
C Interface Library

Started by October 05, 2024 10:41 AM
0 comments, last by rbdr 3 hours, 31 minutes ago

Hello Angelscripters,

This link seems to be misleading, I believe?
(Assuming c-lib is not a part of official sources any more)

However I've found an outdated version of CLib and updated it to the current. It was some 2.36 version at the time, but it works with the latest engine currently (2.37.0).

I use it with C++, but also with Pascal (I wrote a shallow unit for it, the CLib builds as a shared lib and binds dynamically - for the moment on Windows/Mac only). Of course there are some ABI use rules/limitations when working with Pascal, but it is mostly solvable. It also has a functional ‘string’ module.

The original C interface was expanded a bit, but also in a shallow manner (only add what I needed).

I wonder if this should be placed on a public repository.

