
Intel Cancels IDF17

Started by April 17, 2017 06:30 PM
0 comments, last by khawk 7 years, 5 months ago

In an announcement posted on the Intel Developer Forum website, Intel has announced that they have cancelled IDF17 in San Francisco and that the entire IDF program is ending.

Intel has evolved its event portfolio and decided to retire the IDF program moving forward. Thank you for nearly 20 great years with the Intel Developer Forum! Intel has a number of resources available on, including a Resource and Design Center with documentation, software, and tools for designers, engineers, and developers. As always, our customers, partners, and developers should reach out to their Intel representative with questions.

Traditionally IDF has been Intel's event for major product announcements, spanning from CPU to storage and networking products while also helping developers to be aware and get hands-on information on Intel products.

Ian Cutress at AnandTech contacted Intel to ask about the cancellation:

The main reason I was given is that Intel has been changing rapidly over the last two-to-three years, especially as they are changing from a PC-centric company to a data-centric company. With the rise of AI, FPGAs, Optane, IoT, wireless comms, automotive, and the other new areas that Intel is moving into, Intel felt that IDF no longer fills the need when it comes to giving out information. As a result, the decision has been made to find new ways to communicate with the audience (media, developers and companies) and the ecosystem with targeted events. These will be like the recent AI Day or Manufacturing Day, or be connected to partner events, or involve separate geocentric events. So rather than have one big melee on everything, Intel is set to split its message across several different areas in the hope that it accurately digs deep enough into every area. I was told that Intel wants to find a better way to present the experiences in each of the fields, and this is the way to do that.

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