
Writer / World Designer looking for a start

Started by April 29, 2023 06:35 PM
4 comments, last by IrisIsntHere 1 year, 1 month ago

Just a hobbyist Writer/World Designer looking for any upcoming projects to work on, would love to get my foot in the door in terms of video game writing; whether it be dialogue, lore, or basic story structuring. I am also open to giving advice and/or providing critique on your projects!

(Would really prefer smaller projects!)

(To clarify) I am NOT asking for payment, just proper credit and experience in the field!


Moved to Hobby Project Classifieds. This is where people look for projects, or for people to help them with their projects.

-- Tom Sloper --


Do you have a portfolio / samples of your work?

if not, get that online ASAP…

'if so, please share, so we can evaluate your writing style and skills.

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My New Book!:

Is the search still valid?

I'm working on a game as a hobby for my own amusement. I plan to make it free and open source and anybody can use it. I plan that anybody can create content for it (quests, animations, music, effects, ...) or modify the game.

I made a demonstration quest. The video can be viewed here:

The game mechanics are similar to Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden and Miasma Chronicle. This is an RPG game with real-time and turn-based parts. I assign an important role to RPG and narrative elements. The game's working title is SapphireMage (different story → different title, of course). I implemented the demo mission in the world of Stranger Things, but to avoid legal problems, i don't want to use these references.

There is still a lot to be repaired and developed on the game, but in order to make it open and for others to work with it, the story, the characters, ... the legally problematic contents must be replaced.

I would like a whole new world, new stories and new quests. I have some ideas, but they are still quite hazy, they haven't come together as a whole. I'm asking for your help with this.

Everything can be shaped freely, nothing is set in stone. The visual style can also be adjusted.

I'm not a professional game developer, I learned the tools used while developing the game. I'm developing the game in Unity (c#), 3D designing with Blender, making animation in Blender and Unity UmotionPro. I haven't had time to deal with audio yet.

Implemented parts: real-time mode, turn-based mode, inventory system, camera system, dialogue system, quest system.

If you are interested in world create, storytelling and mission writing, search for details.


@trufiadok I’d love to get in touch And see what I can do! Feel free to add me on discord! IrisIsntHere#6510


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