
New Dark Fantasy/Soulslike ARPG for dev

Started by November 03, 2023 03:38 PM
2 comments, last by Egregious2222 11 months ago

I have been working on an IP for over 15 years, and I believe it would make a blockbuster ARPG in the soulslike genre. It incorporates a totally original way of handling “magic” and all the game systems (economy, skills, quests, and others) are all mapped through. There are 4 starting races, 12 classes, 8 possible endings and a guarantee that players will be invested for NG+ as well as multiple playthroughs on different characters to explore all the available content. We have a business model focused on bringing new content to the franchise and retaining player interest for many years. We also have a profitability model for sustaining the title enriching any studio that develops the game. I have a 10 minute pitch if anyone is interested. I have already engaged with Ubisoft and Neowiz but no agreements have been made yet. Thank you for your time.

@egregious2222 : Since you were not asking a game design-related question but rather telling us that you have a business proposal, I've moved your post from the Game Design and Theory forum to the Games Business and Law forum.

Be advised that our hobbyist game devs are not going to buy your concept, so it's pretty useless to advertise your proposal here. So you've already pitched to two publishers. That's pretty good. Most publishers don't accept outside submissions, as I wrote in my articles about how to pitch to publishers (articles 11 and 21 at Since nobody here is going to buy your concept, and it's unlikely that any genuine takers will see your post here, what can we help you with?

If you are trying to recruit a team of volunteers to work unpaid to make your game for you (maybe for a future share of royalties), you can recruit in our Hobby Project Classifieds forum. Just click the Forums link in the nav bar at left, then click Browse. You'll find HPC under the Community heading. Good luck with your concept.

-- Tom Sloper --


It looks increasingly like I will end up doing the dev myself. Thank you for the article link and the insight. I'll check back in when I have something playable.

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