I'm putting together a Discord for the express purpose of exploring the potential of creating a Cyberpunk Cosmic Horror game. Starting out, I need planners. People who can help shape the expectations and requirements of the project. I need writers, idea men and women.
I myself am a writer and a professional game tester with one AAA title released and working on a NDA protected project for Microsoft currently.
At the moment, there is no revenue expectations. If somehow this project gets to a point where we think it's quality enough we may want a cost attached to it. We can discuss rev-sharing or other options at that point. At the moment I believe a free game released to the public to demonstrate skill and scope would be the best option for a hobbyist team.
I welcome writers, musicians, professional testers, engineers, coders, artists, creatives, voice actors. Heck, if you wanna be involved and you truly believe you have something to contribute. Feel free to hit me up with a intro and what you think you can bring to the community and I'll give you a link.
Thanks for reading!