Latest directx12 Activity
I want to copy a small two-dimensional output from a compute shader into a one-dimensional readback buffer. However, when I run it, the program crashes.
@Juliean Thank you this is useful. It has changed my way of thinking and approaching my engine.
Room 8 Group’s Game Development team for PC & Console (Dragons Lake), has made its innovative Render Engine Infrastructure (REI) tool available as an open-source solution. Initially developed to transform game porting, development, and preservation, REI is the result of tireless work carried ou…
Maybe this is part of the problem:
float3 va = normalize(float3(size.xy, s21 - s01));
float3 vb = normalize(float3(size.yx, s12 - s10));
float3 localNormal = float3(cross(va, vb) / 2 + 0.5f);
You forgot to normalize the final normal, while normalizing the two tangents isn't needed. So it should be:
Earlier this year, Collabora announced a new project with Microsoft: the implementation of OpenCL & OpenGL to DirectX translation layers. Here's the latest on this work, including the steps taken to improve the performance of the OpenGL-On-D3D12 driver.