FES - Retro Game Framework is Free until March 13th

Published March 08, 2018 (updated March 08, 2018 11:34 PM)

FES Retro Game Framework is on a 100% sale on the Unity Asset Store until March 13th!

FES is a retro pixel game framework, built on top of Unity. It aims to create an ideal, low friction framework for making pixel-perfect retro games from the early 90s era. FES takes advantage of the portability, and the ease of deployment that Unity provides, but does away with the Unity Editor interface in favour of a traditional game loop, and code-only development.


  • Pixel perfect rendering
  • RGB and Indexed color mode, with palette swapping support
  • Primitive shape rendering, lines, rectangles, ellipses, pixels
  • Multi-layered tilemaps with TMX file support
  • Rendering to and from offscreen surfaces with custom sizes
  • Text rendering, with text alignment, overflow settings, and custom pixel font support
  • Clipping
  • Custom shader support
  • Sound and Music APIs
  • Simplified Input handling
  • Optional wide and tall pixel support
  • Post processing and transition effects, such as scanlines, screen wipes, screen shake, fade, pixelate and more
  • Supports an amazing variety of platforms, courtesy of Unity

A live WebGL demo of FES can be found at: https://pixeltrollgames.itch.io/fes

FES can be found on the Unity Asset Store here: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/102064 


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Retro Game Framework is a great idea. I have been looking for something like it for a while, and this is the best option I have found so far. I'm not going to say much about it, but if you want to know more about the framework, go ahead and check out the site! You should try this Clean VR for best VR. It's a very nice framework for creating retro games and it has lots of features which make it more desirable than other similar frameworks.

October 25, 2022 08:20 AM
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