Raymond talks over the lessons learned from the past and tells us how they're constantly refining their processes and technology to bring us new games STATIC: Investigator Training and Morning's Wrath 2, both powered by EDI's first-party engine technology Selenite.
Can you tell me a little about how was EDI Founded?
Morning's Wrath
Was Morning's Wrath EDI's first game
Members of GameDev.net first became aware of EDI way back
in 2005 when you released Morning's Wrath...
Where did the idea for Morning's Wrath come
How well was Morning's Wrath received by critics and
Are you still selling Morning's Wrath?
How well is it doing for an "old" game?
How many people were involved with the development of
Morning's Wrath and who did what at the time?
What lessons did you learn from the development of
Morning's Wrath?
After Morning's Wrath, what did EDI games do next
- did you take a break, plow headlong into your next game, or...?
Lost City of Malathedra
What inspired the idea behind this game, as it's so
different in theme to the original Morning's Wrath?
Did you use the same team to create Lost City?
Did you carry any ideas, lessons or feedback forward from
the development of Morning's Wrath into Lost City?
Did you use the same engine?
The Present
How many people are involved in EDI now and what are their
EDI have just released STATIC: Investigator training
- can you tell us more about this game?
What's the game about? What's the story?
Where did the idea come from?
STATIC uses Motion-captured footage of live actors in the
game - can you explain how this came about? Why did you depart from using hand drawn/rendered images to using video footage?
Did you face any special challenges when doing the game in
this way?
Would you develop a game with this idea and style
Who was involved in the creation of STATIC?
You're developing your new Selenite Engine/Editor
- have you always developed your own engines?
Why make your own engine?
Do you use any third party technology in your
What features does Selenite have?
What does Selenite do that your other engines
What challenges have you had to overcome whilst developing
Would you licence out Selenite for other developers?
Describe the process of developing a typical EDI game, how
do you start?
EDI games are RPG focussed, what is it that excites you
about RPG games?
Which games - past and present - inspire you
to make the games you do?
How important do you think the story is in your
Does story come first, second or is it developed
hand-in-hand with the gameplay?
Your games often focus around one or a few select
characters, how much time do you put into the background, dialog and development of these characters in the development process?
How do you test your ideas, stories and gameplay before
committing to them full-time?
Once you're past the "fun" bit of
development, how do you go about polishing the games and seeing them through to completion?
When you started EDI games, did you intend to self-publish
your games?
How important are digital distribution channels to an
indie studio like EDI? Which channels do you currently use and what are planning to use?
Does being an indie studio give you the ability to do
things that the larger studios aren't able to?
Does being an indie studio offer any special challenges
that other larger studios don't face?
How much of your personal finance goes into EDI? Is EDI a
full-time venture to you?
Have you been subject to piracy as an Indie
How did you detect it?
Did you attempt to prevent it?
The future
Morning's Wrath 2 is in development -
what's the game about this time around?
How does it differ to Morning's Wrath?
Do you have anything you'd like to say about
Morning's Wrath 2, the development of it, the lessons learned from previous games and anything you're proud of about the new game?
When's Morning's Wrath 2 due to be
What plans do you have to jump into the realm of online
games, social media and microtransactions - the "hot topics" in game development?
What are your thoughts of the future of EDI games -
what platforms will you work with, what ideas are you wanting to explore?
Wrapping Up
What role has GameDev.net provided to you during your time
as a member there?
What resources do you recommend for developers such as
Are there any resources you'd wish existed for
developers like yourself?
Finally, do you have any advice or information you'd
like to pass on to game developers based on your experiences so far?
You can catch up with the latest news and buy their games by visiting their website or by following Raymond and EDI Games on Twitter @EDIGames. Developers interested in licensing EDI's Selenite engine can contact EDI via email at Raymond@EDIGames.com