
Khronos Releases Vulkan Unified Samples Repository

Started by October 31, 2019 09:09 PM
2 comments, last by DerTroll 4 years, 11 months ago

The Khronos Group has released the Vulkan Unified Samples Repository, a central location where anyone can access Khronos-reviewed, high-quality Vulkan code samples.

The goals as stated are to:

  • Create a collection of resources that demonstrate best-practice recommendations in Vulkan
  • Create tutorials that explain the implementation of best-practices and include performance analysis guides
  • Create a framework that can be used as reference material and also as a sandbox for advanced experimentation with Vulkan

Currently the tutorials cover the basics of Vulkan, swapchains, pipelines, render passes and render subpasses, command buffers, and AFBC. You can find the samples on Github at

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Admin for

Perfect. I indirectly found three glTF related projects of interest applicable to the previous spec. 

I wish we had public resources like this in the yester-year. Takes time to build it up I suppose.  

edit: we don't want anyone else handling the news :D lol...

Many thanks for sharing the link!

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