Nicholas Frechette has released the Realtime Math v1.0 (RTM) library. RTM is an optimized C++11 math library for realtime applications that spawns out of work for the Animation Compression Library also by Frechette.
Do we need another math library? Frechette believes RTM stands out:
QuoteIt is geared for high performance, deeply hot code. Most functions will end up inlined but the price to pay is an API that is a bit more verbose as a result of being C-style. When the need arises to use intrinsics, it gets out of the way and lets you do your thing. Only two libraries had what I would call optimal inlinability: Realtime Math and DirectX Math. Only those two libraries properly support the __vectorcall calling convention explicitly and only RTM handles GCC and Clang argument passing explicitly.
While it still needs a bit of love, quaternions are a first class citizen and it is the only standalone open source library I could find that supports QVV transforms (a rotation quaternion, a 3d scale vector, and a translation vector).
Realtime Math uses a coding style similar to the C++ standard library and feels clean and natural to read and write.
It consists entirely of C++11 headers, it runs almost everywhere, it supports 64 bit floating point arithmetic, and it sports a very permissive MIT license.
Learn more from the Realtime Math announcement.