
Some Tips for New Solo Indie Developers

Started by September 04, 2019 06:42 PM
0 comments, last by TheFever716 5 years, 1 month ago

Creating a game from scratch is enough of a challenge. It becomes even more taxing when you're the sole person responsible for every aspect of that game. Even, this is your first Steam release.


I’m just about to release Frontline Zed – a 3D strategic topdown zombie shooter – on Steam. I wanted to share some tips that I learnt working on the game for two years fulltime. For background, I don’t have any experience or training in the games industry, but have worked as a product manager in another industry.

Posted on Reddit, u/RichardEast has documented his time developing his first Steam game, Frontline Zed, entirely on their own. In the post, they've compiled five big pieces that they've taken away from being a first-time solo dev and are looking to pass that knowledge around to anybody making their first full release.


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