Friday, May 28, 2010

today Gracie is two


Two years ago today….

Grazia Marie joined our family.
This was 5 seconds after she was born.


She was so teeny.
Just a few minutes old.

I love how little she looks in Steve’s arms.

Happy Birthday Gracie Marie!


Sophie loved you from day one.
Look how happy she was to finally meet you!


And Mia was your second Mommy.
Always taking care of you and concerned for your happiness.
At three years old she would hold you in her arms and just stare.
And smile.

Almost 6 months old. 
Blowing bubbles.


One year old!
My cupcake cutie.


18 months.
Loving life.


And today!
A crazy happy and fun two year old who makes our Haus of Girls complete.

I love you Gracie girl.
Happy Birthday!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

bye bye bunny teeth


The ultra-loose bunny teeth that Mia has been sporting for several weeks have left the building.


Two Sundays ago the time came.
Here is a picture before the tooth pulling began.


Mia working on those teeth.
She was so brave and was determined to get them out.
Since her two new teeth were already coming in behind the baby teeth,
the four front teeth needed to return to two as soon as possible.


Sophie and Daddy helped cheer her on!

Mia finally allowed Daddy to give it a try. (After a lot of bribery.)
He pulled one out and in the process loosened the other one a lot more.
So Mia just grabbed it and pulled it out herself.
Right in front of me!
I was so proud of her.


Yay Mia!
Her current total: 4 baby teeth GONE.


Here is the after shot. Adorable.
She must have stared in the mirror for 45 minutes after the memorable event.
I think she was even in shock for a bit, giggling like I’ve never seen before.
She had to share the news with Grandpa, who nicknamed her bunny teeth in the first place.
So we hopped in the ‘Burban and headed over to Mimo and Grandpa’s for a Sunday night BBQ.

Bye Bye Bunny Teeth.
Bye Bye to my little girl.
Hello to my BIG teeth girl.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In Case You Missed It

Sunday, for the Regional Championship game against Notre Dame,
my sister Maggie, who plays for Michigan, hit not one, but TWO BOMBS!

I found these said BOMBS on You Tube.
Some random put them on there.
And I thank him for doing so because
we were unable to make the trip this weekend. 
However I was still able to see them live and up close.
All thanks to Mr. You Tube Man.

Check them out….. Number one.

And number two.

So awesome.
What’s even more awesome, is that with this win, Michigan moves on to the Super Regionals…. aka the SWEET 16!
The final 16 softball teams left playing in the country!

Super Regionals will be this Thursday and Friday in Michigan.
Guess who’s packing up the family again and heading up there?
Yes we are!

If you can’t join us, please watch on ESPN if you are in the mood for some stellar softball.

Michigan will take on Tennessee Thursday at 6:30 pm Central Time on ESPN and again Friday at 3:30 pm Central Time on Friday on ESPNU.

Let me know if you get the chance to catch the games.
Look for me in the front row bleachers in right center field.
I will be waving at you.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Women Food and God

No matter how sophisticated or wealthy or broke or enlightened
you are, how you eat tells all.
If you suffer about your relationship with food — you eat
too much or too little, think about what you will eat
constantly or try not to think about it at all — you can be free.
Just look down at your plate. The answers are there.
Don't run. Look.
Because when we welcome what we most want to avoid,
we contact the part of ourselves that is fresh and alive.
We touch the life we truly want and evoke divinity itself.

The author of this book, Geneen Roth, was on Oprah a few weeks ago.
I tivo Oprah everyday.
Sometimes I watch. Sometimes I don't.
Several nights ago, at 12:20 am, I watched.

It was extremely interesting to hear her perspective about why we all eat.
Emotionally trying to fill something.
For me, whenever I'm stressed, overwhelmed or feeling like I can't catch up,
I can be found eating pretzels like it's my job.

But, everything, in my opinion, stems from our childhood and how we have evolved into the person we are today.
Each of us having our our own unique personality.
No two people are alike in how we react to life's triggers.
We are uniquely effected by the things happening around us.

I am excited to read this book to further examine ways I can achieve
my main goal in life: to live a long happy life with no regrets.
Because I do not want to spend my life worrying about food.
Feeling guilty.

I want to enjoy my life to the fullest.
Not worry day to day about how I should not eating certain foods.
But simply make more conscious choices towards living as healthy and happy as possible.
I will continue to live each day putting my family first, and living a healthy lifestyle.

I do not want to look in the mirror when I'm 80 and realize
that I wasted one single day in my 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's or 70's
thinking I was not good enough, skinny enough or ANYTHING enough.

Because I can guarantee, that my 80 year old self would tell my
30 year old self the following......

"Dear thirty year old Marta,
You are perfect just the way you are.
Keep taking care of yourself.
You look like a MODEL compared to how you look now at 80.
All the little things that you may stress out about now mean NOTHING.
I can tell you, that you will never regret not having passed one more test,
not winning one more game, or closing one more deal. You will not regret making more
money to have that new pair of shoes, a new outfit or a new car.

You will only regret........
More time not spent with your parents and the chance to learn something new.
More talks with your husband because he has a way of making you feel special.
And not having more hugs from your three little girls who look up to you more than you'll ever know.
You can never get this time back so live life to the fullest each and everyday!"

I want to continue to feel blessed to have this body that God
gave me and continue to keep it healthy for a long happy life.
Appreciating myself for being me.

And food should not be what I turn to when I'm bored or feel stressed.
But something that fuels my life toward peace, happiness and love.
Love for my family.
My husband.
My three daughters.
My parents and my three sisters.

Have any of you read this book?
If you have, I'd love to hear your thoughts about it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

as seen on TV


A few years ago, my mom bought each one of my three sisters
and I the “Vidalia Chop Wizard.” 
My life has never been the same since.

If you do not own this crazy awesome kitchen accessory, that my family has nicknamed “the alligator,” you are truly missing out.

This, as seen on TV product, is truly my best friend in the kitchen.
I use it almost everyday.


Go get yourself one today.
Even better, grab one for a friend!
It makes a great gift.
Especially if they like to make the…

Happy Chopping!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

To Michigan and Back in 48 hours

Two Fridays ago, Mother’s Day weekend, we backed out of our driveway at 7:45 pm.
We arrived at the “farm” (my mom’s high school friend, Linda, kindly lets us stay at her adorable farm house) in Ann Arbor, Michigan on Saturday morning around 3:30 am our time.
4:30 am Michigan time.
Almost 8 hours of straight driving.
We stopped only once.


Gracie had some quality time her best friends Ducky (on top of her head) and Kitty.
This picture was taken as we approached the farm at 3:30 am.
Why on Earth was she up?


Saturday arrived, and after all 5 of us slept, we tailgated!
And let me add that it was frigid.
Not the, “I’m a big wimp when it comes to cold, frigid.”
But legitimately FRIGID. Like 40 degrees with some major winds.
I may or may not have wanted to cry like 12 times.


Mia showing off her Michigan nails that Aunt Maggie painted earlier in the day.


Adie and Haley tailgating in their pink for the 7 pm breast cancer awareness game.


Before the game, my sister Maggie was announced for Senior Day and was lit up on the big scoreboard. 
The girls LOVED this!

mags senior day smile

Right before walking out onto the field for Senior Day.
My mom and dad escorted her out.


mags senior day field smile

Cute pose in her pink jersey.

mags senior day tears

Then the tears.

mags senior day tears 1

Thank goodness I did not witness this as it was happening.
(I stole a few of these pictures from my sister


Let the game begin!
Our view from the front row in the outfield.
Their stadium is phenomenal.


Mia Adeleigh.
All smiles rooting on Aunt Maggie.


Sophie was loving the game.
Not loving the cold 100 mile an hour winds.


However, a snack of some “popped maize” helped them forget about the cold weather for a bit.

mags senior day pink

My sister Maggie, up to bat!
Go #15!


A family shot.
$20 if you can find Gracie’s eyes?

 mags senior day ads poster

After the game my family headed to their clubhouse and grabbed some of Maggie’s very own Michigan softball posters.

My dad may or may not have gotten an entire stack of them.
He’s practically a celebrity.


mags senior day signing

Speaking of celebrities…..Maggie signed a few autographs after the game.


mags senior day jersey

And her jersey sold in the auction for $850.00 to a local doctor.
My sister Haley was sad to find out she got out-bid by him!

mags senior day with gracie 

After the game at the “train” restaurant.
Maggie & Gracie (no comments on the fact she looks like a boy in this picture! She ripped out her pigtails!)



Sunday arrived and we drove another hour over to Michigan State’s campus.
The girls helped Mimo & Grandpa walk the dogs before the game!


At the field Mia practiced her softball skills before watching Aunt Maggie’s game.


Gracie in her “Viefhaus” shirt that Haley’s husband Jimmy had made for our whole family to cheer on Maggie.
Our last name is Viefhaus & is pronounced V-House.
So creative!


Mia and Sophie in their shirts.


The girls collected helicopter seeds during the game.
Free entertainment at it’s best!


Aunt Adie reading to Gracie.


After the Michigan win, Sophie sees Aunt Maggie on her way over to us.


Gracie loves her Aunt Maggie.  


After a fun-filled weekend of togetherness we were back on the road again………
This picture was taken within 5 minutes of leaving the field.


Sunday night at 11 pm we finally arrived back home.

One of my favorite neighbors, and the main reason why we are able to road trip, as they take care of our dogs when we’re gone, left this Mother’s Day surprise on my counter to welcome me home!

The most beautiful flowers I’ve ever seen.
A brownie and a glass of red wine.
Are you kidding me?

The perfect ending to a perfect Mother’s Day weekend!
Thank you Jar Family!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Flip Flop Revamp

My five year old, Mia, really adores horses.
The kind you find on a farm.
She also loves another kind of horse.
The Sea Horse.
She does not discriminate.

So I decided to revamp some plain old blue flip flops into some stellar Sea Horse beauties!


 I just covered some big buttons with this fun Sea Horse fabric.
Hot glued them onto the flip flops.


And voila! 
Mia now has some fun & funky flips flops to “prance” around in.

Can I please give a Holla! to the inventor of hot glue?


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