
Blender 2.8 Released with Redesigned User Interface

Started by July 31, 2019 05:30 AM
1 comment, last by Rutin 5 years, 2 months ago

Sporting a fresh new look, Blender 2.80 has been released with a redesigned user interface that puts the focus on the artwork. A new dark theme and modern icon set were introduced along with a refresh of keyboard, mouse, and tablet interaction. In addition, new templates and workspaces allow artists to get started quickly with tasks and can be customized by the user.

Also introduced is Eevee, a new physically based real-time renderer. It works as a renderer for final frames and the engine driving Blender's realtime viewport for creating assets, including advanced features such as volumetrics, screen-space reflections and refractions, depth of field, and more.

There's a ton more new in the Blender 2.80 release. Check out the release page to learn more and download at

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