Latest NVIDIA Activity
NVidia “GEForce Now”, the cloud gaming service, is kind of strange. They take free to play games and put them on their servers, often without asking the publisher. Most of the news about GEForce Now is about publishers demanding their games be taken down.
How does the other side work, though? What i…
@noizex I would like the program to somehow do it itself, and not the user to change the settings. So in general you cannot install the Nvidia driver and there will be no overlay either :/
Learn how to render ray-traced colored shadows in Unity to give a unique tint to the style of your game. Real-time ray-tracing will do this for you.
[For better formating, read the original blog post here]
The Goal: Level Up Your Visuals
Attempt #1: Semi-Transparent Colored Material
NVIDIA has announced Nsight Graphics 2020.2, adding a number of features that expand functionality for Vulkan and making improvements to developer workflows for Microsoft Visual Studio users.
Features include:
- GPU Trace for Vulkan based applications, making it now possible to get primary and seconda…
NVIDIA has shared their SIGGRAPH 2019 presentation on Material Definition Language (MDL), a technology developed to define physically based materials for rendering solutions. In the talk, NVIDIA’s Lutz Kettner and Jan Jordan present how MDL can be used to match the appearance of a single mater…