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Bonobo Chords

Bonobo Chords

Bonobo is an English musician, producer, and DJ known for his unique blend of electronic music and jazz-influenced instrumentation. He has released several critically acclaimed albums and has become one of the most respected figures in the electronic music scene.

Most Used Chord Combinations:

Bonobo's music is known for its intricate layering of sounds and textures, and his use of chords and harmonies is no exception. Some of the most common chord progressions used in his music include:

  • I - IV - V - IV
  • I - V - vi - IV
  • ii - V - I
  • I - vi - IV - V

Different Albums and Release Year:

Bonobo has released several albums throughout his career, each showcasing his unique style and sound. Some of his most notable albums include:

  • Animal Magic (2000)
  • Dial 'M' for Monkey (2003)
  • Black Sands (2010)
  • The North Borders (2013)
  • Migration (2017)

Most Famous Songs:

Bonobo has produced many successful tracks throughout his career. Some of his most popular and recognizable songs include:

  • "Noctuary" from the album Dial 'M' for Monkey
  • "Kong" from the album Black Sands
  • "Cirrus" from the album The North Borders
  • "Bambro Koyo Ganda" from the album Migration

Bonobo has become a respected figure in the electronic music scene, known for his unique blend of electronic music and jazz-influenced instrumentation. His music often features intricate layering of sounds and textures, with common chord progressions including I-IV-V-IV and ii-V-I. He has released several critically acclaimed albums, including Animal Magic, Black Sands, and Migration, and has produced many successful tracks such as "Noctuary", "Kong", "Cirrus", and "Bambro Koyo Ganda".

26328 jam sessions
Bonobo - Kerala (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - Kerala (Official Audio)
Bonobo - Kerala (Official Audio)
6264 jam sessionschords: E♭ᵐᵃʲ⁷CₘGₘDₘ
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Bonobo - 'Black Sands' (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - 'Black Sands' (Official Audio)
Bonobo - 'Black Sands' (Official Audio)
2821 jam sessionschords: A♭ᵐᵃʲ⁷CₘFₘB♭
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Bonobo - Break Apart (feat. Rhye) (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - Break Apart (feat. Rhye) (Official Audio)
Bonobo - Break Apart (feat. Rhye) (Official Audio)
1718 jam sessionschords: AₘB♭ᵐᵃʲ⁷Fᵐᵃʲ⁷F
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Bonobo - Cirrus (Official Video) chords
Bonobo - Cirrus (Official Video)
Bonobo - Cirrus (Official Video)
1683 jam sessionschords: GₘDₘB♭C
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Bonobo - First Fires (feat. Grey Reverend) (Official Video) chords
Bonobo - First Fires (feat. Grey Reverend) (Official Video)
Bonobo - First Fires (feat. Grey Reverend) (Official Video)
1134 jam sessionschords: CₘA♭ᵐᵃʲ⁷A♭Fₘ
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Bonobo - No Reason (feat. Nick Murphy) (Official Video) chords
Bonobo - No Reason (feat. Nick Murphy) (Official Video)
Bonobo - No Reason (feat. Nick Murphy) (Official Video)
1048 jam sessionschords: FₘCₘD♭ᵐᵃʲ⁷C
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Bonobo - Stay the Same ft Andreya chords
Bonobo - Stay the Same ft Andreya
Bonobo - Stay the Same ft Andreya
944 jam sessionschords: C♯ₘG♯ₘEᵐᵃʲ⁷G♯
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Bonobo - Silver chords
Bonobo - Silver
Bonobo - Silver
926 jam sessionschords: BₘF♯ₘBₘ⁷F♯ₘ⁷
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Bonobo - Kiara chords
Bonobo - Kiara
Bonobo - Kiara
773 jam sessionschords: B♭ₘG♭ᵐᵃʲ⁷E♭ₘ⁷E♭ₘ
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Bonobo - Migration (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - Migration (Official Audio)
Bonobo - Migration (Official Audio)
494 jam sessionschords: G♭ᵐᵃʲ⁷D♭ᵐᵃʲ⁷E♭ₘ⁷B♭ₘ⁷
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Bonobo - Kong chords
Bonobo - Kong
Bonobo - Kong
423 jam sessionschords: EF♯ₘBC♯ₘ
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Bonobo - Linked (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - Linked (Official Audio)
Bonobo - Linked (Official Audio)
346 jam sessionschords: F♯ᵐᵃʲ⁷D♯ₘ⁷D♯ₘF♯
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Bonobo - Eyesdown (Sasha Remix) chords
Bonobo - Eyesdown (Sasha Remix)
Bonobo - Eyesdown (Sasha Remix)
346 jam sessionschords: CGDEₘ
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Bonobo - Walk In The Sky (Feat. Bajka) chords
Bonobo - Walk In The Sky (Feat. Bajka)
Bonobo - Walk In The Sky (Feat. Bajka)
333 jam sessionschords: DGₘB♭F
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Bonobo - Days To Come (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - Days To Come (Official Audio)
Bonobo - Days To Come (Official Audio)
287 jam sessionschords: AₘEₘDC
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Bonobo - Second Sun (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - Second Sun (Official Audio)
Bonobo - Second Sun (Official Audio)
279 jam sessionschords: F♯ₘAC♯ₘF♯ₘ
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Bonobo - Figures (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - Figures (Official Audio)
Bonobo - Figures (Official Audio)
81 jam sessionschords: D♯ₘ⁷F♯G♯D♯ₘ
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Bonobo - Samurai (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - Samurai (Official Audio)
Bonobo - Samurai (Official Audio)
75 jam sessionschords: B♭ₘFₘB♭D♭
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Bonobo - Flashlight (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - Flashlight (Official Audio)
Bonobo - Flashlight (Official Audio)
72 jam sessionschords: Fᵐᵃʲ⁷AₘDₘF
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Bonobo - Bambro Koyo Ganda (feat. Innov Gnawa) (Official Video) chords
Bonobo - Bambro Koyo Ganda (feat. Innov Gnawa) (Official Video)
Bonobo - Bambro Koyo Ganda (feat. Innov Gnawa) (Official Video)
197 jam sessionschords: E♭ₘB♭ₘA♭A♭ₘ
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Bonobo - Shadows (feat Jordan Rakei) (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - Shadows (feat Jordan Rakei) (Official Audio)
Bonobo - Shadows (feat Jordan Rakei) (Official Audio)
193 jam sessionschords: E♭ₘBᵐᵃʲ⁷D♭Bₘ
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Bonobo - Nightlite (Featuring Bajka) chords
Bonobo - Nightlite (Featuring Bajka)
Bonobo - Nightlite (Featuring Bajka)
193 jam sessionschords: DₘCFAₘ⁷
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Bonobo - Tides (feat. Jamila Woods) (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - Tides (feat. Jamila Woods) (Official Audio)
Bonobo - Tides (feat. Jamila Woods) (Official Audio)
189 jam sessionschords: EₘGCᵐᵃʲ⁷Aₘ
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Bonobo - Eyesdown Feat. Andreya Triana chords
Bonobo - Eyesdown Feat. Andreya Triana
Bonobo - Eyesdown Feat. Andreya Triana
188 jam sessionschords: EₘBₘGA
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Bonobo - Sapphire (Official Audio) chords
Bonobo - Sapphire (Official Audio)
Bonobo - Sapphire (Official Audio)
171 jam sessionschords: GₘCₘE♭C
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Bonobo - Emkay chords
Bonobo - Emkay
Bonobo - Emkay
54 jam sessionschords: BₘEₘEₘ⁷G
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