Kandria - GameDev.net


A 2D hack and slash platformer

by Shinmera



As humanity advanced and developed technology to ever greater heights, the singularity was finally within reach: an accidental discovery lead to fully sentient androids being developed and deployed around the world. However, soon after a great catastrophe struck; in a calamity that spanned the entire globe, almost everything was wiped out. Sprawling cities reduced to dust and rubble, huge facilities wiped from the face of the planet, and humanity on the brink of extinction.

A few decades after the calamity occurred, some sparse settlements have started to re-appear. Building small towns out of the ashes of once grand cities, fixing and repurposing anything that could be salvaged, survivors have tried their best to re-build a somewhat comfortable life. On one of their expeditions into the large catacombs of the destroyed city they have made their home out of, they stumbled upon an inactive android shell. Miraculously, it appeared largely undamaged, just shut off into safety mode, most likely lying there deep under the earth ever since the calamity had struck. As luck would have it, they manage to re-activate the android and bring it out of its sleep.

You awake in a dark chamber, lit up only by a few flash lights, one of them glaring directly into your face. As your systems perform their safety checks you slowly get up from the ground, a headache like no other pounding on your head. This is where your story begins.

The project is still in its infancy at the moment, and most of its design is not yet solid. However, I am actively working on the game every week, and will try to post updates to outline the development of the game.

Over Summer I did a lot of daily development streams of the game, which you can find on YouTube.

The game is currently open source on GitHub.

I also sometimes post new screenshots and short updates on Twitter.

Finally, you can join the discussion on Discord.

Last updated June 06, 2021
In Development
Release Date
February 01, 2023