About me:
Hi! I am a passionate programmer and game developer. I am also an undergrad. student for a CS degree. I have 4 years of experience with programming and game development and have made a bunch of stuff during that time. I have published games and some programming-related things.
My drawback is that I can only create "programmer art" (bad art :D).
Some of my published work: https://panagiotisiatrou.wordpress.com/portfolio/
What am I looking for:
I am looking for a passionate pixel artist. I have a dozen of game ideas we could discuss. I am also open to discuss game ideas and concepts! I tend to like 8-bit pixel art. Something like https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f9/00/22/f90022abf4d450695693e2bb6a97cd47.gif is perfect.
My Skills:
- Game Development (Published games and participated in game jams)
- App Development
- A bit of experience with AI
- Raspberry Pi's (had a paid job in the past)
- Key programming languages: C, C++, C#, Python, Java, Javascript, p5.js, Dart
You can find me at:
Email: iatrou.panag@gmail.com
Discord: KillersDestiny#6273
Just contact me so that we can team up. I would really like to collaborate and publish games with other people. Profit sharing will be used for published games.