Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
hink And Grow Rich was written in 1937 and sold 70 million books before its author, Napoleon Hill, died in 1970. Who knows how many copies since. Talk about a best seller. It’s still in print.
It’s about the science of personal achievement; the philosophy of success. There’s a lot in it for you.
Andrew Carnegie, the philanthropist of U.S. Steel and Carnegie Hall fame (the BillGates/Warren Buffet of the day), wanted to leave the masses a timeless formula for prosperity. He challenged a young buck, a West Virginia reporter by the name of Napoleon Hill, to research and write it. He didn’t pay Hill – Carnegie just introduced Hill to the players of the time – writers, inventors, business people, presidents, royalty, socialites, clergy, sports & entertainers.
Hill spent 20 years studying the secret of what makes people successful. He identified 17 common principles and wrote a heady book titled The Philosophy of Success. It didn’t sell well, so he modified it as The Science of Personal Achievement. That didn’t do so good, neither.
Napoleon Hill didn’t quit. He condensed it with a catchy cover and a slick title: Think and Grow Rich.
eople wanted to get rich, so they bought up his book and, when everybody started talking about it, they told their friends, who wrote their pen-pals, who dialed-up others, who lettered-the-editor, …
Napoleon Hill spew pure truth. He got it bang-on and his secret has stood the test of time. Read it. Modern updates are available if you can’t handle the male vernacular of the time.
Here’s Napoleon Hill’s 17 principles of success. Think about how they can work into your writing… or whatever you need.
1. Definiteness of Purpose
2. Positive Mental Attitude
3. Self Discipline
4. Personal Initiative
5. Enthusiasm
6. Creative Vision
7. Accurate Thinking
8. Controlled Attention
9. Learning From Adversity and Defeat
10. Maintenance of Sound Health
11. Budgeting Time and Money
12. Pleasing Personality
13. Applied Faith
14. Teamwork
15. Going The Extra Mile
16. Master-Mind
17. Cosmic Habit-Force
These principles are of no particular order, but follow a pattern. To achieve something, you must first conceive what you want – your definite purpose – knowing where you want to go. Then, you must have a positive mental attitude to go with it. In other words – you must believe that you are going to achieve your definite purpose – and then you must build your world around it – using all these principles – especially the mastermind.
read, or re-read, Think And Grow Rich. And I’ve already given you a spoiler… the Napoleon Hill secret is –
Whatever The Mind Can Conceive And Believe, It Can Achieve
Couldn’t those just as well describe a police detective, or an ordered psychopathic killer, or a bilking religious figure or a phone solicitor? I see a lot of things that would apply to too many and a definite lack of guidance in any direction. I really can’t take anything from that…. But that may explain why I’m poor, lol…
Great inspirational post Garry. Thanks for sharing. I’ve long believed a person’s mindset influences their immediate surroundings; we all send out vibrations – why not make them positive. 🙂