, then the second right on divorce and are free to marry another, as long as the other person even can marry legally. Whoever was guilty of adultery can not remarry under this misperception. But this is not deleted what Jesus says in Matthew chapter 19 and I will show why. But first I'd like to see what adultery is, according to Jesus, it is nemelig not only what we usually think of yourself, having physical sex with one another, there is something much more proven we let Jesus define adultery. Matthew 5:28 "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". This is some of what Jesus fought for and teach while He was here on earth. Teaching us that sin in our thought-life is the same as the sinful actions we perform physically. Jesus defines himself for us and what adultery is and what is his definition of adultery, we must deal with. So let's pretend matt 19.9 really means a lot said today. Then thus a person separate and marry another, check the other person in the marriage has looked lustfully at another person. Then this person follow Jesus even committed fornication, and the other can thus distinguish themselves, and marry another. This shows how wrong it is when one interprets matt 19.9 so, then is there not a married person which will not be entitled to and be able to stand and remarry another. Shown we're honest, you have probably the vast majority of us fell here at one time and does Matt 19,9 someone today say, so should therefore when the other party could divorce and marry another check this happens.
The next thing one must consider is that shown matt 19.9 means that some interpret it, so can thus be a woman who has a husband who has sinned in thought life, only with and covet another woman (and without touching her), separate , and remarry. As a woman living with a tyrant, a man who beat her and beat up her every weekend when he is drunk, she can not divorce or remarry as they interpret Matthew 19.9. This just shows even more how crazy this interpretation of Matthew 19,9 really is when one takes a closer look at what this interpretation really lead to.
And even worse, the wrong interpretation of Matt 19.9 has only led to even more quarrels and difficulties between husband and wife, when married couples often end up with and argue about who is the innocent and the guilty. Lucky if not saying Matt 19.9 it some today say, Jesus is talking about something completely different and we'll look at now: What is it really Jesus says in Matthew 19.9 as some today erroneous call exception rule? Matt 19.9 "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife for any reason other than fornication, and marries another woman commits adultery." This is the verse, here be the innocent party by adultery in a marriage free of both divorce and gjengifting say them. It may look like at first glance, but it is in full conflict with the rest of the Bible say about divorce and remarriage. There are two major problems in this text, it says wife, and it is adultery. This that it says wife I will look at later, let us first concentrate on this with adultery. The problem with the Norwegian Bible is poor vocabulary, compared to eg. English Bible and the basic texts of the Bible. The Norwegian printed adultery both of adultery adultery and marriage. This does not, however, because the text of the Bible, the distinction between infidelity in marriage and outside marriage, with two different words. Let us first of all look at Matt 19.9 in English Bibles:
Matthew 19: 9 "And I say to you, Whoever Shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and Shall marry another, commits adultery: and Whoever marries here wooden put away does commit adultery."
Notice that there are two different words for adultery. Fornication and adultery. What Jesus is saying here is that a discharge from his wife for any reason other than "fornication" and marries another driver "adultery", and also means that whoever marries the divorced woman driver "adultery". What does the dictionaries of the words fornication and adultery? Check this gladly out even in online dictionaries, Wikipedia and the like, I have obtained from a large online dictionary: Webster defines Adultery as: Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than here husband. Webster defines Fornication as: Consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married two eachother. Shown as we go into the basic texts in Greek and peers, we see that in the original Greek texts of the New Testament, the word "porneia" in fornication. We also notice that the word adultery comes from the word "moicheia" as the basic text also makes an important distinction between the two we see. Let's look at some examples in the Bible that shows that the Bible distinguishes between those two things all the way:
Hebrews 13: 4 "Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. "1.Corinthians 6: 9 "Do you not knowthat the unrighteous will not Inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor Homosexuals, nor sodomite ". Galatians 5:19 "Now the works of the flesh are evident, wooden are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness". We see it through the entire New Testament, fornication and adultery are two separate things and both words adduced in the same sentences as two different things. Also remember that Paul said that in order to avoid fornication (sex outside marriage), it is better that they got married.
1 Corinthians 7: "But Because Of fornication, let a man take a wife and a woman take here husband". We begin now and sense what the words fornication and adultery really is, and now it might be time and recall Matt 19.9 again which is of course the discussion in this section. Talking Jesus really about infidelity in marriage in this verse? Matthew 19: 9 "And I say to you, Whoever Shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and Shall marry another, commits adultery: and Whoever marries here wooden put away does commit adultery." No, Jesus uses the word fornication, adultery is not the word, as Jesus speaks is not about infidelity in marriage in Matthew 19.9. But what he talking about? And why is the "wife" shown they are not married? We will see later that Joseph is described as Mary's husband before they were married, this is seen in all Bibles, but why is it called wife and husband when they are not married yet? And why is it "put away" and not divorce ang than the stand from here because of adultery? I encourage everyone reading this to yourself and study Jewish traditions bryllyps on serious sites. There you will see that when they pledged themselves were the "husband and wife" and calculate for. They were bound and betrothed to each other, but they were not yet become one flesh, it was the first when they were married, they are one until death do them. We read further in the Jewish wedding tradition that only things like. shown the woman was not a virgin and so was the basis for and break with her when they were betrothed. And this is what Jesus addresses in Matthew 19.9. Therefore, Jesus uses the word fornication, not adultery. Notice that Mary and Joseph were engaged, they were under the trolovelstiden before marriage when Mary was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Joseph called her husband in Norwegian Bibles and it will be even better in English Bibles and in the original text that we see in the second verse under here. Matt 1:19 "Joseph, her husband, who was righteous and did not want to mock her, then divorce her quietly. 20 And when he had decided that showed an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David! Do not be afraid to take Mary home to you as your wife. "Matt 1 19 "Then Joseph here husband, being a just man, and not willing two make here a publick example, was minded two put here away privily."
Did you get everything here ?. Here we see that they are regarded as husband and wife, before they were finally married, they are here only betrothed to each other to Jewish custom was, but Joseph called here by the Bible itself for her husband. This explains why it is wife of Matthew 19.9, they were, according to Jewish tradition regarded as husband and wife in this period also shows the bible itself here. I urge again and read about Jewish wedding traditions and even see that this is true. Also note the wording "put away", Josef wanted and "put away" Maria when he realized that she was pregnant, they had the not been married and had sex. There is no divorce in Matthew 19.9, it says "put away", and that's what they did if they broke the betrothal. This too will be able to read about on sites that deal with Jewish wedding traditions. "Put away" is not divorce, there is a break in trolovelstiden, due to infidelity, loss of virginity, etc..
The Hebrew word "shalach" in the Greek text which translates to "put away" means separation, go apart, split up, etc., but that does not and has never meant divorce in marriage, ever. The Bible does not use the word for divorce even once. What is interesting is that Jesus himself was accused of and have been born in fornication. So that His mother, Mary, would have been amazing in betrothal since she was pregnant: John 8: 40 "But ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth he has heard from God. It did not Abraham. 41 You do what your father did. "" We are not born of fornication, "they said. "We have one Father: God." 42 Jesus answered, "If God were your Father, you would love me."
John8 40 "But now ye seek to kill me, a man That hath told you the truth, wooden I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. Ye do the deeds of your father. Then They said two him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
Here we see in both Norwegian and English bible, they bully Jesus, and be born of fornication. We are not born of fornication they say to him in a sarcastic way. But again, the problem with Norwegian that it is the same word for adultery before marriage and adultery. However, in English and in the original text, the Bible is clear here what it is talking about, it talks about fornication we see right over here. Jesus is accused of and be born in fornication, that infidelity during betrothal to her mother. It is this kind of adultery, Jesus confronts Matt 19.9, there is no infidelity in a marriage, then it would been adultery, not fornication, and it would have been divorce does not put away. So by interpreting and P Matt 19.9, many deluded and think here is one exception to this divorce and gjengifting, but it is not true, and the result is that many people unfortunately live in adultery and think that everything is fine. This is when too strictly, God can not be said so many. He really demands that I should live alone the rest of your life shown I get divorced? Yes that is what God's word says, then he shall either live alone or be reunited with the one married. Do not go there now, so go there maybe later, God will help and restore all damaged marriage shown we do not have to He, everything is possible with God.
But check this is too hard of God and ask for such a thing, what about everyone else who must make major Offringa and live in harmony with God's word and will? Shown example. two gays are being saved, read the Bible and understand that this is contrary to God's will, they have two choices. Either continue to live like this and reject God's word, or add it to God, ask for forgiveness and turn away from that life. They can not ask God for forgiveness also continue in sin, forgiveness is by repentance from sin, the Bible teaches.
Two cohabitants can not continue living together if they are saved and know God's word, they must turn away from this life. This is important, so important that John the Baptist gave his head for this, he was beheaded after having warned against illegal gjengifting. It does thankfully we do, but here it is important to have clear voice when God's word is very clear about what is happening shown we break this. One of the Ten Commandments says that we should not commit adultery, and it is the Ten Commandments we all shall be judged, it shows the importance of and get this right. (end of quote).
Final Comment:
The fact that your spouse or you are cheating or otherwise fails is a great and terrible infringement. But there are also many other areas in our lives that we have to work with. To be a good and devoted spouse. The most important thing for a believer is to begin to walk with God - Enoch.
BO H. Clausen has written something about Enoch that I bring to the end. For the secret of all good in the Christian life and life in general is to walk with God, almost hand in hand. That's what it says about Enoch in the text because he and God walked so close to each other as a married couple.
Begin walking with God!
Enoch walked with God, and then he was gone, for God took him. (1 Gen. 5:24) The fifth chapter of Genesis contains Adams pedigree. Here we find a number of names, and only two of them said specifically something good. It's Noah, the man who God called to build an ark of salvation for life on earth, and Enoch.
Enoch was a prophet who walked with God. Judas, the brother of Jesus, wrote of him: Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these people and said, "Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints, To execute judgment on all, to convict all ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed on the show, and for all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against Him. "(Jude 1.14 to 15)
Enoch, that the seventh after Adam, the first prophet of doom. He looked through the ages and into the future termination. He saw the judgment that the Lord would trap all the wicked of the earth. During the time he lived, a time that was filled with more and more evil, he was a prophet who preached God judge sin.
I do not think that this man was a popular person, and perhaps people interested in killing him. We know not, but it might not be that hard to imagine. It was in any case so that Enoch "only" lived 365 years! When God completed His life on earth, not by letting him die, but when he was caught up into heaven alive.
Today we live in a time where we do well to heed Enoch. It should be imperative for us to walk with God. Then we can be sure that God will take care of us. He accepts namely personal responsibility for his walk with. How are you? Have you started to walk with God? It can easily do by turn to Jesus in prayer, tell Him that you are a sinner and that you need His forgiveness. Then he will be a part of your life, and you can begin to walk with Him. For a little more than ten years ago I started to walk with God. At the same time, he began to talk to me, and I had the pleasure of serving Him. There have been a few good years, and I also recommend you to do this. Then, when you walk with Him, you will not get lost. He will guide you to your destination.
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