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AABB moving player outside the colliding AABB

gregory2 said:
The way I learned to do this was by stepping the player one direction at a time, and checking collision between each of those steps. You start by moving the player horizontally by their horizontal velocity, and then check for collision. If there's a collision, you step back horizontal…

How does SWEPT AABB collision work in 3D space with objects of different sizes?

In the case of small round objects (bullets, hand grenades, etc) here's what I did:

  • Rather than a true AABB, i used a structure like this
  • XMFLOAT3 vCenter
  • float XScalar, float YScalar, float ZScalar
  • This gives you the center of AABB, and then three vectors that can be stretched on each axis (X,Y,Z). …


    Thanks for your answer! I love the diagrams, seems like it should work. However in the meantime I came up with a different approach entirely. Instead of “clipping" the AABB I realized I could move each face along its axis until it touches the plane. so basically in pseudocode:

    for each face in AABB:…

    How to create a (center & extent/radius) AABB of an AABB rotated a quaternion?

    I'm currently using the code below, from the Real-Time Collision Detection book, which seems to work correctly but use a 3x3 matrix. Is there a way to avoid the matrix conversion and rotate the AABB directly using the…
